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Jim Higgins

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    Photography,Audio visuals,Computers

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  1. Hi Jim

    Just seen your name pop up on the forum & noticed you aren't far from us, We live in Hesketh Bank. Wondered if you have an AV group near you?

    Regards Rosy.

    1. Jim Higgins

      Jim Higgins

      Hi Rosy

      I'm in Crosby Camera Club and while we don't have a group as such we do have about a half dozen members that enter AVs in our yearly comp. Not sure about this year as everything is being done on Zoom.

      However there was a very good group based in Ainsdale. I'll see if it is still runnuing and get back to you, if you like.


    2. rosy


      Hi Jim

      I was a member of the Ainsdale group but it eventually faded out. Not sure if it's still active, but it was fragmented & very small. The guy who ran it had a projection room in his back garden, which was great, but the meetings eventually faded away, not sure if due to illness.

      Thanks anyway.


    3. Jim Higgins

      Jim Higgins

      Sorry Rosy,    

      That was the group I was talking about. Good hunting.


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