The Image Suite
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Everything posted by The Image Suite
Have to say....I enjoyed the creativity of this show....good to see something with a humourous theme and done nicely too.....well done! Just noticed that this has been around some while....and there's another thread on the subject....apologies
By the way, there is another issue with this cutting and pasting! When you copy and paste a second show into the first show and you do not highlight a slide from the first show (I highlight the last slide) - the images from the second show appear in reverse order - But, when you highlight say the last slide as I do, the second show is inserted in that position in the correct order but the last slide of the first show is sent to the end of the show, as one is inserting the images in that position.... I suppose the answer is not to cut and paste shows! Perhaps next time I'll turn the contract aside! lol
Thanks all..... Smart thinking Al, but I have overcome it without having to do that.... Jean-Claude.....Merci beaucoup - Je dois me familiariser avec le logiciel de Sy(P). Je n'ai aucune heure à l'heure actuelle......comme je me déplace en Provence en Mars Yes, Igor I have tried it in a new project file and it still reverses and so I cut and pasted them into a copy of the first show and have then started to place the other fourteen shows behind the first show..... it retains it's order of slides but I have lost the transition details in some of the shows and shall have to reprogramme them.....(I expected that as they were set to project options and not individually customised) a pain but such is life....... Anyway, thanks to you all for all your help on this......... The Image Suite
Thanks Guys Yes, Ken I had tried the various sort functions, but they didn't appear to make any difference. That said. I have managed to sort it.......I have closed the whole thing down, re-installed and started from scratch, and it appears to have rectified it.....thank you. But I is good to know that I can do it through Sys too - will try that as a back-up in future. Many thanks
Hi Cutting and pasting Not sure if anyone else has had a problem with this....... I have successfully cut and pasted slides from one show into another in Ver 4.44, but since I downloaded the Vers 4.46, I find that all the slides paste in reverse order.......this is particularly problematic as I have 15 shows to combine for a client by the weekend. Is there a quick route to reversal, even via Synopsis PTE? Thanks
Barry Sorry to hear that you are having problems with Pics to exe. What version are you using? Also, what actions were you undertaking or at what stage in the development did you receive the said message? Have you tried reinstalling the software? It may be the quickest solution as I don't have sufficient information and it is not a message with which I am familiar. Best of luck The Image Suite
Hi Guys (Sorry for the delay in collecting these responses and replying but I've been away on a shoot and just returned with a heavy cold)...... Wow! Thanks for the time and effort you guys have put into my enquiry.....I shall certainly pursue the recommended actions once my laptop is returned from the manufacturer in January. I don't know the workings of either Nero nor Ulead (although I know of their purpose) but have both so I think that there is going to be an element of trial and error and education before I can crack this. Anyway, my sincere thanks to all those who have participated in this thread and who continue to so do. Best wishes to you all over Christmas and the New Year. The Image Suite
Hi Ken Thanks for your speedy reply. Not worried about the Nav bar....... It is the 'interactivity' created by the buttons that one builds into the show from within the Object Editor function during show creation i.e. if I create a 'menu slide' that is linked interactively to other shows, would the interactivity of the buttons work on DVD through the TV handset...... The position is that I have created an interactive promotional CD containing 15 individual shows all linked through to 1 main menu and a sub menu.....it works fine as a CD naturally, but the client has now asked if it can be supplied as a DVD. Many thanks The Image Suite P.S. I posed a similiar question to support, a while ago, regarding pda devices, but was told that the interactivity would not work, but I am not sure of the DVD/TV route etc and not having a fully functional DVD drive to test it right now, I cannot experiment.
Hi All I haven't yet needed to go the DVD route, (and besides my CD/DVD drive is in need of repair at present) but I have been asked by a client whether the DVD version of an Interactive Show retains the 'interactivity' through the use of the buttons if it is played through a DVD player/TV. If it cannot retain the interactivity through the DVD player/TV, is it likely to be able to retain the interactivity when played through a DVD player on a PC? (Or is that the same thing?) Just thought that some of the more experienced guys like Ken, Lumux, and Al R may know......many thanks and my Christmas wishes to everyone on the Forum and at Beechbrook and Wnsoft.com The Image Suite
Thank you Patrick, I shall............ The Image Suite
Hi Was very impressed with the panorama 2 or 3 slides, no matter which. It is the first time I have seen it successfully accomplished in pte (I must get out more) but interesting enough I have often achieved the same effect with a single image using a rival French show software.....and it will achieve the fade/dissolve that you seek Peter. The software also undertakes the zooms that everyone is requesting to be included in the next version. Anyway, well done to the author. The Image Suite
Well, thank you Ron and Contaxman for those kind words. Still very much alive but I have been exceptionally busy with the photography business, with photoshop and a/v workshops and moving home.......regrettably with little time to devote to the forum, or keeping my website up-to-date for that matter. That said, I am working on new website content to bring folks up-to-date. Hopefully, things are now such that I can return to a regular routine and can contribute to the forum more frequently.......... Regards to all........ The Image Suite
Hi Guys and Gals Love the new look website......well done. Best Regards The Image Suite
Hi All Have been out of the loop for a week or so due to business pressures - anyone have news on Bart's site please? It seems to have gone to ground....... Thanks The Image Suite
Hi ContaxMan Nor is it mine, but so are we..............!! The Image Suite
Hi All Sorry guys, but I have been out of the Third Image loop for a while - a couple of business trips and pressure of work deadlines, (that said I have viewed what is going on, but little time for pleasurable development!) and it's still continuing for a couple of weeks yet, so I hope there isn't a firm deadline or that you don't want the challenge show in a hurry. I have now downloaded the images and have started working on the show but will have to fit it in around business trips..........(I am sure you understand). The Image Suite
Hi Fiskar The only other format that saves as transparency is PNG but PTE does not recognise these, so I think you will be stuck with Gifs - I find that the Gif quality is not quite as good as the PNGs, which is why I often use an alternative a/v software which does recognise PNG (and other effects). The Image Suite
Hi LumenLux I have to agree with your comments on this one........especially your comments about I wish more people would comment - (firstly, there are 1,200+ members on this forum and only a couple of dozen regulars who comment) and........ "1. How effective is it for the creator's purpose? 2. How satisfying to the viewer? " The first one is easy to determine, the second very difficult. The viewers all have differing tastes and opinions and that's what makes us unique. In my commercial a/v work I am often faced with trying to satisfy not only the client but my client's prospects or existing customer base which can be very wide ranging indeed! I have started an interesting related forum on Bart's site Multi-Media Matrix in the Off Topic section regarding categorising the audio-visuals according to content..........take a peep. Such a move would then allow people to understand audio-visual to a greater degree and perhaps hone their skills on a structured basis - i.e. the newcomers may not wish to produce anything other than an electronic photo album in the first instance, whereas the purists would enter their shows in the category for 'conventional a/v' - this way the new a/vers get to learn about the differing styles and techniques in a much clearer and more structured way. The Image Suite
Hi all Whilst I understand why members may like the idea that shows be 'rated' the audio-visual is an art form and like all art forms, opinion lies in the eyes of the beholder. Some members will be submitting nothing more than an electronic photo-album, and there is nothing wrong with that if that is their intention, but others will be judging them on their own standards of perhaps more conventional twin projector style audio-visual. Also, I am conscious that some newcomers to a/v will not submit work if they feel that they are going to get critiqued, and I'd sooner try and foster improvement. In addition, who is qualified to judge? Most of us at some time in our photographic involvement have experienced camera club judging with which we didn't agree.......and just because someone has attained RPS or some such letters, this does not necessarily make them a good judge in everyone's eyes, and nor does the fact that they may have won 10 internal competitions (which could be more because the standard of the remainder was poor). I have only been a member of this forum for a relatively short time, but I pretty much know whom of the members is setting the standards in my judgement..........so I am more likely to download their work than that of others.............that said..........we are all here to learn and we are all learning all the time......let's encourage more new a/v members to learn. The Image Suite
Paul Try the following: Create new document with name "autorun.inf" using any text editor (e.g. Notepad) and write the following strings: [autorun] open=YourPresentation.exe icon=YourPresentation.exe (Note: instead of "icon=YourPresentation.exe" you can write "icon=YourIcon.ico") where "YourPresentation.exe" is the name of your presentation. This file ("autorun.inf") must be copied to CD disk with your presentation. Suggest also that you do not leave gaps in between the words on both the file and the autorun instruction The Image Suite
Hi Bart No apologies necessary........it is us that should be thanking you for all the great work you have put into your site to accommodate the challenge, so on behalf of everyone .....Thanks Bart.......and yes, we sure will use your site and be posting more work and more topics. Only Maureen's images to be included now - I think!! The Image Suite
Hi Ron (and all) I have just accessed all the images in folders. 1. Go to 'photo gallery' 2. On top left hand side is the word Category and directly below are the words 'The Third Image' click or double click on that and it will take you to the albums 3. Click on the image within the Architecture section and all will be revealed! You will also see that Bart's images are in the rightful place in people. Hope this helps Cheers The Image Suite P.S. I'm not entirely sure how to remove them, so have asked Bart to remove my smaller sized images to ensure that no-one gets confused......
Hi Ron I understand your comments entirely re our fellow members rising to the challenge! I shall feedback the information re accessing the images to Bart and see what he suggests.............. Cheers The Image Suite
Hi All Just a quick 'thank you' to all those folks that have visited The Image Suite website.......we have monitored the hits and the figures are very exciting for us (I'm staggered by the response).........to say nothing about the amount of direct interest and enquiries we've received. Keep visiting the site as the News section will be updated again shortly as and when our programmes are expanded and other discussions finally come to fruition. Thanks for your support........don't forget to link in to Multi-Media Matrix too, where we have some new (non PTE) forum threads commencing. The Image Suite
Hi All Have been very busy working on the current workshops and working on the new programmes...............details of 2 NEW workshops and other exciting news is coming very soon! Keep watching this space! The Image Suite