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Everything posted by Chris4137

  1. Beau travail et merci de le rendre disponible
  2. all is right now with the new font Thank you Chris
  3. merci de mettre votre travail à disposition Après installation des 4 polices et application du style je rencontre ce problème - Pourquoi? Ad
  4. Merci pour le partage de cette nouvelle transition Chris
  5. Merci beaucoup d’avoir rendu ce style disponible gratuitement Ces effets réfléchissants sont très plaisants
  6. Bonjour Il faut sélectionner la poignée et appuyer en même temps sur la touche Maj You have to select the handle and press the Shift key at the same time Chris
  7. Creations full of artistic qualities and a realization full of gratitude for Indian art and for a loved one... Chrispiand (translation google ...)
  8. Thanks MUR for theses démo with using ''PTE 9 modifiers" Chris
  9. Congratulations for this history work on well known military songs... Regards from France Chris
  10. Thanks Dave . All is right

  11. Congratulations to the grangpa


  12. Hi Tom with this plugin for Audacity I think it is more easy Regards Chris http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Nyquist_Effect_Plug-ins#Panning_.28random.29 Ramp Panning (panramp.ny) View | Download Author: David R.Sky Evenly pan your stereo audio, starting at one point in the stereo field and ending at another. -10 corresponds to 100% left, 0 to center and +10 to 100% right. Parameters: Start position: from [where -10 - +10, default -10] End position: from [where -10 - +10, default +10]
  13. Thanks Lin (What a pity ! ) Chris
  14. Hello, After Lin exemples with butterflies, a question on vidéo chroma key and PTE. With a vidéo like attached document who have blue and green areas, is it possible to make this two areas imperceptibles with Chroma key option in PTE ? Best regards Chris
  15. Thank All is right now Best regards Chris
  16. HI Lin Thanks for all yours realizations. But I can't download the file http://www.lin-evans.org/butterfly/butterflypte.zip ....Error 404 ? What is the problem ? Thank again ! Chris
  17. Hy Tom This custom transition works perfectly on my PC with all pictures size. Thanks Chris
  18. Thanks Nobeefstu and all participants. After a second try to reinstall PTE, this time from a new download on webside Wnsoft the videoconverter works correctly. Thank you all. Chris
  19. Hello Thanks Lin but I don't make yourself understood (sorry for my english..) This problem appears with all video files even if I rename them and I have'nt any problem using an other PC. Regards Chris
  20. Hi and thanks for your interest, Here is the error message I can see after each application to Videoconverter (by Optimisation or Convert vidéo) for any video files (with any codecs) on my PC (windows 7 and PTE 8 0 7 ). Regards Chris
  21. Hi Could you help me? I can't use the video converter in PTE here is the answer I get : Invalid UTF8 Char (D:\WnSoft\PicturesToEXE\PTE\WnLib\wnUTF8.pas,line 253) Many thanks Regardst Chris
  22. Thanks from France for this beautiful template. Nices animations to use in others slide shows and a discovery of Quartet Bond Chris 4137
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