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Everything posted by LumenLux

  1. I believe many of us would love to see it from your personal point of view! Have you opportunity to put a PTE presentation together to share with us?
  2. And a very good production it is! As a "non-fan" much of the airplane history information might not be of much interest. But your extensive use of sound makes this sequence reveal more of the experience rather than just the photos. And yes, it did interest me from the start to finish. ( I did find my cursor floating in the middle of some of the formations. Sometimes I think this comment is made only because there is nothing important to 'criticize') Thank you for sharing your good work.
  3. But is the %Screen the only way so that an old TV will show the entire slide? Is there a better way? If I set %screen for 90% so old TV shows entire slide - Will a new TV be able to "adjust" just as well from the 90% setting as it would from the 100% setting?
  4. I used the same (one) .pte file but the "Screen %" was different on each of the six shows. So Show#1.pte was Screen 100%, Show#2.pte was 95%, Show#6.pte was 85%, etc.
  5. Strange behavior of Beta #8r DVD Builder: In PTE I set Project Options/%of slide/disable scaling Made show of only 1 slide but made six versions with % set as 100%, 95%, 92%, 90%, 88% 85%. Inserted all six shows in DVD Builder. DVD on-screen progress messages showed all is fine and burn completed. BUT, the DVD actually contained and ran ONLY Show #1 (100% setting). So I removed Show #1 and ran DVD Builder to burn the remaining Shows #2 - #6. (95% to 85%) The five shows burned and ran ok on DVD, but Builder did not re-number them to be #1 - #5. (These #s were all assigned by DVD Builder (not part of my show titles.) Then I added back the original 100% show into the #1 position in DVD Builder. This time the burned DVD still contained only the shows #2 - #6 and did not burn Show #1! It seems the time line of shows in DVD Builder does not always increment up or down as shows are added or removed. I don't understand how this can be, but that is what I experienced. I would also mention - All six shows would show black thumbnails in the Builder screen menu if I left default settings. For each of the six shows, I had to Select an alternate frame which would then appear properly both on the Builder menu screen and on the TV.
  6. Prior to Version 5 Beta's, a PTE show meant for TV (dvd) video was "adjusted" to avoid losing part of the photo off the sides of the TV screen. I would do this in Ver 4.48 by Project Options/Screen/%of screen. Depending on the TV, the setting had to be maybe 92%, or 85% etc. Was that correct? Now in V5 Beta #8R, how should we accomplish the same thing? Ultimately, we want the entire photo to be visable on TV as well as on PC. Maybe I have buried myself in all the details of aspect ratios and so forth and have missed/forgotten the basic concept!
  7. Thank you! (I had been looking only in "options.")
  8. PicturesToExe Deluxe v5.00 beta #8R http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe_beta.zip (4 MB) It's a minor update of beta 8: + Video Builder: added "Show safe TV zone" option. -------------------- Igor Kokarev, WnSoft Inc., support@wnsoft.com Where do we find the "TV safe zone" option? In DVD Video Builder or is it in PTE itself. If it is not in DVD Video Builder, could it be added there?
  9. Thanks Ken. I have re-read your posts. I have been aware that the V5 Beta's don't have full sync capability yet. As the various experiences have been shared, I have not afforded the time to totally resolve what is and what is not at this point. I guess I have been hoping the sync will all be back before I need to learn the "dinkin' around." The show in question was actually prepared by a friend and I became involved mainly because he does not have a DVD burner. Since posting my question, I have "adjusted" his .pte file so that the sync now seems consistent in the DVD. (But I have not had the friend confirm whether the sync is really as it should be.) The other part of my question/comment is whether Igor or Sergay need to be concerned with possible involvement of DVD Video Builder or whether the "problem" is solely in the known unfinished state of Version 5.
  10. Thank you Hans. This is a good reminder of the techniques you use so effectively. Many of us remember our first ventures into using a front page as you showed us years ago. Your rasters or grids will also be helpful to many users. Nice of you to make these helps available.
  11. I have a three minute show done in Beta#8i. The show needs fairly precise sync to background soundtrack. Using the "Auto spread slides along music" I have then dragged a couple of slides near the end to desired sound points. The Preview runs nicely synced as desired. The .EXE created show also maintains the sync on the several computers I've tried. When I use DVD Builder, the sync is not correct. The "slippage" seems to take place over a period of several slides. But in one instance, the last two slides on the time line do not even show up in the DVD version of the show. Is this a problem in DVD Builder or is it part of the known, non-complete sync in the PTE Beta?
  12. I know there was some earlier discussion about the colored glasses required and some web sites were mentioned. Is it likely that such glasses are easily available in our own neighborhoods? If so, what kind of stores might sell such?
  13. Yes, Igor, the thumbnails work correctly with most shows. On the DVD with 8 shows, 4 or 5 worked correctly. To help you isolate the problem, I have emailed Sergey a link to a backup zip of one of the shows that has the black thumbnail problem. The zip file also includes the Video Builder .ptv file for each of five variations I used Video Builder on the same .PTE show. Maybe these results (from the five variations) can help you to solve so thumbnails work on every show. 1. animate black.ptv Animate box checked, burned dvd shows black thumbnail in menu. 2. static thumbnail.ptv - Animate box UNchecked, DVD shows thumbnail correctly. 3. trans animate.ptv - ("select frame" as transitition between slides #5 & #6) Animate box checked, DVD shows black thumbnail. 4. trans static.ptv - ("select frame" as transition between slides #5 & #6) Animate box UNchecked, DVD shows thumbnail correctly. 5. Tess animate.ptv - (Slide #9 used as "select frame" for menu.) Animate box checked, burned dvd show black thumbnail in menu.
  14. Limey and Igor, thank you both. I will try Limey's suggestion. I have already tried Igor's suggestion to select a different frame for the thumbnail. The "problem" show would still not appear instead of the black. I wonder if it has anything to do with the duration of the slide or transition effect?
  15. Even with latest Beta 8e, on a successfully burned DVD, some PTE shows do not show as photos in the Menu (thumbnail) windows. For example - on DVD I burned of 8 PTE shows. On menu, shows #1, #2, #3, and #6 show up as black thumbnails in the DVD menu screen. All the shows play fine. Do we know why?
  16. John I will download your show in a moment. But I am in hearty agreement with your statement above. I guess we should not only agree but let "them" know (or in some cases, perhaps, beg for the tolerance?)
  17. Thanks Ken. Worth viewing and links to other thoughtful presentations. Many of which stir ideas of more PTE uses.
  18. One of the extraordinary factors with PTE is that Igor takes a problem for one person as seriously as a problem reported by many! On the other hand, it sort of comforts us each when we can think our problem is not just "user error."
  19. Many PTE users, including myself, are now quite "satisfied" with DVD (TV) output of PTE sequences. Maybe a useful process for you would be to get a DVD version from Barry or another PTE produced DVD from someone else. Then you could see if the level that some of us are so pleased with is better than what you are currently getting. I understand the DVD will "never" be as technically high quality as our high res monitors, but the extent to which that difference is visible and important may be quite an individual thing. At this point, my best results come from "PTE all the way", ie. using Igor's Video Builder in PTE Beta #8. It will finally be useful if you share your eventual conclusions with us.
  20. Greetings Hans! Of course I remember you and your wonderful early presentations and help in this forum. I felt a familiar enthusiasm in myself when you appeared again recently. Your current Autorun is very appealing. And your reference to MMB may be very timely regarding some ideas I am trying to pursue. Could you please take a look at photo on-screen explanations topic Specifically, the two newest entries refer to MMB and how it might possibly accomplish my intent. If you could take a look and offer your thoughts it would be appreciated.
  21. Thanks to each of you for your helpful input. It will take me some time to pursue some of the thoughts. At this moment, it appears most of the methods are not all that accessable as a minimal effort tool. Azmi, have you used MMB for that purpose yourself? I had taken a look at MMB some years ago but I didn't catch on real quickly to the basic concepts. Maybe now with a specific goal, I might do better. Are there templates or libraries that might already have what I want by using MMB? Boxig (Granot), a long term member of this forum, may have done some of his many utilities using MMB. In fact, maybe he would be willing to try to construct just such a little utility. Are you still here Granot? I did find a specialized program for genealogy that does really close to what I am after. That is, it is extremely simple to select a subject (person, face, etc.) and then type in a description. Input wise, it is nearly perfect. I have not yet figured out if there is a way to end up with essentially just the jpg (photo) instead of the whole interface that the program provides. If anyone else wants to take a look, the program is Passage Express with a downloadable 21-day free trial. Maybe someone else would more quickly understand if the feature I like could be easily isolated from the software's normal presentation interface. The whole program may be very good, but I would like to be able to present my photo sometimes without the "burden" of all the other stuff on the screen.
  22. In the Wnsoft Video Builder section of beta #8b, should I be able to include a free-standing Mpeg2 file and have it play just like the PTE shows play when they are inserted in the builder? I can do that with an .avi file. I can not get Video Builder to accept the mpeg file. The mpeg was encoded from an analog video camera. The mpeg plays readily in Windows Media Player and I can burn it to a functional DVD using Premier Elements. But somehow, I may be missing how to burn it with PTE's Wnsoft Video Burner. I thought some of you have been doing this without a hitch?
  23. Nice work. It might be fun if you could elaborate on your technique on the rain droplets. Also, a "before" photo if you could post it ?
  24. Thank you Al. You have given me three ideas - all of which I appreciate - and all of which are beyond my level of knowledge currently. I am always eager to learn, but what I am seeking is something more at the "consumer application" level. I envision the routes you suggest would take considerable effort for each photo. I am looking for a developed app that will allow me to just locate the cursor to make a hot-spot. Have a pop-up window to enter the desired text. If possible, the implementation would be imbedded with the .jpg file so that any recipient could view the .jpg file and imbedded hot spots without additional software. Maybe someone can tell me if that is simply not possible or if it is just a matter of me locating the specific application.
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