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Everything posted by lisajulia

  1. I also miss the option of being able to right click on a group of slides and move them to either the back for front of the show.
  2. Thanks.
  3. and if i can be so bold...if ' "Synchronize music and slides" box in Project Options isn't intended to do just that, then what's the point of that option or changing it when i worked perfectly fine in previous versions.
  4. With the other versions all i had to do was hit 'sync music to slides' or however it was worded and no matter how many songs or how many slides i used, it worked FLAWLESSLY....so yes...all i want to do is have the slides and music ending at the same time. Thanks so much for your speedy reply...very, very much appreciated!
  5. Hi...i am having this issue as well...inconsistent syncing and it's making me nuts...i have the latest version of the software and hate it...i want to go back to the old 4.3 because i never ever had an issue. I only upgraded so i could make EXE files for my clients who have a Mac...and i also have this software because i like that it expires...but after reading some things in the forum it looks like the only files that don't expire when setting up a date to expire are exe files...so i am not sure it was worth upgrading. Does anyone know if the sync issue has been fixed? Thanks!
  6. Hello! I FINALLY got verified to be in the forum!!! I have been using this software since somewhere around version 4. I have recently upgraded to 7...or whatever the latest is and i am wondering if anything has changed regarding this topic. I want clients to be able to see the show on their smartphones (mp4 files) and other formats than the usual EXE i used to make...BUT i SELL the slideshow so i need them to expire. So my question is...if i make an EXE file only but the kind that will also play on a Mac, and i put an expire date, will it work? All these years i have only made them as EXE files with an expire date and if a client had a Mac i just wouldn't make them one...now with more people having smartphones i wanted that other option...but not if the trial period won't work. THANKS!...also i am NOT very techy so in your reply, plain speak is easiest for me to understand =)
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