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Gary, This is intended behavior. Navigation Bar Settings affect EXE files only, not the Preview.
Currently it is not possible to run menu on one monitor and everything else on the second, if you are using 'run slideshow' or 'run slideshow and return' commands. If, however, menu and presentation itself are separate exe files, you can run them on different displays as nobeefstu suggested.
Thank you for your report! I investigated the problem and found there is a bug in the code of PicturesToExe. It will be fixed in the next patch.
Hi Barry, This is not a bug. You just need to delay the start of two smaller video clips. By default they start at the beginning of a slide. Select the video in O&A editor, and set 'Offset' parameter to 7 seconds.
Gary, Canvas Size determines which part of original video file is displayed. It doesn't control at which size it is displayed, i.e. canvas size is not the zoom. If your video had 100% zoom before you reduce canvas size, it will remain at 100%. The result might appear as 'zoom in' since fewer pixels are fit in the same size. To avoid that effect, you have to reduce zoom accordingly. You can ask Dave (davegee) for additional information. He knows a lot about this feature, and might give you some practical advice.
Hi Gary, There is a simpler way to do what you want: Canvas Size. Select your video in O&A editor, click 'Adjust Video and Border' button, and open 'Canvas Size' tab. Here you can cut edges of video without any additional child objects.
Global replace for color and font
Artem replied to tom95521's topic in Suggestions for Next Versions
Hi Tom, I'm not sure which color exactly you want to replace. There can be dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of colors inside one slide. Background color of slide, colors of rectangle objects, colors of text objects, colors of borders around images, colors of shadows etc. -
Dave, Unfortunately, there is no way to change slide1 to slide2 inside Custom Effect Editor. But you can save the effect file (*.ptef), and then edit it manually in Notepad. Find the identifier 'ReplaceWithEffectBuffer' and change its value from '1' to '2'.
Dom, There are 2 suggestions: 1)keypoints for shadows 2)uniform shadow for a group of objects Both are interesting ideas, but we don't have enough time to implement them in version 8. Maybe in the future version(s). Artem
Dom, To see the difference between 3D mode shadow and normal shadow, set some 3D parameters for object (AngleX or AngleY), and set a large shadow distance for it. The 'normal mode' means the distance between object and its shadow is a flat vector, parallel to the screen plane. The '3D mode' means the distance between object and its shadow is a 3D vector, parallel to the object plane. Artem
strange behaviour of "/" inside a text [SOLVED]
Artem replied to Picsel's topic in General Discussion
Dave, I blocked "/" and "*" hotkeys while typing the text. So the behavior would be the same as in versions 7.0.7 or earlier. Xaver, You're right, these hotkeys should be in the User Manual. It was our mistake to not include them. Artem -
strange behaviour of "/" inside a text [SOLVED]
Artem replied to Picsel's topic in General Discussion
I confirm this problem. I just fixed it. It seems "/" key is used for scaling editor to 100%, and "*" for scaling editor to Auto. But they should be blocked while typing the text. The error indeed appeared in version 7.5.0. Artem -
Gerard, Yes, you're right. It must be the same bug, then. You have masks in A-B transition, as well as on slide that is after it. Artem
Gerard, I downloaded and examined your project and both custom transitions. First transition: A-B Before you saved this transition, you must have seen the following warning: "Incorrect position of "Slide1" or "Slide2" objects. "Slide1" should fit the screen in the beginning of transition effect, and "Slide2" in the end. Continue?" This is the reason for discrepancy in your first transition. Second transition: C-D You discovered a bug in PicturesToExe 7.5.0-7.5.4. If custom transition has masks, and the slide after transition also has masks, some coordinates are incorrect. Thank you for finding this problem! It will be fixed in the next patch version 7.5.5. Artem
Umberto, Sometimes it's a file, if you have a custom mask, not the default presets 'circle' and 'rectangle'. So, there is a complication: an icon have to change between 'file open' and 'wrench' each time you replace a mask. But I'll think about it. Thanks for suggestion. Artem
Dave, You mean, you have tried hundreds of videos with different codecs, sizes, aspects, FPS, file types, and all have the same problem? All right then. Maybe, the problem is dependent on specific project option, or border parameter, or something else in your project source file. It would be easier for me to recreate the problem if I have your project, on which, as I already know, the problem is recreatable. Then I can do all the testing - try different combinations of options and parameters, and determine which of them is causing the trouble. So, could you please send me source files of your project? Artem
Dave, Thanks for the screenshot. Still, I can't recreate this problem. Can you send me source files of this project? Upload the zip archive on mediafire or send me on email. You said the problem happens on your laptop only. Can you tell me your laptop's system configuration (videocard, screen resolution, processor, RAM, etc)? Artem
wilburke, Dave I cannot reproduce this problem. Could you provide more information? Screenshots of an exception and source files of a project would be helpful. Artem
Umberto, Thank you for finding this problem! Direct editing of mask parameters will be disabled in the next patch. Artem
Problem when manually advancing a paused playback [SOLVED]
Artem replied to PGA's topic in General Discussion
Peter, Thank you for reporting this problem! I reproduced it. Oddly, the bug seems to happen only if slides have no animation on them and navigation bar is disabled. We'll try to fix it for the next patch. Artem -
Dave, For custom effect buffers (objects called 'slide1' and 'slide2'), edge antialiasing option is ignored, along with 'sharper/smoother' slider and 'low quality of resizing' checkbox. The reason is because these objects aren't images, but frame buffers of whole slide. My bad, I should have disabled these options to avoid confusion. Artem
Jose, The 'unhandled exception' problem is already solved in version 7.5.2. But Out of Memory problem is not. To fully solve this bug, we need to make PTE a native 64-bit application, and that's a lot of work. We will do it sooner or later, but I cannot say exactly when. At this moment, we are busy with other tasks. My apologies. Artem
Yes, all back sides are off. Therefore, 'Wood Side' object should be invisible. It isn't. So, it's a bug. Changing opacity to zero is a workaround to avoid this problem, until I fix it properly.
Thanks for the files. I reproduced this problem. It seems you have found a bug in PTE's 3D geometry. I'm afraid it will take significant time to solve it. In the meantime, you can change opacity of 'Wood Side' to zero, so it always be invisible. Artem
Dave, If slideshow's behavior is changing dependent on size of preview screen, it's still a problem. Please send me the source files so I could investigate it. Artem