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I have received via email, a comment that includes: The only thing that I noticed was when the first song changed over to the second there was a bumping sound and the music level fell so much with the second song. I do not hear that at all on my computer playback. When I look in PTE at the waveform, Music #1 ends on a bit of a crescendo and a short taper to very brief silence. Music #2 wave form starts at the (visually) same volume as the ending visual/audible volume of Music #1. Does anyone else experience the "bumping sound" ? And - does anyone know why such a thing might occur on certain playback PC's?
The sound should begin as you leave the second start-up screen. The first slide has a duration of 20 seconds if there is no user intervention. The second slide has a duration of 200 seconds if no user intervention. To advance from either slide #1 or slide #2, requires only click on the on-screen button or a press of the keyboard right arrow. If that does not work Ken - then we have some sleuthing to do. As for the space bar "pause" and the right arrow "advance." In Project Options check Permit Control of Show using Keyboard and leave unchecked the Show Navigation Bar. Interestingly, it was Ken, a while back, who reminded me how easy it is to allow a viewer to pause and study any photograph that might be of particular interest. In a presentation such as this one, I am not worried about a viewer interfering with the continuity and flow of the show. I felt it more important to let the viewer know that indeed you can pause or even backup, scrutinize a photo, and then resume the fully synchronized show. This feature was also a factor in the decision to have a shorter duration of most the slides than you have suggested might have been better. I, like you, often feel I need more time to view new photos than the pace of the music might suggest. In this presentation, though I did try to pay attention to where transitions happen in the music, I actually tried to de-emphasize the rhythm by using the long transitions. You are exactly right on the aspect ratio. My own screen is 1024x768 and not wide screen. They are indeed 3:2 images from a Nikon. And for probably the first time in my PTE "career", I chose not to externally crop nor to use the Cover-Slide option of PTE. It was a calculated decision and I am not sure I like it. I have been seeing more and more of others' presentations that show up that way on my 1024x768 screen. I just decided to try it this time. Do you, as I, usually prefer to cover the entire screen? I must admit, it does annoy me to have to check the PTE "Cover-Screen" option on every individual slide. Maybe there is a global setting that I am not using? I think I, and perhaps others, have asked Igor if there is a possible way to make a global option for that.
This is a somewhat routine show but has a couple of things that may add interest. First of all, I think there are some exceptionally beautiful green colors from our mountain neighborhood in the desert. Secondly, Igor's explanation of how the PTE Start-up screen currently works in Version 5, made me realize again how the O&A features of Version 5 work just fine and offer more flexibility for making our own start-up screen. Let me know what you think of the result. Of course, all comments on anything are welcome. Beechbrook.com
Your systematic approach is probably useful in helping us each find what is most beneficial to our own presentations. Personally, I think I have, so far, more unconsciously just thought, "oh, that feature might work well with this particular image or this particular message." On the subject of titles and text additions, I have a couple of thoughts. As you point out, there have been some very impressive "openings" to presentations. I like best those where the Title/Opening have some direct correlation to the presentation. One of the best that comes to my mind was the Autumn opening with leaves and falling leaves in the title/opening. Others, to me, have been more "wow" but with little connection to the presentation itself. Many of the title sequences are interesting to me in the same manner, perhaps, as watching a string of commercials, one after another, just to see what clever things can be done. I think maybe the process we are part of goes something like this: 1. The technical capability Igor has given us. 2. Creative ideas on how to use the tech. 3. Applying #1 and #2 such that the actual presentation is truly enhanced. I have also thought that at times, I and others, might spend so much energy on the title, that the show then gets slighted in terms of our personal resources that we devote to the whole thing. In that case, I think the time/effort would usually be better spent on the rest of the presentation. On the other hand, those who really have a "handle" on title and text tools in PTE can probably make a very appropriate and sophisticated opening without devoting inordinate time.
Lin, With your skills in this "day of digital", the Cliff Palace is possibly more impressive in your presentation than when I have been there in person (many years ago.) What a great use of panorama and zoom. On my 3.ghz, ATI Radeon x600 pro, all movement was smooth. Aesthetically, I am still "unsettled" with: Your maximum zoom points (of course) are just un-clear enough to be distractive in some instances. That aspect reminds me of my very first Version 5 experiment, over a year ago. In Spirits in the Sky, shots of Machu Pichu, would "blur-up" before reaching the detail size I wanted to try. Your Cliff Palace image is larger and finer than the shots I was using, but ultimately the distractive fuzzy-point was reached. Would you mind saying what the maximum zoom percentage, as shown in the PTE work window, was? I am bringing this up as I am still trying to determine my personal criteria for zoom strength in my own presentations. Realizing there are many, many, factors, - I am not looking for a "rule" but only the thoughts of you and others on the point. Thank you for your continued valuable input in this forum.
nobeefstu! This does deserve a smile As Al, said - Welcome back. Are you still having fun with PTE? Can we expect to enjoy your presence on a somewhat regular basis?
I seldom can find anyone to fix anything! And it is a tough "new trick" to learn to throw things away when your whole life you figured if you could not fix it, someone could and would. But now -
I'm chiming in here Dave, but - The first DVD recorder I bought had also the VHS player, which is handy for converting family VHS home video (really old) tapes to DVD. What I did not get though was a firewire or usb2.0 input on the DVD recorder. I rationalized I did not need it on the DVD recorder because I can handle that and editing via my pc. I have since made sure that my current DVD recorder does have the jack to take digital video direct from my camcorder. I would recommend that, if you do or ever intend to use a digital camcorder. Currently combo VHS/DVD Recorders are available here at Costco (LiteOn brand $179) and Sams Club (Sony brand $199.)
Thanks Andrew for the review. Now I get to review the review(er)? You are right-on-the-money with your understanding of this sequence. You understand my purpose and the circumstances. I think you did not "reveal" anything to me, but it is helpful to have an outsider express observations. As some forum members, and often I, have expressed distrust for a "numbers" system - if it helps you, the reviewer, to formulate your assessments, so you can impart them to me, it is useful. I suspect some viewers/readers might think, gee, ADB didn't even mention the terribly out-of-focus log-walking pix! But I think you didn't bother because you did understand nearly the whole situation very well. Most reviews won't purport to be comprehensive, but will bring out the points important to the reviewer. As the creator/producer, we then have the benefit of the review to be utilized as we desire. Just a sidelight - I think of all my posted shows over time, this one may be the least deserving of a "review." In spite of that, I have already received nice e-mail comments from viewers who found it enjoyable to them. If one of my reasons for creating and posting a show is to simply "share", then those simple expressions of enjoyment are also very much appreciated. My main hope regarding your posted "system" is that it may encourage more comments and discussion of posted presentations. Thank you for nudging us in that direction. You may be aware of my just-previous posted sequence: This Morning (#2). In many ways very similar to ThisMorning3, it would receive a rather different review from myself. If you are willing to review that one too, I think it would shed even more light on the functionality and value of your review formula.
You certainly may be right Geoff. And I may agree with you. You having successfully integrated video gives credence to your point. I am aware that Lin has done much work in determining what is available and best in certain circumstances. Personally I have not "messed with" trying to integrate video since about 3 years ago. My determination was that a video insert in PTE was usually more novelty than need or even benefit. However, recently while taking photos of an activity, the action and audio taking place motivated me to switch my pocket camera into video mode. A quick glance at the video tells me it would be fun to drop it smack-dab into the stills of the event at that point. And as with other features in PTE - if the inclusion of a feature in PTE does not burden other users, it is nice for those who might find occasion for it. At this point, I don't find it to be "important" but others might value the feature more highly.
Igor, without P/Z/R, without O&A, could their be easier/better use of video segments in .pte file?
Most of all Andrew, I like the description you chose for this topic! I think I like the idea. Your purpose is well stated. More comments with more potential benefit to all involved. As Barry indicates he can "just say no" by hitting escape. By the same token, anyone can "just say no" to participating as either a comment maker or a show maker. Of all the shows I've ever posted, I've only received two comments that I "could have done without." And personally I would rather have many of those than to think I might have thwarted comments from someone. I'm sure Barry can use the escape key to "say no" to a comment, just as he can for a show. I think I would try to avoid the "competition" factor in regard to your system. Finally, I think it is good for a show presenter to invite comments or specifically indicate if he would rather not take comments. Finally, I hope your idea results in more comments on shows than comments on your idea. Editing here now: On further thought, I would think the least useful of your criteria might be the "PTE mastery." Or, adding "N/A", non-applicable to your point scale might help. "Mastery" level of PTE would not be easily evident or relevant. I don't think it would be very easy to conclude that a less-pleasing presentation was the result of in-adequate use of the software. Also, I would feel honored if you wanted to apply your evaluation system to a couple of my presentations. I suspect using your criteria numerous times would soon point out it's values and possible weaknesses.
Thanks Lin, I was not aware of Peter's passing. Now I am aware and saddened. (It sounds like he may have died about the same time the site died where we had met.) I have no idea who might read here to accept condolences. Maybe Peter will have to be listening in here to get the words of appreciation for him that are being expressed. Peter produced the first instance I ever saw of a sequence with animation that was more than a gimmick. I can only imagine what he might have eventually thought if he could have added PTE Version 5 to his arsenal. Besides Peter's photography and AV accomplishments, Peter seemed to value and serve his friends. It was my impression that he tried to be a breath of fresh air in some circles that he felt were a might stuffy. At least he did not seem to mind jousting a bit publicly or privately. I thank Peter for a few things that I may have learned from him. Or maybe I did not learn them, but at least he gave me the opportunity. Thanks Peter. And indeed may God's blessings be with your family and those who knew you best.
David, somehow I missed your original version. But this one is very nice. I especially liked the "choreography." Your photos are excellent themselves, but are exploited very effectively by your careful integration with the music. Congratulations.
Here is the latest life-share chapter of some personal activity. As viewers have pointed out in previous installments, "these old guys could use the exercise". So, maybe someone can derive some motivation from this. Or at least maybe a moment of fun looking at a part of our wonderful world. Download here via Beechbrook.com This Morning #3 (Salt Lake City Overlook trail)
Dom, this is excellent! Your templates are each very interesting and pleasant to view. I find your presentation templates very nice for presenting nice photos that don't necessarily fit together as a "story." I look forward to trying this Carousel for displaying photos for the photo's sake. Thank you for such inspiring and useful work you share.
ThisMorning is a 2-3 minute personal presentation posted on Beechbrook. It's another brief and simple "life-share" episode. In another topic, PTE forum here, there is a little discussion of the menu system used on this one. As always, all comments are welcome.
This particular show is synched to the timeline, but in this instance, I did not want sound with the menu slide. So the timeline begins with four 30-second mp3.'s of silence. This gives 2 minutes for the viewer to read the menu and select the version. If no selection is made, the first version will play after two minutes. As you stated, the second version is a duplication of the slides then placed to follow on the timeline. The menu slide at the start (in this show) is also inserted between the two sets of slides. So if you initially viewed "USA" version, you will then have the menu to allow you to choose "Austria" if you desire. The "silence mp3's are also inserted again in the timeline. By design, the menu does not repeat after viewing "Austria." The end of the "Austria" version will hold the final slide on screen. In addition to the two versions, the menu screen has an invisable option. That is, if you click outside the buttons, you get a pop-up message screen. Sort of, like friendly spam - if there is such a thing.
However, you could use "! report " button to request a moderator to delete the topic.
If I understand your question Ken, I think Lin answers it here: deactivate for the menu .exe only
I have recently used a slightly different "menu" technique that might be of interest. I wonder if it also would have solved your problem? Instead of structuring the front end menu to refer to several separate .exe files, I use the V5Beta11 options to go back and forth to designated slides. (Maybe this is what many others do too, but I had usually made my front end menus to refer always to separate .exe files.) If one is dealing with .exe files to which we don't have the .pte files, that is the only option. But if I can avoid having multiple .exe files, that avoids the potential problem of essential .exe files getting separated after distribution to viewers. In a short show (posted soon on Beechbrook) I had another purpose in directing to slides rather than to .exe files. In this little case, the menu purpose is to offer a choice of soundtracks while watching the same show. If I had made my menu to refer to a second .exe file, the file size would have doubled. By having the menu refer to slides only, my single .exe file contains two versions of the show, but without increasing the size of the exe. (Yes, the second sound track adds it's file size, but the duplicated slides of course do not increase the size.) So the file method results in one .exe file of 17mb, while using two .exe files would have resulted in about 31 mb. Here is the link, if you want to see better what I am talking about. ThisMorning.zip Editing here: Only now to I see Lin has posted a complete example that goes way beyond what I was trying to explain. but I am still curious whether the original hesitation/jerkiness problem could be elimated without de-activating hardware acceleration. Also whether deactivating hardware acceleration would actually cause more problems with certain presentations?
Well done Tom - the presentation that is. As for your answer to our friend Al, you could have paraphrased an old standby and told him "I have not yet begun to play!" Such is the allure of Version 5. I remember clearly that magnetic compulsion to put the very first V5 Beta to work. Thanks for sharing your fun.
Mike, you may want to open the .pte (text file) for each of your shows and see if they are indeed different, or whether you somehow erroneously saved the same .pte file as two different names. It has been done before, though I won't say who did it.
Superb! I think it has always been very difficult to present or accompany something so grand as "the creation." You have done a very worthy job. Of course you are in good company with Haydn. It is interesting to see your skill with something like this vs. your three earlier shows you have shared. You adapt your talent very well to such different themes. Thank you. If I understand correctly, you are going to personally present three of your shows at the German Fotofest. I think it would be ok for you to promote that occasion so that forum members in the vicinity might be able to attend. Georg Hoch (also member of this Forum) seems to have worked very hard to organize and present the "Fest."
Terri, I have not heard of anyone buying twice as you suggest, but it sounds like it might be worth it in your case. It may turn out to be a bit of hassle on the refund part. I'm sure Igor (the PTE owner/author) would be willing, but I have no idea how the arrangement works with the "fulfillment" company that actually takes your payment. If you do buy again, I'd suggest you also make a copy of the email you receive - just in case the corruption of your key might have happened after you received it last time.