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Everything posted by LumenLux

  1. I am looking for software that will: Allow me to designate invisable "hot spots" on an on-screen photo. The hot spot could contain a caption that appears as the hotspot is moused over or selected. Example of use is for a school class photo - where when the cursor is over an individual, the individual's name appears on screen in a pre-selected location. Moving the cursor from person to person would reveal the name of each. Anyone?
  2. Thank you Igor. Your specil beta 8B has cured the reported problem. However - I have made a several successful DVD burns with 8b. But the first try did not get to the burn stage. In Video Builder, I inserted several .pte projects. During the last .pte, (before any Burn), an error box popped up: Muxer Error Error Code 31. I later included the same .pte in another group and the DVD burned successfully. Attached is screen shot of the process up to the point of the error message stop.,
  3. Igor, I am surprized by the following as I try DVD function of Beta #8 and Beta #8a. (In earlier testing, a PRE Beta #8 of November 13, worked for me with no problems.) With Beta #8 and Beta #8a, in main PTE screen I push Video/Create DVD disc, the main window of Wnsoft DVD Builder opens but displays the following in an error box. Access violation at 005B046A in module "VideoBuilder.exe". Read of address: 00000000 If I click "OK" in the error box, the program attempts to email a log of the problem. The email does not succeed so I have attached the log file generated by this problem. This error message occurs every time and will not let me go further on the DVD Builder. A further surprize to me is that I can use Windows Explorer to open the "VideoBuilder.exe" directly from the sub-folder of PTE Beta #8. There I can successfully burn a DVD of the desired shows. While keeping PTE open and the working Wnsoft Video Builder open, if I again try to access through PTE/Create DVD disc, that instance will again only produce the error message. I hope this may be useful information to help you with a quick fix. As always, Thank You Igor and team. PTE_dVd_Builder_log1.txt
  4. Tom, I know less about it, but I have to think you are right! And if so, Igor is probably already working with Invision to solve.
  5. Igor, I often use the "report" of such spam. If you would like me to have "delete" power, I am willing.
  6. Roger, I think you have very successfully hit your mark with this presentation. Upon viewing the show, it is immediately apparent that the intent is different than simply "entertainment." Having no obvious "tie" to the story, there may be many who might not follow it through. But for those who invest the effort, they will see the success of your effort. I did find I was pressed to keep up with the reading in some instances. As the material was new to me, I could keep up if only reading, but could have used a little more time to think as I read. On the other hand, I know how easy it is to become anxious when a presentation is paced too slow for the viewer. Bottom line may be that you have it just right, and viewers need to be able to adapt. Very good work.
  7. Thank you Igor for telling us your plan. That is generous of you and helpful to many of us.
  8. So this is what you have been up to ! Just yesterday, I had wondered what you might be working on. Thank you very much for sharing this. Your 'timing" is perfect - as I was also wondering yesterday just how seemlessly I might now be able to import short video segments. Of course I too wonder what Igor might implement. For now, thanks for sharing your exploration and method.
  9. Dom, I have just voted in the poll and also expressed my opinion in a comment. I think all users of the forum and of PTE software should very much use and enjoy your site. It is already a wonderful resource with a great future. Thank you very much!
  10. No Harry, that does not make sense to me. I think there is something mis-understood. If you add the new card with 128mb video memory, you do not create a need for more ram (of which you have 384mb.) As for the card GeForce PCI 128mb card recommended by Gateway - Unless you have more exact description, that may or may not be the same as the GeForce 5200 you are finding for $59. But I think the 5200 is the same as the free one originally offered to you. The one you would buy for $59 is the PCI version which apparently will fit, whereas the free one, the AGP version won't. When v5 Beta first came out, I bought the 5200 for an older pc I was giving to someone. But the version of the 5200 that I bought, had (best I remember) 256mb vs the 128 you are seeing. Also, I think the CompUSA sale on the 256mb card was $49. The one I bought, enabled my older pc to do just fine with V5 which was not the case prior to the 5200 card. Igor stresses that the 128mb should most always be adequate, but you may find the 5200 with 256mb for the same price or better than the 128mb version you have found. Don't you love all the "complications". Good luck.
  11. As usual, Lin's explanation is very good. I may just focus one direction that may be sufficient remedy for your current situation. Already in PTE 4.48 you can choose Project Options/Screen, then adjust "% of the screen to show slide images." This will reduce your slides to fit within any TV's safe zone. On a PTE show I just made for DVD, I very easily go back into the project file (.pte) and quickly do a version at 87% if that is what is needed for the eintended TV. To verify for you, I just adjusted my project to use 60% of screen. On this show, I had used a "background" slide of fallen leaves. As I reduce the " % screen", the increased surrounding area is filled with my background slide which covers any TV screen that may be unused by the 60% setting. To me, this would be the simplest solution if it meets your purpose.
  12. Good work Dom! Can you imagine the budget the original Star Wars had to accomplish what we now have for pocket change and home-grown effort! (and Igor, of course.)
  13. Whatever it takes for an enjoyable birthday - I wish you that. Your work has resulted in much respect from many people. I know I am one of many.
  14. DVD burner is HP Lightscribe DVD 640c The DVD Player is Go.Video brand ( I will have to look up model # later.) Interesting results from the above request: 1. I don't currently have Nero installed on this PC. I do have Nero and can try it later if still helpful. 2. I copied your VIDEO_TS from your Another_DVDFolder.zip and then burned it with the DVDTest.exe utility. The burned DVD does NOT play in the DVD Player. 3. From a DVD of PTE show burned with Premier Elements 2 (that plays well on DVD Player/TV), I copied the VIDEO_TS to my hardrive and used your DVDTest.exe utility to burn it to DVD. THIS new DVD does play in the DVD Player/TV. I am surprized this one now plays, but the same test with your file does not. 4. I have a second DVD Player (also Go.Video, but different model, which also has built-in DVD burner. I find that both the new test DVD's play in it. I also find, earlier DVD Builder output also play in this 2nd Go.Video, but not in the first one. Thank you for your dedication to solving such issues. Please let me know what else migt be helpful.
  15. I butt in here in case it is helpful. I tried the test program Igor suggested. The app ran fine, but the result was no different than any of my previous experience. The folders' files run on PC but still don't run from burned media.
  16. Al, thank you for the test files. As I expected, my results are the same with yours as with mine. Burned shows run fine on a PC but not on the DVD/TV. I think my next step is to make sure my burner has the latest updates. And, don't know why I did not think sooner, I will try Beta #7 on the laptop burner. By the way, I like your mini segments' use of V5. Not that you asked, but the title text on Big Bend, would appeal to me more if the two instances seemed on the same plane. Know what I mean?
  17. Thank you Igor. A dramatic improvement!
  18. Not to dispute your experience and logic Dave, but so Igor knows: In all my testing Beta #7, the folder DVD files run fine on any PC. But no burning done from DVD builder will play in my DVD for TV player. I have tried all R+.R-, RW+ etc and at the slowest speed available in DVD builder. In all cases the files play on pc only. The same avi file from PTE, when burned through Premier Elements 2, will play on the TV DVD. Igor, one new thing I observed today. I made Project.pte. 1.I inserted Project.pte into DVD Builder. The DVD Builder window shows ratio 4:3, and box is checked to "take aspect ratio from video file.". The resulting folder files play only on PC, but it plays as widescreen (16:9?) distorted aspect. 2. Using the same Project.pte, I selected to make AVI file. Then I inserted only the AVI file into DVD builder with same settings as used in 1. above. The new folder files play at the 4:3 ratio, not the distorted size described in 1. Perhaps this difference can help you know what is happening and maybe a clue even to why the burning by DVD Builder does not yet work in any case for me.
  19. Lin, I thought you were buying - so I burned a set of coasters too - complete setting for eight. Of the dozens of combinations offered for DVD's I thought surely I'd find the one that works here. So far I have not. If I create the PTE temp vid file, I can burn the show successfully using Premiere Elements 2. But so far, using PTE DVD Builder on the same open PTE vid file, it will only play on another PC but not a TV/DVD player. Thank you Igor and team - and good luck.
  20. Lin, to me your idea seems like a very good idea. Perhaps Igor will indicate if he sees any problem with it. Currently, many of us typically make our exe file out of photos resized to 1024x768. If the screen capture programs capture the same size monitor screen, is the resulting file identical or comprable to the original 1024x768 quality?
  21. OK, for those of you following along at home (if anybody) - The techniques desribed by JPD and Hawk quite clearly work - but not for what I was trying to do. But working with their methods did lead me to remember the real simple way of what I needed. My original question: This is easily accomplished by copy/past of Slide 1 with all the included annimations to be Slide 2. Then in O&A window for Slide 2, properties tab, browse to the desired photo file to use with all the existing annimations, but instead of the base image that had been in Slide 1. This is so much simpler to do than to even describe. But maybe someone else can benefit from my confusion. Carry on.
  22. Thank you JPD and Hawk. I have successfully used Hawk's copy procedure just last week. Perhaps with the answer from JPD I can combine that with the Hawk copy to accomplish the copy/pasting of the animations to new slides. The re-naming of the pasted slide, as JPD suggests may complete the solution. Now to give it a try.
  23. If slide #1 has various pan, zoom, rotate, operations on it, can I copy the annimations to Slide #2? Slide #2 is a different base image than slide #1. For fear of complicating, here is what I am (in this case) trying to do. Slide #1 is a full size file from the camera. The desired annimation settings result in a high resolution picture but the pan is not smooth. For slide #2 I would like to simply replace the base slide with a smaller dimension version of slide #1. I thought I could work it by having the same file name but different size file if they are coming from different folders- but now I think not. I would like the project file to be able to run consecutive examples with the same annimations but different base image size - without having to manually set the annimations and key points on each individual slide.
  24. Now, a question about this test/demo. How many slides and how many images have you used in the project as you have posted it?
  25. While I never enjoy unpleasantness between members, there are some useful points emerging from this. The key reminder to me is once again how PTE can be utilized and approached in so many productive ways. Many of us have not the abilities to do what others can. Every thing submitted can be appreciated - as something that will apply to me or something that will not. Thank you all for your contributions. And thank you Lin for the reminder of the "it" in English being "he", "him", "her", etc." in many languages.
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