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Everything posted by BEB
Robert Yes, I have found a dealer with the projector and he is willing to allow me to connect my laptop to it for a trial. My laptop is identical to the clubs one so that will be interesting. Fortunately we are currently in Brisbane doing a few talks so I can even save the 200k round trip from home. I know how difficult it is to find the right projector and will post my views for what they are worth later. I did 3 demos at Brisbane library over the weekend under the Photographic Society of Queensland, but have to say that for such a prestigious venue, the in built projector was rubbish. Bad colour, too bright and doing it's own little shimmy.
Robert That try before you buy option may not be so practical out here in Australia given the size of the place, unless we can source the projector in Brisbane (140k away)
Just tried using windows movie maker with a Canon 5D clip and it doesn't work anyway. I did split a video using this method but can't recall what type of video it was, obviously not a Canon 5D one. Never mind eh
In the case of the 4:3 projector I can see little merit in projecting a "bigger / wider" image using just 75% of the available resolution. Why not? It makes no sense whatsoever to make a slide show at 16:9 for a monitor and DVD and a 4:3 show for a projector. Just make one show at 16:9 that works on all systems with no disadvantages. IMHO its daft to advise anyone to make a 4:3 slide show these days.
Tony What you have to do is decide where you are usually going to show your AV's. If you are intending to use a 4:3 projector then obviously this is the size to go for, if however you will normally be showing on a TV, computer monitor or 16:9 projector then obviously that is the size to go for. I have to take issue with what you have said here because I don't believe it is correct. It doesn't matter that a 4:3 projector is being used. A 16:9, a 16:10 or a 4:3 slide show will display perfectly OK on a 4:3 projector, I do it all the time and have been for the last 3+ years. Given that TV's are 16:9, that you can't buy a screen or laptop that is not 16:9 now, then 16:9 is a good format to make a slide show. You don't have to make a 4:3 slide show for a 4:3 projector A 16:9/16:10 show Will play perfectly on the computer Will make a great DVD if that is your need Will display perfectly on a 4:3 projector
Can someone explain what a negative mask will do. I can't say I am entirely sure?
For just simple trimming of video clips, I have done this with Windows Live Movie Maker. A free download I believe.
Please forget what I said about changing screen resolution. I obviously didn't type enough to make my point. I am NOT suggesting anyone do that now. It was my foolish mistake to even mention it.
Ken your website conforms to standard settings so why not your shows I don't understand what you mean, sorry. I am sorry for my views, but the number of images, the length of the show, the format is all irrelavent to the viewer. I can understand those who may want details of location. Just download the slide show and if its too big don't hit the download button. If you don't like it once its downloaded hit the escape key. One member won't download a show if is isn't this, one won't download if it isn't that, sorry guys, but from where I sit some of you sound crackers.
Gary I think your list requires more effort than some put in the making of the show. I am amazed a little at this craving for details. I recall some years ago before all slide shows played OK on all monitors. I suggested that members temporarily change their screen resolution to that which the author used so they could see the show as was intended. If you had seen the responses you would have thought I had asked members to give up their daughters to the slave trade, or I had insulted their wives. I can see some information may have some use, if so, ask the author and if they want to share that they will. My beef is rules rules rules. I am becoming sick of them because they are mostly irrelavent.
Maureen Sydney is a great city to visit, but I am glad I don't live here, too busy and reminds me of London with all the traffic, but some great pictures to be had around the harbour. We move on the this morning back north and will spend the next week traveling along the Pacific Highway stopping at interesting locations. I am a member of a Camera club here, we joined Noosa CC on the Sunshine Coast just after arriving here and Carol is president of the club. We have revolutionised their way of running competitions using PTE to present pre judged images. It works a treat. By beef with clubs are the stupid rules they apply for no purpose, just like some try to do here. As soon as PTE allowed video to be introduced one club here who run an anual AV competition have banned it in slide shows. That is an example of the crazy rules I refer to, but it gets worse. The rule states That no video over 10 fps can be used in a slide show. How will the organisors be able to tell for a start. Never a good idea to impose rules you don't have any hope of policing is there? I think they ended up dropping the rule that even told authors what level they must save their jpeg images at to enter the competition. A funny thing happened last night and I thought of you...... At the end of my demo at Mosman CC, two people came over to ask what speaker system I used because the sound quality was so good. It was of course the Ergo system you recommended to me some years ago. It was a big Hall with about 60 people present and the sound was as good as ever. One took a link to their web site with a view to buying a set.
Xaver Thank you for saying that. How right you are, but I didn't have the bottle to say it, least I upset someone. bbdigital
Get banned? Well, you never know
Tom Yes, we are travelling a long way from home and I did not take my home contact details so I logged on with a new account. It wasn't done for devious reasons, but it was fun for a while, but nothing changes does it. It's also interesting that I virtually got told to bugger off on my first post, just because I didn't agree with the establishment. We are currently in Sydney because we were invited to give a series of talks to Clubs in the Sydney area. We have done 4 so far with the last one at Mosman CC tonight. One was a dedicated presentation demo, so PTE played the largest part of that, but I include PTE in all my demos. Last night we were at St George CC, which is a large club close to Botany Bay. Tonight I have one last one at Mosman and then we start heading the 1000k back home. Sold some PTE software disks and introduced it to a number of new people. By the way, I had to log on with an account while I am away, because to read all the threads when we get back after 3-4 weeks may be a bit daunting.
If you have to look at the nav bar to determine how much longer you are going to have to view the show, then all is lost already. Its clear by then that the author has lost your attention and you may as well hit the escape key. If you see your about to download a 15 minute slide show, I would suggest that many would decline from doing so. The simple reasons are that its very rare for shows of that length to be good enough to keep us watching. However, there will be exceptions, so I would give any show or demo a go because it might just have the wow value and inspiration we often look for in other peoples work.
Well it seems to me that it is not a very good thing on this forum to have a different view to the establishment. (or language). I cannot see any good reason to post technical details on a posted show if the author does not want to. I also believe that it is uneccessary rule being applied where none are needed. Its a FORUM not a club, please don't feel that you have to make rules that most casual observers will miss anyway. Common sense and being polite is enough. Isn't it?
Ken Please describe exactly what attitude I have that makes me unwelcome here. If it's the case that I will not read all the posts, then you had better get ready to ban many more casual observers in the forum. Can you also tell me what work I am required to do? When I joined the forum I never read anything about my having to do any work.
How many of the thousands of posts do I have to read Ken and will I lose the will to live while doing so.
Why should the details be published and how does a new recruit to the forum know of this "requirement" Telepathy? Please don't turn forums into Camera Clubs and then feel there is a need to start making rules that only the chosen few know and understand.