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Everything posted by marian

  1. Doesn't CNTRL PRINT SCR keys do the same thing? Anytime I need an image from something I see on the screen, I do just that.
  2. The software can do it, but just keep in mind the huge files 10-12 megs that you plan to use. You will "drag" everything down! Keep those file sizes down.
  3. Acer Power F6 Cel-d 346 / 512mb 80gb Dvd/cd-rw Wxp-pro This is the information that I got while doing a search on the internet for your model. Looks like a tiny hard drive and not much memory at all. WINDOWS XP Pro crawls with only 512 mb of ram. If you didn't upgrade the ram, or get a larger hard drive, you are stretching the limits of the machine. Since you don't know the video, then are you using the on board video from the machine? More ram usage! Do you have a video card, installed in the back of the system? It's not P2E that causing the problem, it is your machine! You mentioned a noise" when you close P2E? P2E doesn't make noises when it shuts down. There's more here than meets the eye, that you are not telling us.
  4. What can I say guys! DUH! Haven't had my coffee yet! Thanks much!
  5. I downloaded the newest P2E Deluxe Version 5.1 and installed it. I no longer am able to put in the image name, while running a slide show. Was this disabled temporarily, for any reason? Go to Project Options > Comments > Set for existing slides > When I click anywhere within the larger box on the right side (which shows the white/grayish word text), the button next to it, (Set for existing slides) turns bold, indicating that that the name of the image, should appear on the screen during the slide show. I click the OK button, then click the preview button and the show runs fine, but NO names of the images appear on the screen. I have gone back to that screen over a dozen times and tried every button click and combination and the name of the slide does not appear on the screen. Thanks for your support Marian Registered User
  6. I have been just deleting them! It's a sorry state that some perverted porn idiot has latched himself to our forum and been using it as a place to distribute smut links.
  7. Either I'm doing something wrong, but I cannot download this. Clicking on it, once I'm on your site, doesn't do anything either. "Where is" the download button??
  8. Did we lose the customize comment function since version 4.5+ ? I can't get the file name to appear anymore since that version. Anyone know how to fix that, or when will that feature be enabled again? Thanks
  9. Bug report? I downloaded PTE 5, Beta #3 and installed it. Go to: Project Options Comments Customized comments Click checkbox Select Picture Name and then run the show. The file name does not appear! I tried this on ver 4.45 which still is on my computer and it works fine. Thanks for a great product! Marian
  10. Your file points to a temp folder. You can't open a temp file. Save you EXE in some folder where you can find it.
  11. What is it that you are trying to do? Obviously, you want to create something with P2E, that will "build" gradually with each "successive" layer, until a final "image" is produced. So, you have to build your "40" layers, save each one as a JPG and then compile a 40 image show. There is no other option! Go to Photoshop, do what you need to do. Save as 1.jpg, then work on it, save it as 2.jpg, work on it again and save it as 3.jpg. So on and so forth. It's like watching a time exposure of a flower opening up!
  12. It simply means that you (the computer) have tried to access a segment of memeory that another program is running. Shut everything down, that you have running (close your start up aplications also) Try running your program from the system after it has booted up. Also, like every other question What version of windows? What speed? How much memory, etc?
  13. "Where" is this autobutton going to be? (Think again about what I am asking!) You want an autobutton to click on. Is that for a CD? Is that to "run a show?" Is that "IN" the show? Is that in a folder? Please specify "exactly" where this is to be!
  14. Isn't "not responding" a Windows message error? In posting a question like this, we need to know, what's happening on your computer. Windows version How much ram What version PIX2EXE Hard disk space What else is running on your system How many images? what are the sizes of the images How much music and how big are these files etc etc etc
  15. This has been talked about many, manymany times! Click on these seperate threads and learn. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...=1419&hl=marian http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...T&f=2&t=310&hl= http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...ST&f=2&t=43&hl=
  16. Lee, That's good news, BUT since it's a University, it's only a matter of time before some computer guru, shows them how to do it. I just ran a show and hit the Print Screen key. I then pasted the image into Paint Shop Pro. Just a simple Print Screen key press, SNAGGED the image! Try it yourself! WATERMARK the images!!!!
  17. Laplink, file transfer program, etc. Zip utilities to compress Pix2Exe executable or a file splitter program (rejoin the files on Laptop!) Try a shareware program called Link Maven. Download the file and you get to use it for 25 times, before it allows you to transfer anything else. It runs off the parallel port. I have used it twice already, for a major pc to laptop file transfer. I have 23 "uses" left! Heh heh!
  18. This topic has been beat to death many times! Virtually any screen capture program can grab images from the screen. WATERMARK & COPYRIGHT the images! That's the only "safe" way!
  19. LumenLux, If I could start off and get the ball rolling. Can you give us the OS version, how big is the C drive, (PTE running on C?) did this start happening "lately" after an install or deinstall or something dramatic on the system? Compressed drives, partitioned drives, swap file big enough, etc? Are there a lot of programs running in the background, etc? How big are the PTE shows? Hope this starts the "think tank" going for you! Marian
  20. If you look at some of the "older threads," you will see that this issue was discussed many times before. (I am a photographer, btw) The only way to prevent image capture is to watermark the images, if that is the last resort. (Users can still capture the images, but the watermark makes it hard to remove!) As far as burning cd's, we assume that you have a cdrw in your computer and the software to do it. When you asked for help and mentioned, "how do I do it", well, there's more questions to ask. Do a search on the forums and you will find plenty of help.
  21. Why are you bringing it up in an IMAGE editor? Fix your pictures, BEFORE you put them inside PTE! There's your answer! Use music that your computer can "recognize." (Not everyone would have an MP3 player.)
  22. Here it is! http://www.scantips.com/no72dpi.html
  23. Normeister, This topic has been "beat to death" already! (See the early threads in this forum. ) There are ways around this and it has been discussed before. I too am a photographer and there are ways to deter people.
  24. Walmart has some of the brands mentioned in the previouis replies. They are under $300 and fit the description that you are looking for.
  25. That was done with Flash or Swish
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