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Everything posted by LumenLux

  1. Shakes, do you have a way to try your project file (show.pte) on a different computer that has PTE installed? Or if you want to dropload it to me, I would be glad to see what happens or if I might spot the problem.
  2. Thanks Ken for "tackling" this feature-length tour. Aren't you glad the navigation bar was available? Of course when I watch the show, it pulls me in, picks me up, and is over very quickly. Only one observation you make is not correct - Thanks to dandy pocket size digital cameras, I am still able to "get my hands dirty" and participate in the personal side of the effort. The first time Peru became part of our life, my wife and daughter went without me. The next time I went with my wife and two more daughters. On my first trip, I did lug my full size film Nikon & lenses, my Sony video 8, and a brand new Nikon 900? (not my own) digital. I did find it more difficult then to do my share of the physical work. But it was certainly fun to have many of the non-spanish-speaking indians come to refer to me as "Foto Man". We call our Peru efforts, "humanitarian" expeditions. But certainly, "missonary", in the broad sense of the word could fit. Our group is not a part of our (LDS) church but has many common goals and many of our Eagle-Condor participants are also members of our church. In Peru we have a small organization of our own who coordinate our own efforts with "natives" as well as with any local groups willing to help. You may have noticed the orphanage is run by Catholic sisters, and there are contributors from many, walks of life. We often have american doctors as part of our group, and on one occasion worked with three Peruvian doctors doing volunteer "pick and shovel work" with us because their was so little paying work even for doctors. On another side, the welfare hospital where we were painting - the little smiling girl patient (with Peruvian father in US Marine jacket) came in the emergency room one night with a broken leg. By noon they had her in the surgical area. But by 5 pm she was still waiting for attention because the welfare hospital doctors had to leave to go to their own paying clinics. I see I've got carried away here, but you did mention the "faces" and they all have a story - many stories. PTE helps share a couple.
  3. Thank you Howard for your generous comments. It sounds like you have a personal appreciation for what our group and the show is trying to do. To be part of something like this can only be understood by doing it - hence my one line comment in the show text. Your own use of various cd's, dvd's and versions of your productions is quite similar to what I try to do. The recipients of this PTE show did also receive a disk with all 2713 photos. But I suspect even the participants don't ever get around to viewing them all. ( I think I did look at them all.) And yes, I too have had calls from viewers wanting to know how (PTE) they could attempt their own shows. Personally, I would be very interested in seeing some of your recorded experience and hearing a "tale" or two. If you would think it appropriate to share with all the forum membrs or you are welcome to contact me by email to compare notes - either way could be beneficial I think.
  4. Yes it is useful Tony, thank you for responding. Some of what you say, is part of the reason I set up the little poll at the start of this topic. But of the couple of hundred people who downloaded the show, only half a dozen so far have used the poll here. So, your comments are especially appreciated. I don't know if you read the "author's notes" on Beechbrook. They contain a little information but your point is well taken that for "outsiders" invited to view the show, a little more info would be helpful. The original purpose of the PTE show was for the participants to relive their experience in Peru. I did actually collaborate with another member of the group in creating a DVD video for presentation to the "public" at a fundraising type dinner evening. The video was made up of video camera footage interspersed with some of the same stills you saw. The video was "painful" for me because the visual quality was not nearly so good as we enjoy with PTE. But the video did have a complete descriptive (where needed) sound track and had effectively chapters that made clear the several distinctive projects and activities. And, the video was only 16 minutes instead of the 38 minutes.
  5. I have encountered no problem with the upgrade. But recently, there seems to have been an increase in "spam" and other unwanted posts showing on the forum. I would just remind or point out the button at the bottom of each posted message that says "Report". Every member is welcome to use that button to report any post that is obviously not appropriate. I'm not referring to "off topic" items which often do have great value to many forum members. I am talking about malicious attempts to propagandize for whatever purpose. As I have several times used the report feature, I thank our moderators for their always quick response in removing the offending posts.
  6. Lin, thank you for taking time to guide many of us in the new Beta. Your tutorial was just right to somewhat focus my initial shotgun approach. But it did not slow down my enthusiasm for Igor's accomplishment. And by the time I succumbed to sleep, it was about the same time as your message time stamp of the day before. I suspect there are many late night hours being devoured by 5.0 early enthusiasts. I'm wondering if you have noticed one characteristic of the zoom in and out feature. My observation is that (at least in some instances) a long duration zoom makes more "progress" in the first few seconds than in the last few seconds. That is the zoom rate slows as the duration increases? Maybe this is just my perception but I am curious what you or others or Igor might be able to explain.
  7. Thank you Richard for your personal tour. I enjoyed the perfectly smooth round-the-world view from midfield. And the drop of the snail. I too have been overdosing with excitement as I try various implementations. I am astounded what an open-ended tool this is! But I am not sure whether tool or toy is more fitting. I expect it to be a great tool for some and pure entertainment for others. Igor, you have a triumph on your hands. I wonder if any PTE user could have imagined the vast new world this opens. I don't yet know how everyone or even I will ultimately incorporate it, but the possibilities are nearly infinite I'd think. So thanks again and again for your dedication to this fine program.
  8. Well Nickles, that little display works real well on this pc. I take it you had not been so fancy with your year ago treatment of that photo? On my display, the photo is a little "crackly, moiree shuddering style" until the photo reaches almost full screen. I wonder if this effect could be toned down if photo dimensions and pixel count are reduced to the absolute minimum necessary for the most zoomed in view. If that doesn't make sense, let me know and I will try another description. Once the photo goes into pan mode, it is silk milk smooth. Thanks for posting this. As I mowed the lawn thinking of possible trial efforts here, I had thought of a large family group photo I had printed at Christmas. With 30+ people, it is difficult to print large enough for each person to see clearly themselves. With Igor's view we can expect to point out every blemish in even the largest group photo!
  9. Daniel, thank you for posting this show for us. It is well done. I found it interesting. The traditions displayed are quite different than my own experience. Especially thank you for the written explanation. The show is much more interesting because of the information you wrote. Sometimes I prefer to read the information and then just enjoy the show, much like the event itself.
  10. Wow. I wonder if I am smart enough to create with and control these features! On 3.2 ghz with ATI Radeon X600 Pro I intentionally left browser windows and tabs open when first ran PTEShow. Perfect for first approx 20-30 seconds then picture disappeared and sound continued. Escape key then closed show and music. Immediately re-ran show with no problem. On the second viewing I seemed to see a little less smooth than first showing. That may just be my eyes adjusting or ? Amazing work Igor, thank you.
  11. Ron, I like your method very much, and use it myself. I sometimes use the "quick and dirty" method of just using an appropriate slide as PTE background instead of having the black or colored background for the vertical photo. I don't think this method is always as "nice" or "elegant" as using Photoshop prepared slides, but it is often a very easy and practical improvement over the bothersome vertical-horizontal impact. Sometimes however, if the photo is the emphasis, rather than the sequence, I think it is better to let the vertical photo stand on it's own. The other technique I find helpful, is to use a transition that spreads the vertical into a horizontal format. Or narrows the horizontal into the vertical. You and I know this subject has come and gone before, but I would like to hear some more opinions and ideas again now. Inviting others to share their "solutions" or even admit that the switching back and forth is not bothersome - if that is the case.
  12. Lest anyone feel your comments are in vain - they are not. This is a very good discussion with everyone describing well their own experience and perception. On the codec issue - is there a danger of indescriminately installing multudinous codecs ? When one downloads Ace or other pack of codecs - should you just have them "available" for some program to use them if needed? How does this all fit together? Take for instance the Roxio-Nero pains you tell us about Lin. That is very useful information as I have experimented with both programs and may well (even now) have a problem with one that could be attributeable to such a conflict. But Ken, don't you successfully use both programs on an on-going basis on the same PC? Oh so much to do - and oh so much more to understand.
  13. Welcom Andre to the forum. Ken is of course correct regarding PTE as it stands. And I think Midi has never come up in the context you are thinking about. I for one would like to hear more of your thoughts in that direction. I guess you are thinking of a "new use" for PTE. What comes to my mind is an audio visual presentation based on methods apparently used in rock concerts? What would you see as "advantages" of combining PTE with Midi? Would Igor have to write a PTE module to run in a midi instruction channel or do you envision PTE could contain a midi method for some benefit?
  14. Thank you all for the interesting and helpful information. Just an update on my original specific annoyance - I have not been able to eliminate the errant dll message and the "wasted clicks." After your first response Brian, I found that Ccleaner, which I now use on other pc's in the house, would not run on the "wasted click" pc. After much cleaning, rebooting, etc. I am now able to use Ccleaner, but it does not solve this particular dll message. I can't tell if there is a "real" problem, or just the error message nuisance. Any further thoughts?
  15. I figure that in the last six months I have wasted between 1500-2000 finger clicks that could have been put to good use snapping photos to use in PTE! Every time I have accessed (Windows) Explorer (not Internet Explorer) I receive an error message in a 2" box in the center of my screen. The error message reads "Failed to load resource DLL". The wasted click is to close the box before I can then actually "explore" for files. Does anyone know how to solve this annoyance?
  16. Tony, it seems clear that Ely's author will make sure you can view his show. Never the less, I am curious why the problem exists for you. Have you been able to note the download rate/speed prior to when the download prematurely quits? I'm wondering if there is any setting on your computer or isp that is "timing out" if the download becomes too slow or too long? Are there still download "helpers" out there that will keep a partial download and then resume on your next attempt without starting over?
  17. Quiet like a quietstorm, he appeared as a faint apparition. Welcome Bart! You probably realize we don't forget just because you had vanished. I think I may have recently taken a brief surf, wondering how you might be doing. Good to know you and Cindy are still on course. Hope we'll have more of your participation again.
  18. Five pc's in use here: NVIDIA GeForce 2 MX/MX400 Radion X600 pro S3 ProSavage DDR Sis 5598/6326 Sis M760G (in Laptop)
  19. I see. This kind of review/explore exercise is always useful - at least to me. I'm not sure how often one might use such a musical pause feature, but it does seem Igor could design something in. He could just add a play interlude option to a pause function. Meanwhile, you can pause your show and play the radio or external sound file. Or last resort - we can always change what we want.
  20. Over the years, I have done as Hawk, Al and others have suggested - Let the Menu page be silent! Often, I have pursued the matter as you have Gary - wanting to see what can be done. Often, the practical approach became - let the menu be silent. Now today, I delved into it again based on this ongoing discussion. After trying many variations and possibilties, getting deeper and deeper with links and cross links etc. , I think it is all un-needed to accomplish what Gary is trying to do. The following seems to work for me, so simply as to be suspect. 1. Prepare all the desired Show1.exe, Show2.exe, etc. Set each show to end after last slide. On each show customize last slide to "run external application" and point the path to your Menu.exe. 2. Prepare your Menu.exe. Your Menu.exe only slide uses Object Editor action "Run application and exit" for each desired Show1.exe, Show2.exe., etc. 3. If you want music to play as part of the Menu.exe, insert your Music.mp3 path in Sound box of the single slide of your Menu show main project window. This simple set-up seems to work flawlessly. The individual shows can each use custom or auto sound sync without any problem. The only modification to any existing Show.exe would be the simple last slide reference to the Menu.exe. If I am missing something, please be gentle, but please point it out, don't just humor me.
  21. Gary, I wish I could take the time to really try this instead of just spouting off the "idea." But here it is. Going back to my first suggestion but modify by inserting another (invisable) step in the process from the menu slide. Set up your menu slide so that the object actions send you to Slide #1 or Slide #2 etc. (Instead of to the a new exe file.) Slide #1 would have the start new music checked, but with no new music listed. (This will silence your menu music.) The "action" from Slide #1 would start the real Show #1 (exe) with it's own project music etc. The last slide of Show #1 would have the action to start Menu Show again. I'm sorry if this is a wild goose chase - Nothing like trying an idea to see if it really works.
  22. Gary, I think what you want is not trouble at all. If I can help you quickly here, you will be home free. Other good members may give you a better answer but they will probably want a beer out of it! Menuslide1: Customize slide/checkbox that says start new music/Menu.mp3 Show A Slide1: Customize slide/checkbox start new music/ Show A Soundtrack.mp3 The above will stop the menu music and start any Show with it's own music. Then at the end of every show, you should be able to link back to your MenuSlide1 which will again start the Menu.mp3. If it does not work - well your not out a beer.
  23. Thanks Al. You may have even shared your experience before. But I probably glossed over it as I knew I didn't have a dual monitor setup. But now, it sounds like I better get out the projector and see if that does apply here. Then if it does, I may just try to share this whole thread with the instructor. Might prove useful in the future.
  24. I agree about the codec jungle, but I think the case of the black hole existing only in the projected image is a different critter. I think this is like you pointed out to me when I told you I could not figure a way to capture even a still image from the eagle-watch video feed. I think you told me you had found some of the Windows Video stuff that would not be captured. It seems to run above or below the radar so to speak. At least it doesn't register where our capture programs and the college projector expect to find the image.
  25. Thanks Teri for posting your finding. I have not read the googled info yet, but I have indeed had pc problems the last two days. Sometimes the IE browser address line was absolutely dead. Two of four pc's in the house were slow as molasses on the internet. Today, I tried to "clean-up" one pc to see if I could speed things up a bit. My clean-up did seem to gain back some internet speed but now I am getting a message saying that I have made such substantial change in my hardware that I have to activate my XP Home operating system within 3 days! I have made no hardware change as far as I know. I would be interested how many other users have had problems in last couple of days. Maybe this is additional incentive to give Firefox a try and let IE at least do it's coughing not in my face.
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