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Everything posted by RonH

  1. Dear Granot, Thanks very much for the latest version of MultiShow Tool. Everything seems to work fine and it serves my purpose exactly. I really appreciate the time and trouble you have taken in writing this great programme especially when you were 'under the weather'. I hope that you have recovered now and are feeling much better. With regard RonH (NE UK)
  2. Hi Igor, I have been using the 'new' PTE all week and it's really great. My request has already been mentioned but I really would like to be able to 'lock' a slide to an exact point in the timeline. A slide that 'must' stay with a particulat SFX or beat of the music no matter how many changes you make to what goes before or after. I can't tell you how much I enjoy working with P2E - I hope you make plenty money from your work! Regards RonH (NE UK)
  3. Granot I hope that you are feeling much better now - I will refrain from any remarks about bugs! Yes, the 'continue' button now works again. I have been right through all of the stages and although it didn't burn me a disc because it couldn't find a .inf? file, I hadn't really completed each stage properly so I was not surprised. Many thanks (I feel guilty for asking when you were ill) get well soon. Regards RonH (NE UK)
  4. Hi Granot Your programme sound just what I need to select a series of 'shows' for different audiences. However, I can't get past step 2. I have sorted the AVs into a show and 'saved as', which has compiled a list in the second window and whereas all of the other buttons work as described, the 'continue' button doesn't do anything. I can double click a show name and it plays fine but the next in line does not play - obviously there are more steps after the 'continue' button. What am I doning wrong please? Many thanks for a potentially excelent piece of sotware - Regards RonH (NE UK)
  5. Igor I know that you have been swamped with praise for v 4.3 but I MUST add my thanks to this list. I have been producing AV programmes since 1971 when I had to make my own mechanical devices. Since I have gone digital with PTE it has revived my enthusiasm and once more it’s a pleasure. I am in awe of the skill of your team and greatly admire your determination to write the perfect programme. I would also like to thank the contributors to this forum who have tested the beta versions, I tried to do this and all the betas worked fine for me. If it had been left to me the programme would have gone out with some niggling little faults which the ‘experts’ have now discovered and the team have cured. I hope that all of your hard work will reap the rewards and once again thank you Igor and the team. RonH UK (blueyonder which downloads OK!)
  6. Hi Pam Now that you mention it, I may have had PS CS running at the same time. However, Photoshop is okay on my machine. PTE seems to be working now but I don't like the idea of having to open an old 'show' then crating a 'new' project from there. It would be disappointing if there was a conflict with Photoshop but I doubt that this is the case - unless the PTE gurus know better!
  7. Al Thanks for your suggestions. I tried getting rid of all my PTE files, downloaded v.4.20 and the same thing happened. However, in desperation I opened an old AV with v. 4.2 and clicked ‘New’ from the file menu and started my new show from here – and it all seems to work! It’s a strange way to have to get into PTE (opening an old programme) but it will get me going for the time being. If anyone can shed more light on the subject I would be grateful. You know? After only a few weeks with the new light table in v. 4.3 beta #3 - I can’t live without it – I’m going to try and download it again and hope that it doesn’t screw my programme up again! Thanks for your help but any more suggestions welcome! Regards RonH (NE UK)
  8. Thanks Ken I have read the previous streams on the ‘key’ as you suggest and having found my ‘key’ I am convinced that I am okay. Besides, I do not have any 10 slide restrictions or pester messages so I am sure that PTE is unlocked. I can not follow your other advice because I just can not get that far. Everything in PTE is working better than ever (don’t we just love the new facilities on 4.3 beta #9?) I can make new templates and recover them but I can not Save or Save As. When I click on either of these the blue bar at the top turns grey and the programme ‘hangs’ I have to enter the Task Manager (which shows that PTE is not responding) to close the programme down. The only thing I have done in Windows since PTE (4.3 beta #3) was working is to delete Hotfix KB 241441 because this caused my AVID video editing programme to open all of its windows at once! However, PTE worked well before this Hotfix was installed in the first place so it can not be that. I feel very frustrated at not being able to use the best AV creating software ever so any help/suggestions will be greatly appreciated. RonH (UK)
  9. In the middle of a new ‘creation’ I decided to download PTE 4.3 beta 3 which imported my current programme and worked like a dream. I finished the AV and started another. This all works fine until I come to Save As and it just ‘hangs’. Not wanting to sound like an idiot on this Forum I downloaded PTE 4.3 beta 8 which also works well - until I come to Save As and again it just ‘hangs’. Could I have inadvertently deleted the ‘key’? I thought that not having the ‘key’ would restrict you to ten slides (which I am not restricted to). If this is the problem could one of you boffins let me know what the keyis called as I have the original programme saved on a CD. If there could be another explanation, then does anyone know how to solve the problem? Not being able to work with PTE is like being in the Grand Canyon without a camera!
  10. Thanks Chuck I’m sure that I tried this and it just shuffled everything down but I’ve tried it again since your message and of course it works. Guess the secret is to make sure there is one new picture for one new transition. Anyway – many thanks. RonH [uK]
  11. I have just returned from holiday and therefore must be among the last PtoE enthusiast to download the beta version of 4.3 – there’s only one word for it – brilliant. I changed over from the expensive Mediator to PtoE at about version 3 and it has always been excellent but now it’s brilliant. Although it seems very ungrateful, can I place a request on the list for the next revision? Please could there be a lock on the timeline to enable pictures to be ‘locked’ to a specific point in time? When I build a programme I often need to drop in a new picture to fill time or to tell the story better. This shifts everything down-line and throws the crucial music beats / picture change out of synchronization. Or have I missed anything! Perhaps you boffins out there know of a lock which has evaded me. I made my first AV programme in 1969 when I had to build my own manual slide dissolve unit, hump heavy equipment and take an hour to line-up the pictures, hasn’t life just got better and better? Thanks to technology and people like Igor. RonH [uK]
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