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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Thanks for the lesson on how to modify arrows. I will certainly give it a try as you suggestion uses only things that are already on the computer.
  2. Thanks for the suggestion. I am now starting a 30 day trial with Snagit 11. It does seem to offer many of the things I would like to do.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion. However, the arrow is of fixed proportion, head to tail. I wanted to be able to extend the arrow from the caption to the object. I am now trying another suggestion using Snagit 11. Don
  4. Occasionally I want to point out a feature that is mentioned in the caption using an arrow. I can do this in Power Point and import the complete setup, (picture, caption and arrow). However, this method does not allow for future modification like re-positioning the caption and arrow. I have also tried generating and arrow in say Word and then capturing the arrow using FSCapture. However, this method also captures the background so the arrow in inside a rectangular box. Are there other ways of putting an arrow on a slide. I do not have Photoshop only Essentials 10.
  5. Thank you. Your suggestion sounds easiest, so I will try that first.
  6. Is it possible to use sub or super scripts when writing a caption. For example 1st reads better if 'st' is in super script. If it is not possible are there any suggestions on how to achieve the effect in PtE.
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