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Everything posted by Catlem

  1. Have you tried Kazaalite?
  2. OK, now I'm even more confused. I was able to view the pics on the cards using my PCMCIA adapter card. That seems to leave the USB ports BUT they check out fine in device manager and I'm able to use my USB mouse in both. Any ideas????
  3. Hi Ken, Thanks for the fast response. I have a wireless USB mouse that connects to both USB ports with no problem I I don't think it's the cable since the Belkin reader is a different USB cable than the USB cable that comes with the camera and they both have the same problem. The system "sees" the additional drive when connecting USB but does not see any files on it. There are files because I can see them in my camera. I have a PCMCIA card reader that I'm going to try next. I'll let you know if that works
  4. I hope someone can help me figure this one out. I have an HP Photosmart 315 digital. Not a fancy camera but it has served it's purpose for me for over 2 years. Anyway, I cannot download pics from my compact flash cards (I've tried 2 different cards (different brands) that have worked for me in the past. I've tried to download directly from the camera through USB. The photosmart software sees the camera but says there are no images. There ARE images! I can see them on the camera display and have even successfully had pics printed at the store. The same happens with my Belken card reader. It sees the USB device but says there is nothing on it. My USB ports check out fine in Device Manager. I've done this hundreds of times with this PC. I'm operating Windows XP Home Edition. There have been no changes to my OS or laptop since the last time I used this.I have a wireless USB mouse on one port but I've tried disconnecting the mouse...still no luck. Here it is in a nutshell: 1. USB ports check out OK 2. Camera is OK 3. Cards are operational in camera 4. Cards can be read in store reader 5. Cards CANNOT be seen through camera connection OR card reader connection on my laptop OR my PC 6. HELP! New grandchild due any day and I was looking forward to creating some musical CDs!!! Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated
  5. Happy New Year to one and all...I'm looking forward to learning this program in 2004 Beautiful weather in NY. It's 3 PM here and all I'm hearing on the radio are the security preparations being made for Times Square....I won't be there (I'm on Long Island) but I pray all who attend remain safe. And that all of you have a Healthy 2004 Cathy
  6. Bart, THANK YOU!! I had version 4.14...I downloaded 4.20 and saw the video button....for awhile I thought I was going nuts!!! I made a CD with Nero...very rough....but just wanted to see how far I can go...Now it's time to read the instructions. Where can I find your tutorial? Now it's time to learn to do it the correct way! My son tells me I could use Windows Movie Maker instead of PTE. Is this true? Thanks again for all the help Cathy
  7. I do not see a Video button or an AVI button. Am I in the correct screen? The screen I'm in after selecting my slideshow has 3 buttons on the lower right CREATE, PREVIEW and PROJECT OPTIONS To the right is my slide list. Below that is "SHOW IMAGE, COMMENT, SOUND..below that is "P" (not sure what that is) CUSTOMIZE SLIDE, OBJECT EDITOR And below those buttons are ADD, REMOVE SLIDE, CLEAR LIST Where am I????
  8. Catlem


    Thank you. I didn't even notice any other category here LOL..
  9. I am very confused. I'm attempting to save a presentation to CD but I cannot find the AVI button on the screen where I choose my project. Am I in the correct place? If I choose create as...from the file menu there is no choice for type AVI only EXE and SCR I'm sorry for all the questions but as I said in my first post...I'm a beginner with no experience in Graphic Programs and can use all the help I could get!! H E L P!!! Cathy
  10. To be honest with you, Isabel, I haven't downloaded any music from ITunes yet. I haven't burned any slideshows to my CD yet. But I have Nero and intend to use that. If I understood your question correctly it's possibly ITunes is finalizing the disk. Thanks for the warning. I guess the best way to go is to download on to your hard drive before putting the music to CD. Let me know if you find that better
  11. Catlem


    How can I save a slideshow in VCD format? I believe that's the format needed to be able to playback on a DVD player. I can't find any instructions in help... Does anyone know how? Thank you Cathy
  12. Silly question but where is the setting for sizing the picture?
  13. I just wanted to say I downloaded the trial version of this program this afternoon because it was suggested on an about.com forum and I'm having a ball! It's simple to use, which is what I need. I also downloaded ITunes, also suggested on that forum, to look for background music.... I'm sure I'll have questions as I proceed but for now I just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying this!!! Cathy from New York
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