The Image Suite
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Everything posted by The Image Suite
Hi All Oh thanks for the responsibility Alan! 'Architecture' looks like and interesting one.......... The Image Suite
Hi All Do you wish to keep the show to a theme, so that we don't have a complete mixture of unusable images? Just a thought! The Image Suite
Hi Alan Sure, this sounds fine to me............... The Image Suite
Hi Kdf9 I'd recommend that you take a Business Licence as you will be using for business purposes..........@ $30 (it's only $6 extra over the private licence cost and gives you extra flexibility). That way you can also develop interactive tutorial programmes on the software for your students to dowload and work from a remote site! Good luck with your venture The Image Suite
Hi Bart Thanks for clarifying the postion re Multi-Media Matrix - http://community.barcin.net/ that will provde some comfort to those who have tried to gain access.........don't forget everyone, if you wish to participate in the Third Image Project, then you will need to go to Bart's site and register as a member - membership is free. The Image Suite
Hi ContaxMan Pleased to hear that you are getting something out of this forum. Keep on truckin' The Image Suite
Hi Ed, Interesting points you make. Yes, it can become a little tedious (in the nicest possible way) in being limited to the one group of a/vers, which is why these forums are so important - it's like having your own virtual a/v club, but with the benefits of international perspective and experience! Long may the forums and chats continue....... The Image Suite
Hi Alan That sounds like an eminently workable arrangement to me......as mentioned, Bart has set up an Album in his Gallery called 'The Third Image' where the images may be stored. I suspect that the reason his site is currently down is that he is rapidly putting in place a facility for us all to download the images (I may be wrong.......but I know he's working on the site). Thanks for your support Alan. The Image Suite
Hi Maureen Re Bart's site..........I know that last night he was doing some maintenance. Do keep trying..............but remember to hit your reload or refresh button, as your computer may well have stored the information you previously found. Re The Image Suite site.........it is there clear as a bell. We made changes over the weekend, so again if you have visited pre the weekend then you may have to hit the refresh or reload button...............failing that clear the history in your internet carrier..... The Image Suite
Hi Everyone I have just heard from Bart at Multi-Media Matrix, and he has set up an Album in his Gallery, entitled The Third Image............this can be used for the example project/competition. I know that he also has a facility for uploading images, (naturally), but I shall need to check with him about downloading the images for use in the 'project/competition - assuming that this is the idea - and I shall check the site again for hosting the finished sample presentations. Are there any other facilities that are required to make this work? Thanks The Image Suite
All okay on my viewing.........can see fin and the black boat........no green spots! The Image Suite
Hey Bart Thank you - that's most kind of you! Well everyone, there's your facility - up and ready and with Live Chat too! The Image Suite
Hi LumenLux Hosting the examples/competitions I am pretty confident that Bart will oblige! Pleased that this topic has struck a cord and opened up a few more horizons. I have a few more hot topics to throw in to the pot, but they can wait! Regards and thank you for your valuable contributions to this forum. The Image Suite
Hi Ed Great contribution Ed......thanks. Yes, indeed you can use Photoshop to preview the third image and make the necessary adjustments as you rightly say. I don't know to what extent you have been involved with twin projector a/vs, but try casting your mind back to pre-Photoshop image manipulation days! Many 'poor devils' (used affectionately) had to use slides and sandwich them together - that was the equivalent of Photoshop! As you say, how big does the file become using your method? I use an alternative software (the name of which I am banished to use here in the PTE forum - but will happily discuss in Multi-Media Matrix!) where you can easily overlap adjust and sandwich images with reduced opacity.....within the a/v software and I have to confess that my preference is this rather than building images in Photoshop. (I am trying hard not to become a Photoshop junkie!). Regards The Image Suite
Hi All Don't wish to steal Maureen's (thunder) wonderful offer to host, but why don't we use the following forum site for this experiment.....there is already a facility to upoad/download the files there....you can join for free and then either host here on p-t-e and/or there on Multi-Media Matrix www.community.barcin.net This would save Maureen the anguish of having to develop her site to accommodate......take a look at the forum and then decide......... Regards The Image Suite
Hi Maureen Diolch! I had heard that you were making enquiries! The promotional a/v CD is in development but, you know how it is..........a builder's house is always the last property to get built - and besides, it won't be released for a little while yet, for reasons best known to me for the moment! But watch this space............ Thanks for your contribution...........the News section on my website will keep you up to date......recommend you log-in to that every now and again............www.theimagesuite.co.uk Regards The Image Suite
Hi Alan and ContaxMan Excellent idea.......I think it is of great learning benefit to occasionally be 'willingly forced' down the route of extending one's imagination, and as you say, it would be fascinating to see the mixture of results. Pleased that you are happy too to see this topic run. Regards
Attending one of my many Digital Audio-visual Workshops could also have the desired effect! - see www.theimagesuite.co.uk
Hi Alan All music to my ears! It's great to hear that you shoot to a storyboard........so many people don't think that a storybord is necessary or simply relate storyboards to feature films or video - not so. As most of my work is commercial I have to shoot to storyboards (of some description), and shooting to order like that is half the fun for me. I also agree, that if some of the new a/vers wish to improve their shows then they too should i) work to a pre-developed storyboard and ii) use a mixture of slides in a variety of orders or ways as you suggest.............but without overdoing the transitions. There are some great transitions within, not only P-t-E, but other a/v software, however I believe that when it comes to 'pure' a/v, the basics are either not addressed or not known. (Perhaps I'm being unfair - I don't know). Is there an arguement to sub categorise the definition of 'audio-visuals'? I certainly do not object to the shows that I have seen but as I have mentioned before some, and only some, are nothing more than an electronic album set to music., and so much more could be done to improve the standards. What do you think folks?
Hi Ken Still unable to open the UK file - i am getting the following error message Exception EListError in module UK.exe at 0006A48C List index out of bounds (0) Do you have any idea as to what this means, please? Thanks The Image Suite
Hi Ken Thanks for that. I shall check it out and, I too look forward to seeing Andrew's work. The Image Suite
Hi Ed Wise words indeed. I totally agree that it starts at the camera composition stage, and ofcourse it does mean that people are then shooting to a pre-conceived plan and for a specific purpose. Not only can this improve one's photographic skills, but I think the pre-planning of the a/v is vital. (That's why I mentioned earlier that I believe many a/vers are using digital a/v for nothing more than an electronic photo gallery, without pre-planning and without shooting for the a/v - much more 'oh, I have this selection of images I've taken on holiday, now how can I make the best a/v possible with what I have got?') - perhaps I'm being a tad unfair but, as I have said earlier in the forum, I have been concerned that use of the third image will disappear, unless we can revitalise it through discussions like this. Thank you for your valuable contribution, which was worth sizably more than the 2 cents you suggest! The Image Suite
Hi Have downloaded UK but unable to open - have now tried downloading it twice and get the same thing each time..........if you are reading this Bussty, can you include say a notepad file and then zip the files please - I normally have more success with this format............thanks
Hi Nobeefstu I have to say that I am rather inclined to disagree with your last comment "but thats what these beta versions are all about ... testing and finding fixes" especially after having spent the best part of 4 or 5 hours perfecting a show! I am of the school that believes that the programme should have been thoroughly tested before it was released.....thank heavens the aerospace industry doesn't take that approach! The Image Suite