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Everything posted by sweetpea61

  1. Hi, Thanks everyone for your help. I have Paintshop Pro 8 and Photoshop as well and I even have Photo Impact. Always something in one I like, but I always go back to PaintShop Pro. I guess I was looking for the backgrounds and effects within the program. I am downloading the tutorial you mentioned also and I am sure this will help. Thank you so much.
  2. Hello, I am afraid I am worse than a novice but I stumbled on PTE by accident and downloaded a trial. I think this is just what I want since the samples I have seen are absolutely beautiful. Is there a place to go to tell me how to do the beautiful backgrounds and title pages. The program help files don't seem to help a lot so far. Perhaps I need to hunt and read more. Any direction would be appreciated. Thanks... Sweetpea61
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