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Everything posted by baumettes

  1. Yes Igor, it's the 6.5.1, I have verified twice! And I have uninstalled the 6.5 before. Eric
  2. I am so sorry, Igor, but there is no change with this 6.5.1 for me and the other member (gdadmd). I tried further projects in further conditions. The effect is exactly the same as in video I sent you and and described before in the thread. Eric
  3. Igor I sent you a video showing all the steps of my workflow. I hope it can help you. Eric
  4. Igor My workflow is the same as Celt, except in 3) where I can obtain the waveform by opening another project (in the same session, File > Open ) or by closing the session in "slides" mode and reopening a new one and changing it in "timeline" mode. When the button doesn't work, it's exactly as Peter described.
  5. Well, I have Windows XP SP3. I uninstalled the final version and I tried all the betas. Everything works until the beta 8. The problem appears from the beta 9. Perhaps as Peter says, the fact that "PTE remembers whether the user had the waveform showing or not the last time they used the Timeline view" is involved, specifically with some hardware? Another guy has Vista and has no problem until the beta 11 included. The problem appears at the opening of PTE, and at the loading of the first project ("Load Last Used Project" option is on or off). After opening a second project in the same session, everything works until closing pte. Another way to avoid the problem is to open PTE in "slides" configuration (the previous session must be closed in this position). After changing to "Timeline" the button works fine. Igor, thank you for the work and sorry for this very marginal problem. Regards Eric
  6. Thank you Igor and your team for the finalized version of PTE. It's a great job, congratulations. As I said in another thread, several users have a problem with the display of the waveform by clicking on the button. After opening the program and opening a project "A" containing a sound track, the button "show waveform" does not work, the waveform doesn't appears or only after several attempts. One solution is to open another project "B" then to reopen just after the project "A". I know the difficulty with such a problem occurring randomly. Has anybody this problem on Wnsoft ?
  7. Igor, Sometime, after opening PTE the button "show waveform on the timeline" doesn't work. This seems to exist randomly since the beta 12, in at least one Diapositive member and me. Regards Eric
  8. Hi I don't know if the problem has been exposed. When creating the album, there is an error message and the album does contain neither sound files nor icon file. Only a few people can see this problem and not always. Sound and icon files seem to be related. Regards
  9. It's OK for me. No problem
  10. Thank you, Igor and Dmitry, for having solved quickly the problems I've submitted. Regards Eric
  11. Igor, We are very excited on Diapositif with the new V6.5.1, thank you for the work However we find some bugs. 1) When we add a text object in a project created with the V6.0.4, the sound track will be duplicated. 2) The exe obtained from a project using masks run less fluid than the same exe compiled with the 6.0.4 (noted by Jean-Cyprien). It seems that it occurs with some PC 3) Somebody obtains a crash of the PC when the sound track begins with an offset. Regards Eric - Diapositif
  12. Hi Ron I will try to write in english, not in chinese! Thank you for your comment, and sorry for the download difficulties. Regards
  13. Hi Can't you edit your pte file with wordpad (or an other text editor) and replace all your old locations by the new good ones, in one time? Regards Baumettes
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