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    Hagerstown, Indiana
  • Interests
    I am a high school English teacher who has been interested in photography for 35 years. I am a former high school journalism adviser.

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  1. After posting my first comment, I remembered that PXE didn't like separate audio files, and I went into Audacity and combined the two songs into one MP3 file. I did what you said with the timeline settings, but it still won't spread out the slides to cover the entire 7 min. 48 seconds of time the songs take. I think I have about 80 slides. Maybe there is a limit to how long PXE will let each slide show and I need to add more images to get it to that point. Thanks for your help. As much as I like the program, I think I might punt on ver. 5.0 and go back to using my other slide producing program, DVD Photo Slideshow Professional. It makes DVD shows very easily, something I'm still not able to get PXE to do easily.
  2. I've used PXE for a long time, but I got away from it for a year or so when I bought another program that made converting shows to DVDs to show on TV easier. Well, I downloaded the new beta version, and I'm doing a test show, but I can't for the life of me get the program to space the images out to fit the total time of the two songs I've added to it. I don't recall ever having that problem in past versions. I'd just put in the slides, add the songs I'd want to use, click on the button to synchronize the total music with the total images and PXE would determine how long each slide had to stay on. Then when the last image was up, the music would end. Can someone give me a hint about what I'm doing wrong? In the previews, the music plays fine, so it isn't an audio file problem. I'm not doing something that will cause PXE to determine the time each image shows to make music and pictures come out the same. Thanks for any help you might be able to offer.
  3. For some time I've lamented the picture sorting part of doing a Pictures to EXE show. I've tried several different "light tables" and such, but everything seemed pretty clunky. On the QImage Pro printeing software Yahoo goup forum I heard about Pixort. It's a free program and appears to be just what I need. Here is the URL for the program for those who might be interested: http://www.jotto.no/pixort/ Does anyone have any experience using Pixort? I'm not connected in any way with the developer. Just looking for an easier way to sort 100+ pictures for a slide show. dpd
  4. I'll probably show my ignorance here, but in the few short months I've been a PTE user, I've wondered when I would be able to produce shows that people could show on the DVD players hooked up to their TVs. Does this new version allow that? In the newsletter announcing it, Igor said, "Now you can produce your presentations as AVI video file and then (using special software) burn DVD-Video, VCD, or SVCD disc." What is this "special software" and how hard will this process be? I love the program, but I've always considered the exe format to be a drawback when trying to share the shows I've made with family and friends. Dan
  5. Ralvis, I just downloaded it and it played fine. I loved the choice of images most of which I remember from my last visit to NYC. Dan
  6. Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to send with just the salutation. Granot, I did download your "Dark Table," and I tried it out. It's really slow on my machine. Is that normal? It take several, and I mean severl seconds to sort each individual image. I have a P4 1.8mhz processor Dell Dimension 8200, so the computer isn't slow. Is this normal behavior? Dan D.
  7. Granot,
  8. I love the flash animation at the end. I saw quite a bit of what looked like wavy banding in the skies during transitions. I wonder if anyone else has experienced that watching the show. I enjoyed it. Dan D.
  9. I just made my first Pictures to EXE slide show, and it looks fine, but I had an AWFUL time sorting images for it. I tried sorting in the desktop folder (Windows XP Home), but that didn't work because there is no custom sort feature, so every time I sorted the images, they unsorted as soon as I closed and opened the folder. I really need to be able to see at least small thumbnails to sort. How do others sort images for their shows? dpd
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