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About Nashiki

  • Birthday 04/28/1953

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    Broek op Langedijk

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  1. Hello, I am planning to create a slideshow with a 50 bij 50 picture grid as a basis from there on photos have to pop up randomly from that grid. Can anybody help me to start? Thanks in advance Bert
  2. Hello Igor, I like option B the most. Regards Bert
  3. Thanks for the quick reply Yachtsman1 ENJOY your holliday Bert
  4. Hi All, Are these sites whe I can download musict that is free to use in my slide shows? Thanks in advance Bert
  5. To all who helped me. I learned a lot about my system and saw a lot of incredeble slide shows!!!!! Thanks a lot Bert
  6. Hello Ken, I run Belarc and this is the outcome: OS: Windows 7 Professional (x64) Service Pack 1 (build 7601) Install Language: Nederlands (Dutch) System Locale: Nederlands (Dutch) Installed: 3-5-2012 15:28:50 Processor: 3,30 gigahertz Intel Core i5-2500K No memory cache 64-bit ready Multi-core (4 total) Not hyper-threaded Main Circuit Board: Board: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. P8H77-V LE Rev X.0x Serial Number: MF70C3G05200191 Bus Clock: 100 megahertz BIOS: American Megatrends Inc. 0237 02/14/2012 Menory: 16270 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory Display: Intel® HD Graphics Family [Display adapter] Eizo S2233W [Monitor] (22,3"vis, s/n 31267040, april 2010) I also run the tests Igor advised and thy did run with no problems. Bert
  7. Hello Peter, Thanks a lot explaning your workflow. This will be a great help to me. I am using lightroom 4 and photoshop elements 10 for my photo work. I want to be as structured as possible. Making slide shows excites me. As you mentionned my goal is to tell stories with my photo's that go further than adding nice pictures together. I will post my url when my site is ready next week to show you what i mean. again thank you for the stimulating advice Bert
  8. Hello PTE enthousiasts, I decided to buy PTE. Thanks to all who advised me...:-) The thing I am thinking about now is how to set up a structured workflow on making my slideshows. Is there a tread about this subject? The folderstructure I plan to set up is the following: - PTE Projects - Project 1(name) - Slides - Music-Sound - ..... - Project 2(name) - Slides - Music-Sound - ..... Has someon some advice on this? Thanks in advance Bert
  9. Thanks Ken!!
  10. Hi All, As a newcomer I am amazed about the wonderful templates showed here. The only question I have is: How do I get these templates in PTE? Thanks in advance Bert
  11. I want to use PTE on the best hardware. What video card can u advise.
  12. Hello all, I am considering to buy Pictures to Exe, Thanks xahu34!! There is one question left for me at the moment. I have a computer with an internal video processer Intel® GMA HD 3000 build into the Intel® Core™ i5-2500K CPU, "Sandy Bridge". Is this ok to be able to use the whole functionality of PTE? or do I need to buy an extra video card? Thanks in advance, Nashiki
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