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About Ghulya

  • Birthday 06/19/1955

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  • Location
    South Italy near Napoli
  • Interests
    Wine, cookery, litterature, cinema essai

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  1. Unwatchable and very dangerous. in fact, it starts with children's games (like this video) and then gets used to the invasive use of Artificial Intelligence. Human Intelligence is enough. Thanks Ghulya
  2. Question: when is scheduled next 12 Pte? Thanks Ghulya
  3. Post https://www.manunzio.it/diary-d Video https://037.myphotoportal.com/i/archivio/foto/1503175/NottePioggia.mp4
  4. Ghuly a
  5. Ok solved re-re-install V. 11 update 11. 0. 09. Deo gratia! Ghulya
  6. Yes. Oh my God I have a problem: I've problem in my mind, an impossible error was occurs after updated 11. 0.9: ahi. Yes. I Can re-install it? Thanks Giulia
  7. Problem again problem 10. 5. 10 Mac Where is “quick” command to copy example an XYZ attribute slide on other slide or sequence? Where is command save as…Png and other? Ghulya
  8. Huston we have problem: after update to 11. 05. 9 of PTE 11 again re-update new 11. 05. 10. I re-open program ta da and claims me the key program! Well I find my license number and resolve it. Why the strange procedure? Ghulya Ps. Laptop Mac Book Air 16 GB Mac OS 13.5.2
  9. Thanks for you patience!
  10. Interesting tutorial, but I've a questions and put here: because isn't possible more “effects” for example dissolve page, add cul and other on same slide? Secondly, if is possible “freeze” and export via Png a list of slide why not for video, or a segment of it? Thanks Ghulya
  11. In English is better: Danke! Ghulya
  12. For me in a video + slide/s I do like this: 1 Video Via O&A, Master 2 I insert the slide/s where it needs 3 Video/Copy and I Paste on Slide/s I needs. Everything in the Timeline Ghulya
  13. Ok well done (SOLVED) Ghulya
  14. Ok but remember the problem is only new Laptop MacBook M2, right now I uploded new OS Ventura 13.1, and re-instaled PTE V. 11.0.1 but same problem Regards Ghulya
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