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Everything posted by LumenLux

  1. Santorin - Entrez dans la lumiere I'm not sure, but I think the title must translate into english as: Santorin - sunglass capital of the world ! What a pleasant, bright and beautiful show. Raymond Guerre, you have done a superb piece here. I think it is nice when the presentation mode is so fitting for the content. Also, when I first started to watch the sequence, my sound was not turned on. I restarted the show with sound which pointed out again how much the sound helps the enjoyment of most shows. I found the show very informative even though I understood barely a word of the written text. Thank you for sharing the experience.
  2. Lin, I really could not discern that I was not watching an .exe file. Info on my setup: broadband (cable), my own shows on Beechbrook (link) download from my own site at typically 350 kbs. In the case of your avi, I right clicked your forum link and then clicked "open in new window." The Windows Media Viewer opened immediately but took 40 seconds of "connecting". When the "connecting" completed, the show ran perfectly smooth. After closing WMV, I clicked your forum link again. This time the show ran immediately, with no connecting time. Does this mean the "streaming" show was actually all still on my machine? Further observation is that when I had right-clicked and "saved" from your link, the download completed instantaneously. The downloaded file played immediately when I clicked on it. Hope this helps. Now I have to figure out what I have learned from it. I do appreciate all the info you share! Thank you.
  3. Ah yes Ken - that is why the bugs seemed vaguely familiar. Now maybe Mike who posted the show can clarify vs. the Mark you point out on the website.
  4. With photos that stunning, I have to thank you! And like Severn, would be interested in your technique and equipment. I suspect with such superior work, many of us would not be willing or able to do what is necessary. Desire, skill, dedication - GREAT.
  5. Harry, this all seems like a big deal - because it is. But remember, you have prayers and best wishes from a lot of good people! You will do fine.
  6. I hope to take you up on that Geoff. Meanwhile I am back to ask for info on the music used. It is one of those "gonna drive me crazy" because it is familiar.
  7. I think Harry, that all you are asking is possible and workable. When you get closer and are ready to set it up, give us the specifics of what you need and I'm quite certain the answers will come out real quickly here. Get that surgery out of the way and remember, you are a survivor.
  8. I'm sorry Ken. The "show must go on" came into play and my remote friend completed his immediate show need without us thoroughly diagnosing the problem. (At least for now.)
  9. Thank you Igor. You are a shining light. It is rather easy to wait because we have so much capability with 4.47.
  10. Thanks geoff. Just so you know, your message of the River, from droplet to ocean, did come through clearly upon first watching. I was just not sure whether you had made the story from a single river. Anyway, a well executed plot.
  11. Thanks for the update Al. Sounds like you are living the life! Slide showS I would think. If it looks like you are going to take on Yosemite, and want to try some bear photos, let me know. I may can tip you to a location that the rangers won't. In August 2004, we found the park lacking most water, but I hada great bear experience. I did not get the shot though - so they are waiting for you.
  12. I enjoyed it too Geoff. I think you did especially well with your "special effects" of the lightning storm. Would you care to share your techniques of getting and presenting the storm? As a side note - When I first viewed the opening view of the river and storm, I was thinking the location could have been in Wyoming, USA! The rest of the show of course proved otherwise. Are all the photos of the same river?
  13. Hey Nickles! "Amazing times indeed." Cheap camera, cheap labor , nice results. The very well exposed dusk-like shots with interior and exterior lamplights turned out especially well. Were they also from the tiny camera or were they the exception? You definitely have the pan routine down. Good work. I've not worked the pan methods yet. Perhaps PTE version 5 will entice me with it's ease? Meanwhile, I enjoy seeing yours.
  14. Adri, I did enjoy your presentations of the car and the cycle. I think they are well done. Can you clarify what your personal involvement is - ie with the vehicles as well as the photography?
  15. Thank you for making this "new world" available. There are some amazing sequences. Also a reminder what a versatile tool we have in Igor's PTE. This software meets the needs of the most casual snap-shooter to the excursions of the most creative minds! For me it is also interesting to see the cultural extensions inherent in these (mostly) french creations. The life approaches, typical or not, are so well exhibited. Observation: Many PTE users began by wanting just a way to display photographs. PTE allows us to do that and then expand to other emphasis if we desire. Most of the french sequences seem to begin with a story or message and use PTE to illustrate with sight and sound. To all the authors/creators of the shows I downloaded, CONGRATULATIONS, on such fine work. Every show is so well done.
  16. Thank you everyone. I need to get back to the friend and see what we can determine. Thanks for the ideas. Al, are you making the journey clear to the west coast this time?
  17. A new user who took my advice to buy this fine software has encountered a problem that is new to me. He starts with his .jpg files on cd from a photo processor lab. He has copied the .jpg files from cd to his hard drive. Using normal Windows XP viewer, these photos show just fine from the hard drive. When the user tries to use them in PTE, only 3 or 4 of them will appear. Most of the XP viewed photos won't show in PTE but produce some kind of error message of damage or corruption problem.(I assume the message is a PTE message.) Is there some kind of file problem that would stop PTE but allow XP or other viewer to see the photos as ok?
  18. It seems then Roger, that you have never received your "participation" payment!?
  19. That should do it Harry. Glad you are going hard, doing good. I am looking forward to seeing your latest production.
  20. French, Chinese, English - it matters not Eric. You hit a good common language with your photo presentation. You present an understandable story - sad, true, and . . . hopefully teaching or at least reminding. Your creative methods were effective vehicle for the photos and drawings. Thank you.
  21. Very nice Cindy. You are making good use of PTE for your business. Being in your local photo territory, I enjoy seeing your creation not being totally overwhelmed with constant Ken Burns motion that is the predominant view around here in wedding shows. You are making some wedding couples and guests happy I am sure.
  22. Good fun Patrick. Nice photos with what tele lens? It is also fun to see the captions for a change. The use of light-hearted captions on photos seems to have largely dissappeared for years. Maybe the "scrap-booking" trend in America may suggest a caption comeback over here. Your music choice is fitting but surprising. The music sounds very much like music of Peru. Is it?
  23. Thanks everyone for the continued sharing good questions and great answers. Lin, you are very generous and good with your skill and explanations. JPD - I think if you taught a school student only to use PTE, that student (if like you) could do homework of any class, using only PTE!
  24. LumenLux

    forum AV

    Well Patrick, we at least know there needs to be many more submissions of photos. For me at least, that means I need still to make time to decide which several of my photos may best say something about "peace." I agree there is a risk of the project losing momemtum, but that is what we often contend with. Or as some might say: "I like the idea, but the devil is in the details." Actually, maybe you would have support from many if you could see fit to sort of manage the project. I know that is presumptious of me to say, but you do very nice work and are smart enough to lead or co-lead such an effort. Maybe someone else is also ready to come further to the front again?
  25. I just barely caught myself with a mistake that I will share. Most PTE users are aware, some forget, and some maybe don't realize until the undesired result appears. The "problem" is using a unique font, with just the right appeal, in the object editor. The nice hand script font looked just "what I want" as I played back my "final" verison of the wedding show last night. When I awoke this morning, it hit me that the desired lettering might look entirely different on any other viewer's PC. Fortunately, a perceived remedy also came quickly to mind. A quick test on different computer confirmed my fear. The font needed was not on the viewing computer so a common font was substituted. Not for the better. The solution that worked seemingly well for me this time : PTE/Project options/advanced/Allow to restore pictures. This allowed me to capture the slide including the original desired font. Then simply inserted the new slide instead of using the object editor. Has anyone found problems with this method? If not, maybe this little post will help someone along the way.
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