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Everything posted by mikeaja

  1. Thanks Lin and Jean-Claude! Two great solutions....... very nice. @Lin that CTRL + E thing is really cool. Never would have found that! Nice to see I'm looking for answers to things others have encountered. @Jean-Claude that program looks very cool. I put my efforts so far, based on theDoms template, on youtube...... 'what a beginner can do who can't stop playing with PTE for 2 days!' http://youtu.be/cCf6ZaKmFpw (I'm not a photographer, and this is text based. Of course, eventually the plan is to make more use of images. The final version of this will be used for the online promotion of a business)
  2. Hi Lin Thanks so much for the detailed post. I can't believe I missed that option 'scale keyframes', great to know about, although in this case it's not what I need. I don't think I can split the slide. The slide in question is based on theDoms template '3d scenary' and all the action is in one slide (and there are loads of key frame markers now). If I understand correctly, there's no way of moving all timeframes at once (so not scaling them, but taking say 4 seconds of all of them). Not a big problem, as there aren't so many that I can't just do each one separately. But thought I should check first. EDIT: I think I've found treads from last year about this, and selecting multiple key frames. So it seems not possible. Shame, but can't have everything.
  3. I hope this is not a daft, already answered a 1000 times question. I'm struggling with finding things in this forum that fit what I'm searching for (probably just need to get used to it). Anyway, I've got my slideshow, first slide is 10 secs, second starts with a slow pan out (lasting 6 seconds), and then other stuff. I'd like to split the first slide in 2, making two slides of 7 seconds, then take the extra 4 seconds from the start of second slide. However, if I use customize slide and change the length minus 4 seconds, the key frame time stay the same (so the last one overflows). Is there a way I can cut 4 seconds from the start of slide two, which also moves all the key frame timings in that slide minus 4 seconds? I hope I am making sense here.......
  4. Thanks Lin and xahu34! Lin, yes I bought theDom's template (3d scenery). It's good, although a fancier version of what I had in mind, but great for building a slideshow with at this stage. And I appreciate the detail in your post. xahu34, that template is great, thanks. Yes, exactly what I meant. Never would have occurred to me to do it like that. Actually, the images weren't in the zip, but that didn't matter at all. It is a great example, and most importantly I can use it to build on. Once I have finished my first project (using 3d scenery), I'm going to do another version using xahu's template, because then I think I'll have pretty much what I first imagined. This, initially, is a slideshow for a website about websites..... (planning to do 2 or 3 of those), then some that are tutorials about websites. I'll post a link to what I've done once it's ready...... you can see what a newbie does with PTE (after doing nothing else but that for an entire Sunday!). Actually, when I first started searching for slideshow creators, I didn't find this one. There were various others that kept appearing in searches and forums, and it was 1 forum post recommending it that led me to PTE.
  5. Thanks for that and the link. I'll take a good look at that tutorial avi there. Thanks also for the template. Actually, it's an very cool but different effect to the one I was trying to describe. But perhaps I can use it to better explain. In yours, the appearance is that images move. However, what I was looking to do was the idea of moving over the images. Imagine, a real-life version with a video camera, where I'd glued 10 images to a back board. I then stand over the board, with the camera and move around focusing on each picture then moving on. There's probably a much better way to explain what I mean.......
  6. Hi all I've just started experimenting with PTE. I did go through the user guide before asking here, but the guide seems only to deal with problems, issues and the menus of PTE. I see there are a number of submitted tutorials, but it is hard to know what they actually cover (when you are not familiar with all the terms). I'm looking to learn 3-4 basic practical techniques to enable me to start building a slideshow with confidence. The first thing I would like to do is create a 4-5 image slideshow, using an effect I've seen quite a lot, where the appearance is of one very large slide and we are moving around it, image to image. The best example I saw of this was where parts of the nearby images are visible in each slide. But this is not so important. TheDom's '3D Scenary' template is sort of what I mean (although with the added 3D, more advanced than I am wanting to do).
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