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Everything posted by Carolreid

  1. Hi Lin, Thank you for that info. In future I can make the SS on PC and then also show it on Mac. I made a SS with a previous version of PTE and would like to show it onMac or YouTube. I'm searching various backups to find the original in the hope that I can redo it. Thanks again Carol
  2. I hunted through the Forum but cant find an answer. I KNOW that without putting some sort of Windows on my Mac I cannot create slideshows. But I want to be able to SHOW a slideshow on my Mac or on my iPad or even upload to YouTube. The slideshows in the demo e.g. Jazz etc show perfectly well. What do I have to do? Thanks Carol
  3. Guys, Thanks for your advice. I'll try out the template method in future. Carol Lin is quite correct. You can't do it from the exe file. But that is why you should keep a copy of the images and latest .pte file well backed up. When I finish a show I create a TEMPLATE (as has been explained before in other threads) which creates a folder with the .pte, the image files used and the sound file PS: Found a reference for you Carol click here
  4. Hi, Can anyone tell me if it is possible (I fear it is not) to change the Slideshow once it has been "created" Is there any way of getting back to the Project stage? TIA Carol
  5. Hi Al, Thanks for responding. The original folder is still there but its empty. Guess next time I'll need to be a bit more careful about saving it before I create the SS. Thanks Carol
  6. Hi, Is it possilbe to revise a PTE.exe program which has been created? I thought the pics were still in the folder but after the Slideshow had been produced they'd gone. TIA Carol
  7. Thanks everyone for your advice. Your helpful slideshows were excellent (and such good pics too!!!) Ron's was very helpful and has given me ideas. Thanks again, Regards, Carol
  8. Hi Ken, I hadn't thought of that! I looked at this - the "swirler" animation is clever. Thanks Ken, I'll try out this technique. Carol
  9. Hi, Am I correct in saying that even very simple animations will not work on PTE? TIA CArol
  10. Yup! I've now realised this! I even downloaded the 4.2 version thinking I needed the Video info but I would also need to be able to burn DVD. I originally thought I could connect my laptop to the TV but after extensive testing and using other TVs and other Laptops I have found that that was not possible either. I'm now resigned to showing the Slideshow on my Laptop and hoping that (a) no-one tries to pinch it and ( that no-one interferes with it. I had thought this would be an easy way of displaying the film Slides at our photographic club exhibition without getting everyone to sit down and watch a slideshow. Thanks for your help. Carol
  11. I had hoped to be able to simply save the PTE exe file on a CD and play it on the DVD player and see it on the TV. So far this has not worked! The DVD player plays a whole CD of ordinary photos but cannot recognise the PTE exe file. I cannot BURN a DVD so Ken's URL is of no use since i dont want (atm) to produce a video. I'll keep at it - I NEED it for to-morrow night! Thanks Carol
  12. Is it possible to show a PTE Slideshow through a DVD player onto a TV? I'm in UK by the way. Can someone advise? thanks Carol
  13. Hi Den, I have version 4.14 and I cannot pause using the spacebar. What's this about LHSide preview window? When I preview, that's all I get on the full screen. Have I inadvertantly switched something off or on? Tia Carol
  14. Hi Ed, >In my experience (I use a Nikon Coolscan IV/LS40) you should always scan your slides at the maximum resolution of which the scanner is capable, in my case at 12 bits and 2900 ppi which gives a scan of about 3900 by 2600 pixels, depending on your slide mounts. If I were printing out the slides then I would want to scan to the highest resolution. Since I am not printing them out I thought that I could "get away" with a lower resolution(and therefore a faster scan time) Using 12 bits instead of 8 almost doubles the scan time! >Scan directly into Photoshop through the TWAIN interface and edit the slide as you would any other slide scan. When you've finished editing the slide, then resize the image to fit a canvas no larger than 1024 by 768 pixels (use Photoshop Image Size with bicubic interpolation); the exact dimensions of your scan will depend on the cropping you've done, if any. I find it easier to do all the scanning first and then the Photoshopping later. However, this method of yours means that HUGE files would be lying around waiting to be compressed. >Save to a JPG (you'll need to have converted the image to 8 bits by now in order to do this) at a Level 5 compression in the Save As JPG dialogue box; this will give you a file of maybe 100 kb which any system should be able to handle in PTE without difficulty. Obviously you think it is worth the extra effort in order to get good images on screen. >Always scan at maximum resolution and edit the image at full size, then resize when the edits are finished. This gives you vastly better-looking images (and the 12-bit scan depth gives you much better shadow detail) than you'll ever get scanning at lower resolution and then trying to work with the image. >The "inches" dimensions in Image Size in Photoshop are totally irrelevant for monitor/projection/PTE display, they're only important for printing. Ditto the dpi/ppi display. All that matters for PTE, web, monitor, or digital projection is the pixel dimensions of the file. As already noted by others, most digital projectors can handle 1024x768 screen size and hence image sizes in PTE. In our experience (in the photo club of which I am a member in Ottawa) digital projection looks best at 1024x768 screen resolution, regardless of the image size. PTE can usually display most images JPG'd as noted above very smoothly at that screen resolution, though some members prefer to resize their images to 800x600 pixels and display at 1024x768, but I've never seen the point to this, as you're not making full use of the "screen real estate." This also means, I suppose, that the "fit to screen" function in PTE is likely to reduce the quality of the image even further if it has not been scanned to max to start with. >BTW if you are mixing images in both portrait and landscape orientation, you might want to consider fitting all your images within a 768x768 pixel canvas, so the verticals and the horizontals appear to have the same size and area, which they won't if your horizontals are 1024x768 but your vertical images will therefore have to be 576x768 pixels. That is a good tip! I think its back to the drawing board for me! Thanks again, Carol
  15. Hi, I am scanning dozens of slides for a slide show which will be shown on a digital projector - NOT just a monitor screen. For PTE to show I need the scanner to scan for 13" X 8.5" at 72 ppi with 962x630px giving 1.73Mb file for each image. It difficult to check the projector settings (house isn't long enough) but will theis 962X630 px be enough? Using the Nikon CoolScan I can change the 13X8.3" OR 72ppi OR 960X630px. The size of the final file doesn't really matter since it will be saved to CD and is not for WWW use. What to do? HELP!!!! I'm getting one of my headaches....... Carol
  16. Hello, I'm sorry that I just jumped in and bought this system without really looking at any others. I have since found another presentation package which DOES have thumbnails which are very useful when most of the slides have unremarkable names - like PG 02300.jpg !!! So if an update was to appear quickly....... I, for one, would be deliighted! Cheers Carol
  17. Season's Greeting from me in the West of Scotland! Cold, wet and misearable weather! Guid New Year to yin an' all! Carol
  18. Folks, I thought I had already replied here but my ISP obviously went down before it arrived! Yes my sound files are MP3 (after much trial and error it seemed to only accept this type) and also each pic I reduced to under 100kb to keep the total as small as possible. I also found that although Outlook Express *said* that the file had been removed since it was an "unsafe attachment" it did in fact arrive. It seems that it gets sent and arrives but it is not kept on the server. Thanks for all your help. Another hint that I have learned the hard way is to put the pics in order in a folder (using the thumbnails in WinXP) so that they are approx correct in PTE. If they are thinking of improvements that woud be a great one! Cheers Carol
  19. Hi, I have produced a presentation but at 7Mb, Outlook Express removed it, calling it an unsafe attachment. I tried zipping it up using WinXP and then using WinZip but neither of them seemed to reduce the file very much. Is there another way of reducing files - I see that some ppl have files of 20/30Mb. TIA Carol
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