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Everything posted by steven62

  1. Dave, Fixed Size of Slide box was already unticked. Regarding the player connected to the TV you could have me there. Both my player and the one connected to the 55" are older players so that could be a problem but I am not sure how. Steven
  2. By using the "Show safe TV zone" in O&A much more appears to be cropped out then what is on the TV. It almost seems that show safe TV zone is for regular non LCD TV's (4:3?) My flat screen can change the modes as you described and changing them still does not allow the full frame to show.
  3. Hi, I have been having a problem with a thin line showing around images for TV. The frame shows OK with the exe or mp4 on computer but does not show the sides and sometimes the top and bottom on television. I make the frame in photoshop and have double checked that it is in fact a 1920 x 1080 image and saved as a .png file. I have double checked that my settings in both 7.5 pte and video builder are set for 1920 x 1080. I publish the video as DVD-Video disc so maybe I may be making an error here? I need to save it like this because most of the folks viewing it on their LCD"s cannot play mp4 on their players. I have a 42 inch LCD flat screen TV and no matter what aspect ratio I select for play back it is the same problem but on computer it's OK. I also have tried it on a 55" LCD that I have access to and it's the same problem. I am hoping to solve this problem before finishing the next 2 shows so any help is appreciated. Steven
  4. Dave, I really want to thank you for sharing your custom transitions with us. I have downloaded several of them and have used a few in my "family" shows. Hope to start learning how to do this after I am done doing the next couple of tough videos I have been asked to do. Very inspirational to those of us who have a desire to learn this great program. Steven
  5. Hello, Sorry I have not answered sooner but the last few days have been hectic for me between my part time job and a show I needed to finish. I have completed 7 shows thus far most of them being for my wife's family so have not been able to put them up here. I think I put up 2 or 3 since getting PTE and am thankful for the tutorials that I have been able to get even though I may ask some simple questions sometimes. I have been asked to do two more slide shows that I am not looking forward to doing but said I would. It has to do with certain customs here in the area and that's all that I am comfortable with sharing. Onto my replies and reasons for my request. Peter: Thank you for taking the time to let me know that you agree about us being ambassadors. Geoff and Barry: I do not think you realize it but you made my point stronger for my request. I will put the quotes below. Geoff Wrote: Barry Wrote: Geoff: You have over 400 posts and joined in 2004, Barry. You have over 2000 posts and joined in 2003. My point here is you have both forgotten what it was like when you joined this forum. Another point is that I will bet you dollars to donuts that the shenanigans that have been going on here lately was not around when you first joined. Right? One more point. I joined in July 2012 which was just before I purchased PTE. I believe that I downloaded and installed it July 30,2012, a few weeks after I joined. I don't remember seeing any big problems then but I will tell you that I saw the last few blowups coming long before they happened and I know without a doubt others saw it as well. If you honestly believe that this can or will never happen again then I will take my marbles and go home (regarding this thread). Those that were baiting and adding their little smilies at the end did not fool anyone and why the moderators did not step I guess is another story. I am sorry that I keep going back to that baiting and smiley stuff, it's just that it was so obvious to me about what was going on that I would just shake my head and get out of the thread regardless of how much good information was there concerning PTE. The fact that Igor published guideline for moderators and the addition of Ralph as a moderator will be a real help because I believe that he is sensitive enough to recognize the signs. So now, why am I seeking a beginners forum? Well, quite simply put a safe place for new folks to go until they get their feet wet. Say about 2 or three shows where other more experienced folks would be willing to look at some of their shows and give some measurable critiques of their shows. I received a couple of great reviews that I put into practice and before you say that your points have been made I was also told that my shows would not be downloaded because the individual who made the comment only watched the best of the best (I have paraphrased their comment). I don't think this kind of thing would happen in a beginners forum because this person and others with that attitude would not want to go there. Barry. I am not sure what you mean by grading in camera clubs. I do not belong to anything like that but I do belong to a few forums where introductions are made and the beginner is made to feel welcome, does their thing until they feel comfortable enough to move on. I am not suggesting that new members be forced to to into a beginners forum, just if they need to they can receive extra help. I really would like to hear from some newer members to see how they feel about this. Look folks. I have no problem admitting if I am wrong about something. Even though I am 68 I still learn something new almost every day. I have not seen enough data come in to convince me that I am wrong in this. You know, I used to teach a class on quality and used something that I was told by another person to avoid misconceptions and arguments. I would ask the class to pull out a coin from their pocket (American coin) and show them where it said "In God We Trust" I would then tell them "All others bring data" and at this time I think we need more data before saying no. I am not saying we need a beginners forum. I am suggesting it and exploring the whys and why nots. Thank you for you inputs. Steve Edit: Something I noticed after rereading my reply this morning and that is I may have given the impression that long time members should not reply. If that is the case I apologize for the miscommunication. My intention is that all give their thoughts here as each reply will give a clear vision as to having a beginners forum is viable or not.
  6. Hello, I was going to put this as a reply to the last thread but felt that it should have it's own thread. I would like to suggest a new forum for beginners. This forum would be for folks who are new to PTE, or new to slideshows in general. You see, the first time I heard of the term "keyframe" I thought it had something to do with a computerized piano. I am just kidding. Yeah, I know humor is frowned here (I read that here somewhere) but baiting someone and adding a dozen or so smileys after it is OK. Go figure. By the way. Before you say that we have an off topic forum keep in mind that I signed up to this forum well before I bought the software. Betcha there are others besides me. Igor, I know you removed all of the offending messages pertaining to the last thread but there is an old saying about too little too late. I saw it. How many others saw it. It's a great idea to just tell everyone that they need to clean up after themselves but you all know it will happen again. It's human nature when someone gets their toes stepped on to strike back, not everybody walks away for a cup of coffee or tea before hitting that send button . So how to stop or slow it down. Well you already have the answer here. It's just not being used. Let me continue on. How I would visualize a beginners forum would be in addition to the above there would be a stronger moderator presence like when a couple of oldtimers begin to use all of those smileys at the end of some biting or derogatory comments the moderator would delete them right away to keep the fuse from reaching the powder keg which was allowed several times in the short amount of time that I have been here and if the moderator was involved they should have gotten another moderator to take over the thread. I would also recruit a couple of folks who would monitor the beginners forum and understand the concept of "creative alternative" or know how to make a critique without saying "your show stinks!" or "your show is beautiful" when in fact it's not. They can take the time to tell the new person how to fix the problem areas. The may not even know there is a way to fix it. I have a couple of folks here I would nominate which should be done by PM if you decide to take my suggestion or a variation thereof. Let me end by saying two things. 1. None of the above things have happened to me. I have been treated with respect and professionalism in any thread I started no matter how simple the question was and I thank you for that. 2. As I look over the forums for answers to problems and viewing slide shows sometime I wonder if you folks really know and understand what you have here. Don't forget, this is coming from an outsiders point of view (me), I know, I use PTE but.... In my eyes what you have here is something extraordinarily unique. PTE is truly an international piece of software. Yes, I am aware that the competition has users from other countries but not like PTE with awards from all over Europe, users from all parts of the globe, so many different cultures and languages. It is in our best interests to act like ambassadors. Steven
  7. Hello, I enjoyed your show and the HDR was just the right amount. Everything flowed very nicely. As Ken mentioned it was somewhat surprising to see the motors and copper tubing given that Detroit had it's freeways go dark because of the crooks out there. I also did not expect to see so much steel there as I would have thought that when they closed they would have brought in a salvage operation. Steven
  8. That's great news! There is also A PDF file on the French forum for 7.0 I think. Now for the 6 million dollar question: Does anyone know how to translate a PDF file to English? I've tried but can only get the first 9 pages with text formatting and no images or another site wants something like 4.5 cents per word. I just don't have the money for this yet If I did I would jump at it . It's hard to believe that nothing like this is available in English as great as this program is. Steven
  9. Eric, I have had virtually no problems with the last 3 shows that I have done using 7.5 nor have there been any problems with video builder and burning DVD's using XP pro sp3. I have stopped sharing shows for now because the shows I am doing are family related and would be of no interest to anyone here. Hopefully after the next 2 I will be able to get back to it. I have shared with one other person on the forum (via PM during the course of a conversation) why I need to do this and it is family related. The reason I have mentioned the above is that I am still learning and loving PTE just have no shows to share for awhile. Still would like to know if I raise the sharpness in PTE's project option for the unsharp mask I should be able to compensate for some of the loss in sharpness. Correct? Obviously one would have to know which mode they would be using before going to video builder to save the show on DVD. Steven
  10. Igor wrote: Then in theory, if I raise the sharpness in PTE's project option for the unsharp mask I should be able to compensate for some of the loss in sharpness. Correct? Obviously one would have to know which mode they would be using before going to video builder to save the show on DVD. Eric, Thanks for the additional information. Steven
  11. Hi, In video builder, project options, video type there are 3 options: (See Attachment) 1. Progressive 2. Interlaced 3. Automatic When saving a show to DVD to show on television I have been leaving it on auto. Should I be using one of the other choices? If so Which one and more importantly what do these 2 options mean? Thank You, Steven
  12. Thanks Lin, That is very clear and I am not sure if I missed it in other sources or what. Steven
  13. Hi all, I know I should know this by now but I seem to have missed the session on the tutorials I have read and/or purchased. When in the O&A window when do I clone a key frame and when do I hit the new key frame button and more importantly does it matter? This whole concept of key frames especially multiple key frames is fairly new to me and I don't know if I am just dense, not paying attention or what. I have tried to understand it in the guide, Lin's PTE 5 book and listening to Barry's Tutorial over and over but I am just not getting it. I know I had a tough time with curves in photoshop for a while but there were enough tutorials out there that one day the light went on and life was once again good. Thanks, Steven
  14. Dave, Thank you for a great job and the fact of being willing to us how it's done. This applies # 5 as well. I am aware of the "jaggies" but am confident that it will be sorted out. Steven
  15. Eric, At first I had decided not to make a reply but realized that you have reached a point where the effects and presentation were excellent and to some degree inspirational as presenting an emotional subject. If I had any wish it would have been that the volume of the music and sound effects was too loud during the first poem and I found it some what distracting while trying to listen to the words. The reason that I had a hard time deciding to reply was that the show was very emotional (as you said it was not a "happy show"). You see, the thought crossed my mind about the thousands and thousands and thousands of lives lost to give us the freedoms that we have had only to see my nation and it's present generation give those freedoms up, one and two and three at a time. It's as if those who died, died for naught and I hope we wake up before it is too late. Maybe your show will be a beginning. Steven
  16. Hi Lin, Cool! Errrrrrrrr, make that a hot time. Best end of the world party that the world did not end I've ever been to. Thanks for the invite. Really enjoyed the effects and music. Steven
  17. I noticed that the original post was posted in 2005. Does the link still exist anywhere? Steven
  18. Hi Lin, I really enjoyed this thanks. One thing though. I don't know what it is with me and fireplaces. Must have been deprived as a kid because we never had one :lol:/>. I kept gravitating back to it and knew something was different about it. I called Peggy over (my wife) to watch the show again and she caught it from the get go. Did you sync the flames and/or reflections to the music? If so, then all I have to say about that is WOW!!! Wish I knew how you did that. Real cool effect. If you did not and I am seeing things then disregard the previous and I will go and lay down for awhile. :blink:/> One other thing. The image of the wolf over the fireplace is really super. We had a breed of dog for many years that is often mistaken for a wolf (Belgian Sheep dog). We now have Belgian Tervurens. One more thing. The picture hanging on the wall to the left of the fireplace is one that you took. Right? Steven
  19. Hello Barry, I really enjoyed this show. Seems that the more I watch and learn the less I know so I just sit back and enjoy. Thank you. Steven
  20. Hi Lin, I downloaded this show a few days ago not too soon after I came home from work. It was about 20 degrees out and snowing lightly with winds around 15 MPH (relevance of this in a moment ). As I was watching I was mesmerized by that fireplace and could swear I heard crackling of the wood. If that show would have lasted any longer I probably would have fallen asleep (that's a good thing) Steven
  21. Hello, I enjoyed the show very much. Good mix of wild life and fall colors. Good photography as well. Animations were smooth on my aging XP box. Wish that there had been more of an equal ratio of closeup and distance shots. Steven
  22. Hi Ken, I have been using IZarc and found it to be simple for unzipping anything and everything. I am embarrassed to say while I have done a lot of unzipping, I had never zipped using this program and I could not find the instructions for doing it. I finally found it on their site (using right click with my mouse). I think I will download and install 7-zip as well to see which I like better. Thanks, Steven
  23. Ralph, Thank you, I appreciate the comments. I had many more slides originally but the file size was getting out of hand. In my last show I saved the jpg file as quality 6 whereas in this show I think I saved it as a 10. Also in this show I had a couple of videos as well. As for having fun, that I am, that I am, although it can get frustrating at times I really do enjoy doing this. Steven
  24. That works Barry. Thank You, Steven
  25. I felt my last reply was too long so I opted to send this separately. Xaver wrote: First off let me say that I have never been disappointed when asking technical questions on this forum. The amount of patience is terrific. They seem to want to make sure you understand their answers. If the answer is does not work then I have a starting place to find the correct answer. If the answer works, then life is good and we march on. Regarding comments on slide shows. I hope I can convey clearly my feelings on this. I do not comment a lot on slide shows because I am new to this and I may not understand what they were trying to convey if anything. If there are some technical problems with the photos I may bring it up but then again I may not because I am not familiar with their style. Whether we realize or not we all have a style, even if it is copied. My style in slide shows is part copied and part my own and as I gain more experience my style will evolve completely just as my photography has evolved over the years. But I digress. Back to comments. There is nothing wrong with "Love it" or "Nice pictures" it is a slap on the back, an acknowledgement of your work. Useless? Perhaps, but an acknowledgement never the less. Now should someone come along and say "I hated your show" without further explanation that would not make sense. Look, Mary and Mick were nice enough to comment on my show. The first thing I noticed was that they were sincere and that a couple of the negatives were similar which told me that there could be a problem. One was the fast zooms which prompted this thread and the other that stood out to me was that I had some photos that appeared to be the same with slight variation. OK, I said to myself. This is just a difference of artistic license, I mean I spent over 5 hours on this show, 1 1/2 hours on the music alone not counting the processing time so I knew they were wrong. However, I went back to the show and replayed it through their eyes and you know what? They were right! Their experience won out over my inexperience. You said "So isn't it the best thing to say something nice or nothing at all?" Of course it's the best thing to say something nice. But when asked why not do as Mary and Mick had done? Say something nice and provide a negative without being negative. Especially if asked. If a person does not ask for a critique then I may just give a pat on the back if I am sincere about it. I would not say "great job" if I did not mean it. Steven
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