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Everything posted by johnrees

  1. THANKS. That solved the "problem". I didn't realize that option was there. Thanks again.
  2. "Piece of toast" icon? Where?
  3. I did the two slide program and it repeated as directed. When I viewed my "problem" program I didn't want to wait 26 minutes just to see if the end went to repeat. I just let it run from the second to last slide by clicking the slide in the big view window. Is there a shortcut on "preview", or must one always watch the program from the beginning?
  4. Update. Although it doesn't repeat in the program set-up window, it did repeat as it should when I put it on a CD and ran the program. A program bug?
  5. I'm using version 7.5.9. Although I selected "Repeat show until esc key is pressed", the show just stops when the show ends, and the last picture remains on the screen. What am I missing? How can I make it repeat?
  6. For some reason I can't get the "loading..." message to display while the program is loading. I looked at the "Messages" box in "Project Options" and see it there but can't figure out how to make the "loading" message display. Does anyone know what I am missing? I'm using 4.42 and had no problems with this in earlier versions. John Rees
  7. I am using p2e V. 4.41 and just purchased Ulead MovieFactory 4. Following directions, I attempted to record a SVCR. After a while the message popped up, some or all of the mpegs are not compatable with this program. Has any experienced this - and solved it? Any idea of what I am doing wrong? John Rees
  8. I completed all of the steps to make a SVCD and everything seemed to go normally but at the end, after a couple of hours of Ulead “burn” time, I ended up with the following error message: “Failed to convert video file Error: 800411c21.” Anybody experience this - and solve it? John Rees
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