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  1. Thank you Ron :-) I purchased the biz license for it at that time but I didn't realize it was so long ago. Time flies when you have your finger in many pies. LOL. I will upgrade my version and hopefully things will move along nicely :-) I've already redone three of the five presentations and saved as .pte's so I'll be wrapping this up soon I hope! Thanks to all!! Tomsphotos
  2. Hmmmm..... I'm using version 3.75 and do not see the "Run application after last slide" function anywhere. Am I missing that or is it not available for this version? Thanks again :-) Tomsphotos
  3. Excellent, excellent replies to my ineptitude all! :-) I'm not sure I kept the .pte files, Ralph. I have a bad habit of getting rid of (what seems to me to be) duplicate files. If I have to start all over again (and that seems to be the case here) I'll just do that. No sense making the process more difficult for my potential clients ;-) Thank you very much for the help and I'll see if I can make this presentable :-D Thank you again - all of you for your contributions :-) Tomsphotos
  4. Thank you for the welcome Al :-) Could you elaborate more on the "run external application" comment? Is this a feature of P2exe that I haven't found yet? I like your suggestion about the individual shows running consecutively and that would work for me. Thanks in advance! Tomsphotos
  5. Thank you for that link, Granot! My preference at this time is to get it figured out using the existing program so I will try to use a link within the program as you suggested. As the five .exe's are already separate, it would involve a bit more than just adding them into one show. I tried to add those files into one presentation and of course it didn't work :-) I will see what I can do. Thanks for your quick response!! Tomsphotos
  6. I have 5 exe presentations I want to burn to cd. How do I modify the "autorun" feature to make all five automatically run when put into the computer ?? Thanks in advance!! Tomsphotos
  7. I have 5 exe presentations I want to burn to cd. How do I modify the "autorun" feature to make all five automatically run when put into the computer ?? Thanks in advance!! Tomsphotos
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