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About baumettes

  • Birthday 05/25/1953

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  1. Hi Igor

    Does the address of le pre beta has changed? ( http://files.wnsoft.com/test/900alpha/picturestoexe-setup.exe  )

    I can't access to it.



    1. baumettes


      Sorry, it's good now

    2. lapiovra


      Do you know why the license key of PTE 8 is not working for PTE 9 beta?

  2. I use it sometime to add some informations about the show.
  3. Thank you, Lin for your Xmas greeting and your interest for Diapositif forum. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
  4. Hi Igor If the installation can be done on at least 2 pc, where is the protection against piracy, in other words how does this activation work if you don't read any informations? Will you have a database with MAC addresses or something like that, nevertheless?
  5. Hello Igor What happens if we have pte running on 2 pc at home?
  6. Igor Signed and unsigned versions start instantly the installation on my PC W7 64b with MSE antivirus. Regards Eric
  7. Hi Lin, what a cabin! I would have liked to see you in a armchair watching the TV ! The snow is very realistic !
  8. Hi Jean I am happy to find your AV here. This story is sad and should make us ponder during the Christmas time. The story makes us forget the technical prowess !
  9. Hi Aginum Excellent trip, but is it really a surprise with your pte microlight? Around the world, departure and arrival in your garden, what could be better? Eric
  10. Thank you for your kind appreciation of the French forums. We try to answer as best as possible to members' questions and to present quality AV shows. Best wishes for 2012 to you and all the team. Eric - Diapositif
  11. Hi Igor With beta 7, once the video master and associated video objects implemented in the project, it is impossible to store a value change of the start time and duration of the video, because these parameters return to their initial value ​​when closing the O&A window or changing the slide except if the offset is changed at the same time.
  12. Hi Igor It would be great if in the slide 4 of your example, the sound of the video could be cut. No video, no sound!
  13. Igor Deleting a video (on the timeline or in O&A windows) with master video track option produces the error message : access violation at address 004DB588 in module 'PicturesToExe'. Read of adrdress 00000001. If this video has "single video clip" option there is no problem with delete operation.
  14. Igor with beta 6 (I don't test with other betas) I play the show in preview window and when I press "start preview from the current slide" button, P2E craches and need Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart.
  15. Yes, I also think that the sections should be separated.
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