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  1. Thanks Daniel. I have gone ahead and cleaned out the folder. If it breaks anything I'll be sure to post back the results. Although, currently am not working on any slideshows. Just doing a little maintenance on the Windows partition.
  2. Hello Igor. Would the team also consider allowing user to specify where WaveCache folder will reside? Personally, I try to keep things off the Windows partition (as much as possible). Perhaps this is a common practice among advanced users of Windows OS?
  3. In Windows XP the following folder is created by PicturesToExe 7.5.7 C:\Windows\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\WnSoft-WaveCache Current size is 966 MB. Is it safe to delete contents of folder without harm to existing slideshows? Even a slideshow still being constructed? Is there a way to tell the main program to relocate the folder, such as to another disk partition? Out of curiosity, what is the function of this folder?
  4. Yes, I'd very much like to Ctrl-select several slides, right-click and "Set to Original size"
  5. Slideshows have been saved under the new installation/new version (they were created in 7.0.5). Computer restarted. Reopened slideshow and the file names are still not emboldened. You can add new slides and those are emboldened, but not the others. Don't consider this a problem that requires a fix; just a minor nuisance. That said, if someone knows a fix I'd be grateful to hear it. Otherwise, will continue along content enough that things still work.
  6. One approach to this that worked well was in Adobe Photoshop Album. It tries to locate a missing file automatically by searching for the file name. If it can't find it the user is then presented with an explorer dialog...so you can navigate and point to the correct file (for instance if it's been renamed). After telling the program which is the correct file, it then automatically updates all instances of that reference, which in some cases might be many. So maybe it isn't just an auto-search for missing file feature we're talking about but something more like a search for missing file aid. In this arrangement the program is showing some initiative (and grace) since yeah, maybe the user didn't use best practices but it's going to be nice and help you along anyway. I do agree that best practices, from the get-go, is the better approach. But sometimes people didn't pick up on them or, in some cases I'm not able to articulate just now, they may have legitimate reasons for some source files being spread about. Maybe more could be done to encourage best practices to help alleviate the need for such a feature. Example: The first time you launch the program it gives a short picto-tutorial showing how the source files should all be copied/placed into a single directory alongside the pte file. Or make it a tutorial somewhere. Perhaps the tutorial offers to display itself whenever the search aid feature is initialized - giving users a chance to learn how to avoid this problem in future. Basically, I agree completely with the above posts, but see also how this feature could still be very helpful in many cases, for users who may not be the types to learn and study the software in a community environment. To clarify the overall request, I'd say that if it's doable, without causing additional bloat to the existing product...please consider implementing a feature like this in future releases. _______________________________________________ Side Note: I no longer use or advocate Adobe Photoshop Album. If you're looking for a good photo organizer, try FastStone Image Viewer.
  7. Just wanted to say how impressed (and relieved) I am at the way PicturesToExe handled my hard drive migration. I was concerned that all of the image and audio references would be broken after installing the new Operating System/PTE software. To my surprise and amazement I installed the new PTE 7.0.7, loaded one of my old slideshows, and everything worked! Bear in mind the following: I had maintained the exact same file structure for all of the source media (e.g. files, folders, images and sound clips) yet consider also... That all data had been migrated to a different partition, on an entirely new Solid State Drive, with a different drive letter. So how did the program know to look to the new drive letter? This I don't know, but am sure glad it did. Was it by design? A lucky accident? Don't know. But either way, I'm extremely relieved that I won't be having to rebuild those shows or bother with fixing them. So, hats off and a huge thanks to the development team. Note: The only thing (so far) that seems not to have carried over is the images used for a given project are no longer bolded in the file tree. A minor thing but thought it worth a mention.
  8. Sometimes you might have one or many audio clips associated with various slides. Once the slideshow grows to a large enough size it becomes difficult to remember which slides have audio tracks associated. If the slideshow creator wants to change out a track (audio clip), or restore a missing [audio] file they have to manually hunt down the correct slide by opening the 'Customize slide' dialog box and selecting the 'Music' tab. Could we have the slide list thumbnails show if there is an audio file attached...maybe with a small icon or indicator of some sort?
  9. Yes. Occasionally a file does get renamed or relocated, and that can throw an entire slideshow off the rails. What's worse, if the missing file is an audio clip then there's no quick way to locate the particular slide to which it was attached. You have to remember the slide, or go and hunt it down, just to reattach the missing audio file. Then, what if you have multiple slides, each one with the same sound effect associated with it. Now you've got to manually re-attach (and possibly re-adjust the volume output) for each and every slide that used the sound effect. That's a lot of manual work that could be avoided with the aforementioned feature. One more vote here for a 'Find missing file' feature.
  10. PicturesToExe 6.5.7 As an aside I would like to mention that prior to settling on PicturesToExe I probably tested something like ten other (similar) products, and this one was easily the best of the bunch in terms of features and functionality. Hats off to the developers.
  11. Hopefully, probably a false positive, but wanted to bring this to attention. Scan with latest db of ClamAV reports the following: Scan Started Mon Feb 13 11:58:43 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E:\PicturesToExe\PCExecutable.exe: Trojan.Banker-615 FOUND E:\PicturesToExe\PteViewer5.exe: Trojan.Banker-615 FOUND ----------- SCAN SUMMARY ----------- Known viruses: 1140223 Engine version: 0.97.3 Scanned directories: 1962 Scanned files: 19809 Infected files: 2 Data scanned: 4004.65 MB Data read: 4322.46 MB (ratio 0.93:1) Time: 847.438 sec (14 m 7 s) ------------------------------Completed------------------------------------ Both files uploaded to VirusTotal for further analysis gives following results: PCExecutable.exe PteViewer5.exe Again, this isn't meant to alarm anyone, but never hurts to at least address warning flags.
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