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Everything posted by LumenLux

  1. Thanks Tom! I will look more closely, but I presume the traveling Chromebook would have needed to set up the Desktop PC before "leaving town"? Or if a Windows PC were available at the remote Chromebook location, I would just run PTE on that PC?
  2. Does anyone have experience getting PTE software or .exe file to run on the Chrome OS? I understand that VM Ware may have a add on to do it.
  3. Also, double-left-click will do it.
  4. Ron, I'll offer a couple of observations and experiences, plus ideas that might quickly be corrected by others. I frequently use PTE as my conduit for uploads to my Youtube channel. Almost all of those videos have also been created first as .exe in PTE. In many cases, even with a pure video from a pocket camera, I will first put it in PTE and "Convert" it using PTE. I usually Publish to Youtube through PTE with settings to 1080 or 720. I find sometimes that 1080 slows down the streaming from Youtube, and offers no visible difference from 720. Years ago I preferred Vimeo quality over Youtube quality. Then I felt Youtube quality became as good, and offered better access to more of my likely viewers. Lately, I too, have questioned the visual quality of some of my Youtube-processed videos. Of course, Youtube does warn that a HD video may be viewed at a lower quality until they have had time to fully process to HD standard. Now your specific question as to best PTE settings for Youtube success and quick streaming/downloading. I "think" that once your PTE creation is converted in PTE via "Publish to Youtube", your original settings and images sizes in PTE seem to matter very little. I do "publish" at 720 or 1080, And I like to DISable "panning" for the uploaded video. I find that viewing on Youtube, my own videos or the professional best videos on Youtube, - both can slow down terribly in certain peak or overload times. Even Youtube's infrastructure seems unable to always provide a consistent viewing experience. On to the embedding aspect: I frequently will embed my Youtube channel videos in one of my own websites. When viewing such videos on my website, I detect no difference in download/streaming speed. If the video is instantaneous on Youtube, it is instantaneous on my own website. The one feature that is often quite important to me, has to do with avoiding the "suggested videos" that Youtube offers after a typical viewing of any video. When I embed from Youtube it is very easy to disable that "offering" to someone who views my video on my site. Another convenience I appreciate - If I upload a large file to Youtube, their embed code allows me to very easily resize to whatever space I want on my webpage screen. I'll post here, both my Youtube Channel and my personal view site here. You are welcome to experiment and compare to your ongoing investigation. I'll also be interested in your further findings. Also, the embedded videos on my site are some of my own, and some others from Youtube that I have chosen to embed. You may keep that in mind as to which you are viewing if you are trying to isolate factors that are within PTE. U-screen.blogspot.com (my "personal" website) My Youtube Channel
  5. Thanks Dave. What works for you and your setup, does not work on my setup, using Elements 12. PTE Settings/Prefences etc. does it with other editors, but will not open the image when using Elements 12 as selected "graphical editor". But thank you for helping to isolate the problem.
  6. My current concern is one that I have hidden on a back shelf for years. I think others of you have solved, or resolved, long ago. I am creating in PTE. Image #14 needs to reveal more detail in shadows. Within PTE I open Photoshop Elements and edit to desired brightness, contrast, etc. Use edited Image #14 in PTE. PTE create .exe file. Run .exe file. Enjoy beautiful photos. Then I realize that the color/brightness levels in .exe sometimes are quite different than the same image as I perceived it in Elements. Is there some way to cross-calibrate PTE and other editors and viewers we may use? The attached screen shot attempts to illustrate the issue. The upper left is as seen in Photoshop Elements, and then used in PTE. The upper right image is screen shot from the .EXE from PTE. The Elements view shows me more light and detail in the river-bottom shadows. For me, it is very difficult and not time-worthy to have to guessimate repeatedly how bright etc. in editor, to yield desired view in final .exe. How do you accomplish this?
  7. But I think, Dave, that I am "drilling down" and indeed linking the right program. But when it thusly is used in PTE (Ctrl-W), only the Elements Editor opens, but not the needed image. I think it is likely an easy correction for Igor to make. (?) I suppose Dave, you could test on your pc, if you change your Windows Default to a different Editor, if your specific "Grapical Editor" selected in PTE will still open the image. In my case, it will not.
  8. Thank you Dave. You have "solved" the behavior, or at least explained what is happening. As you point out, I can in Windows 7, set Elements 12 as default program to open all .jpg files. Then in PTE set "Use Default Program.", the result is the intended image from PTE will open for editing. What this also means to me, is the other choice in PTE, for "Set graphical editor" is not working properly if you want to use an editor that is not the Windows-selected default. For instance, I would like to have Windows use Irfanview as default to open .jpg files. At same time, I want to have PTE open image in Elements 12 for editing. I think that is what Igor intends to be possible, and I think he will want to fix PTE V8 to work as he intends. Again, thank you for clarifying what is happening.
  9. Thank you Barry. Now I'm even more baffled. Your PTE system method is precisely as I did, and even the path, including (x86) is the same! My "C" boot drive, is an SSD. Do you think that could be somehow involved? But I mention again, PTE Version 7.5, using the same path, works properly. Maybe I need bring this to Igor for answer?
  10. In PTE Version 7.5, I have previously used PTE link to either Irfanview or Photoshop Elements 12. In PTE Version 8.01, on Windows 7, I can not get the link to operate properly with Elements 12. My specified link in PTE will open Photoshop Elements 12 Editor, but the image from PTE is not open/available for immediate edit action. Has anyone else encountered this? If I use the PTE link to Irfanview, the image is indeed opened with Irfanview for editing. So Irfanview works the same in PTE versions 7.5 and 8.01. Photoshop Elements 12, will not open the image from PTE 8.01.
  11. Ron, I just ditto Lin's experience with PTE to Youtube. I still tend to "decide" with each upload, whether the viewer likely will have better experience with 720 or 1080. I'm also suspicious that "most" (?) viewers end up watching at the "auto" size that Youtube assesses the viewing pc to be able to handle. Problem is, currently, that default does not likely give the best quality available from which ever you have carefully chosen and uploaded.
  12. Concise photography and PTE use = total success to purpose in this case. Well done.
  13. Because I chose the project option to show the photos randomly (and a different "random" each time the exe runs, I think), it is difficult for me to know whether it is the same slides that fault every time. I can, of course, redo the show to eliminate the random feature for testing purposes. May do that. Also, easy enough to batch resize all the images to see if that solves the problem. Just as a matter of "hurry" to have the show playing as background around Thanksgiving gathering, I did not bother to downsize. In the past, in other presentations, when the "image not found" blue banner would appear, I thought the same blue band message would then remain in the slide list among all the slides along the bottom of the work screen. In this case the slides along the bottom continue to appear normal. The PC running the exe file, is an older pc that I have moved into a dedicated use as a display screen. The PC is older, but I recently upgraded the cpu and graphics card, but it is certainly not level of current pc. After encountering the problem with the .exe file on the slower, PC, I have run "Preview" feature in the project screen, on my more powerful "creator" pc. I counted the number of slides that showed correctly before #37 failed. The show continues to run, but faults at undetermined intervals. But the .exe will continue to run over and over again as intended. In Preview mode, the first failure slide is not always #37. I suppose for any further testing, I will need to remove "random" setting, and resize all the image files. Thanks for your thoughts.
  14. I know there has been much discussion and remedies that some of us have used in specific instances. But here is my most recent encounter. PTE Version 7.5.10 in use. I made a PTE file of exactly 1000 images, no sound, original image size from various cameras. The PTE project screen shows all slides as expected. I did not use the "preview" feature on the entire 1000 slides. I simply "published" to an .exe file of approximately 2.5 gb. I had also chosen "show slides randomly" for the .exe. When the .exe runs, the blue flag "image not found" comes up "randomly" while the show runs over and over again, as programmed to do. Does anyone know how to avoid this behavior? Or is there anything in this instance which may provide useful clues to Igor to overcome this troublesome issue?
  15. Thank you Lin for the quick help. In the same time, I had tried Safe Mode, but that apparently leaves out Directx needed by PTE. I had started to search for an old PTE Ver. 4.3. Then something wapped my brain and reminded me that in setting up this new computer, I have been swapping several video cards. The old "business"/workstation card that was currently in, would not work with PTE. The card was doing ok for running videos etc, but lacks something (hardware assist?) needed by PTE. The vid card (Nvidia Quadro xxx) was in the machine when I installed PTE for first time in this pc. So, a quick change of card to a more current GPU, has now set things running as should! Interestingly, the project file saved with the problem graphics card, will still not run with the new graphics card. But any PTE created now with the right GPU, run just dandy. Thanks again for being up too late and coming through with your help. I guess I'll edit the topic now to include "Solved".
  16. On a new PC, with Windows 7: PTE latest version installs, but will not play even 3 slide presentation with or without music track. How to do I correct this. All these years I've never had such a "no show" up front in the show building stage. I guess I should clarify the problem. The normal input screen will accept slides and an audio track. But there is no response when I try to preview either full screen or in the video version. No photo will display, no sound. Screen stays absolutely static, no movement.
  17. Well made to convey "mood", as I understand you intend.
  18. Thank you for linking me to that discussion. Having now read the long string, I would hope that now, well into Version 7.5, there might be a more conclusive resolution of the problem(s). Whatever the many fine differences that were hashed about, the problem that seems to remain for me, is that when the blue icon appears, I can not use the needed file. As troublesome as that is to me or any user, I'd think Igor would also very much like to find the solution - or if already found - let us know how to best overcome the issue.
  19. In assembling my PTE presentations, I occasionally run into the very troublesome message from PTE (F3 or slide view), the blue rectangle, where the image or video should be. Sometimes all other videos from the same camera and project will appear ok, but one or more will not work in PTE. Other times, the message is dependent on the camera or other source of the video file. I have found the message "Image not found or damaged" to cover a very wide range of problems. My questions at this moment are: 1. If a video is of a codec or format that PTE normally accepts, is there ever a size limit on the video file that would trigger the nasty blue message? 2. Igor - Is it possible, in Version 8, or otherwise, to include more codecs or whatever it requires to reduce the number of videos that won't work in PTE? 3. Is it possible to have PTE give a failure message that might be more precise as to why a particular video file is rejected? 4. Any other suggestions of how to trouble-shoot and solve, when the dreaded blue rectangle currently appears?
  20. Thanks for the observation. I think XP is a child of the NT parent. The new attachment here, yielded by running dxdiag, shows it as XP Professional, with the same 5.1 and build or version 2600 as the NT 5.1 designation. Now if I were smart enough to use that to solve the issue - not yet.
  21. The x264.exe problem is driving me crazy also. Having read all the thread, there are some differences in my experience. Hopefully these observations may make more diagnostic sense to someone than they have, so far to me. 1. My OS is Windows XP. For the last month, my system has suffered various crashes and spontaneous reboots. It seems this condition was prefaced by ever-increasing crashes of Chrome browser. About this time, I had also installed a very troublesome business software. I was probably not using PTE much for a couple of months. At one point though, I noticed that PTE would not load on first try. However, PTE would load partially and leave a PTE item that would show up in Windows Task Manager. Leaving that "memory listing" in Task Manager, I would try again to load PTE program. This time, a second line of PTE memory consumption would appear in Task Manager. I could then, within Task Manager, stop the first PTE listed process. Thus, the 2nd attempt at loading PTE would function properly, as near as I could tell. 2. Now, in recent days, I had occasion to use PTE "Publish" to Youtube. The PTE contained only video, a couple of title slides, and no soundtrack. The video, via PTE, converted and appeared normally on Youtube. The next day, I created a similar PTE, again mainly video segments, and no sound track. This segment, 5 minutes long, crashes at varying time points (!) and displays the "x264.exe" error message. (See attached screen captures.) Among other trouble-shooting attempts, I have found the same results come even with a video clip of only a few seconds. Somehow, one test of a 30second video, did succeed to Youtube. 3. If I forget Youtube process of PTE, and just use PTE create HD video, the same x264 crash, dooms the PTE output. 4. The x264 failures in the PTE publish-to-Youtube method, were set to also save the video output to my own PC. The produced and saved files, 5 of them, were identical small size, regardless of how far the PTE conversion progress screen indicated, when the x264 would terminate. And, trying to view the saved converted video files, would yield no visual, only sound from the video. As a couple of you have suggested, I'm convinced the problem is not caused by PTE, but never-the-less, I can not use PTE until we figure out what is wrong in my Windows PC. Or, unless Igor can figure what is wrong AND steer PTE around it somehow. I'm well aware of the many keen minds among our Forum members too. So I eagerly await a solution. Thank you all!
  22. Well you've done that here. Effective as it is, I needed your hint about reflections to even consider thinking about the technical production techniques.
  23. Masterful Lin! Ambiance as we like it. Amazing how such hot guitar can be relaxing - must be the fire providing a calming balance. I've never used the 3D facility of PTE. I expect that is how you have made the TV performance so realistic?
  24. Maybe you have set me in the right direction. Now I attach the screen with the Project Options>Audio Tab. The picture is as it already is, when you wrote the above suggestion. I will try to figure it out after a night's sleep now. Thank you for your attention. And if I'm really lucky, someone else may even finish solving by the time I'm on it again. Or maybe I'll solve it in my sleep.
  25. Attached now is the view of customized soundtrack of the video. Maybe you can spot something I am missing. (I've also now furnished the missing attachment to my first post of this subject.)
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