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Everything posted by LumenLux

  1. I too enjoyed a visit to your site. I hustled right over when I saw your reference to "senior moment." The term does have a certain market appeal to some demographic segments. I also appreciated the constructive critique from FxDesigner. I like to learn while enjoying. My compliments to your "creative gallery". Good implementation of fun ideas. Do you also intend to post some PTE shows on your site?
  2. LumenLux

    forum AV

    I suspect many, like myself, are still intending to contribute photos. I suggest for now - "reminders " will be more productive than a "deadline." Clearly still a worthy effort for many.
  3. I can't compare temperature - but maybe snow depth! (here in Utah mountains.) But I do want to say hello, elIvarz! It is always nice to hear from one of the early PTE pioneers. Do you have any PTE shows that we could all enjoy?
  4. LumenLux

    forum AV

    OK, do the comments-to-here mean each submission should be a file of 1024 x 768? This image size would be the uniform size for the "canvas". In some of the submissions, the canvas may be only partially occupied, as with a vertical format image.
  5. It still works here and from some nearby comments it seems to be working for most users. Not that it helps you much. I would suggest try the normal rebooting of your computer and if not solved try re-installing your PTE software. I now see Al's response and suspect you have it working by now. If not, please update us.
  6. Ron, did you come up with an answer? I was wondering if the message itself was some kind of intruder code.
  7. LumenLux

    forum AV

    What a wonderful response - 39 comments and we still have a peaceful approach to world peace! I was absent a few days and this idea has blossomed wonderfully. I guess this is what I would expect from the members of this forum, but it is still inspiring. Every idea expressed is great. Rather than jump in with comment on the ideas, I will just say "I'm with you." Afterthought - If any of us are submitting photos of people of languages other than our own, perhaps some sound clips of the relevant language could be included. This might make for a little (lot) more work but could bolster the international tone of our presentation. Onward
  8. Granot, I hope the virus scare is soon cleared so you can offer again your little program. It sounds to me a useful device if my expectation is correct? One could add your playsound button to any photo sent as email?
  9. Brian - Thank you for the tip on the anti-spyware. I have just downloaded and run on 4 computers. My question is regarding the version I have installed. Your reference to Beta 1.3 compared to the one I just downloaded, ie. Microsoft AntiSpyware Version: 1.0.701 This version expires on: 7/31/2006 Spyware Definition Version: 5787 (12/28/2005 9:09:12 PM) What do you think?
  10. Brian, I would agree with Pete, but I can move it from "theory" to "done often." Long before we had any DVD capability from PTE, I would port some PTE shows to tape so I could show on TV. The only software needed was that which was necessary to instruct/set my Matrox graphics card at the time.
  11. Thank you Sam for such a tasteful greeting. As said, always good presentations from you. I especially like the orange/yellow dew-laden flower on which the Happy New Year appeared!
  12. Dave, the host I use seems to be very fast and a very good value. I know very little about constructing a web site. So far I use my site mainly as a page where visitors can download the shows I post. The most amazing feature is the 24/7 online tech support that guarantees an answer in about 10 or fifteen minutes. On the ocassions I have used it, the answer has always come back even quicker than promised! If you want to visit my download page, Audio Visual for you pleasure, you will find a banner there that will link you to all the info about features, prices, etc. Of course, feel free to download any PTE shows that I have posted. And as always - comments are welcome!
  13. I don't know if I have ever heard such a statement - from anybody!
  14. I heartily join in wishing each of you and yours a very Merry Christmas! With all the really important blessings we have in life, the members of this forum all have in common the joy of very very good PTE software and very very good people who share in this forum. Thank you Igor! and thank YOU all. Now, along with wondering about Santa, and our gift from Igor, I am wondering about Guru. Are you here Guido? Are you wrapped up in the Olympics in your neighborhood coming soon? You need to phone home here occasionally. Best wishes to you anyway, but you will have to check in here to pick up your gifts.
  15. I will only confirm Ken's answers and maybe just sumarize - The inter-active part of PTE is only possible when the PTE.exe file is run. When you play a DVD, even in a PC, the EXE file is not operating. Any inter-action you want with the DVD must me created using the DVD authoring program. Nero, Roxio, Ulead, etc. all have enough features and quirks to empower and infuriate!
  16. I think your statement above is often true with many of us. When our first experience with a music score is linked with a visual view - it is thereafter hard to dis-associate one from the other. I hope Ning does understand your comment and that such comments, and responses, really help us all to understand what we are doing and why. If you are in the mood for making further sound-track-related comments, I would invite you (and others) to comment on the soundtrack I used in my PTE sequence The Subway. Though hundreds of people have downloaded the show via Beechbrook, I think I may have only received one comment about the sound. If you download the Subway, the zip file contains two PTE shows. Please run the ZionSubway forum 3 show first. That show links into the Rosewood pte which actually invites comments specifically on the soundtrack.
  17. Harry, keep up the journey - you're doin' fine. My only concern is: Moving to Arkansas, and all those indian names of places, you may have to ditch your Texas tongue and learn to spell all over again. ?
  18. Patrick, I think your statement is the essence of all the good thoughts of you and other forum members on this topic. We will each need to ask what is more important for each show we make. If I want to enter a certain competition or present only to my own family, maybe I would try to use fully every resource of the software. If however I think my "message" might spread more widely with a simpler, less resource-demanding presentation, I would avoid effects that could reduce the potential audience.
  19. I just want to congratulate and commend you also Al! Your extensive effort appears to have been a success. The satisfaction of a job well done is most always adequate reward. I admire you and others who commit so much of your time and talent. I did visit your site with the photos and lists of scores I think. I seem to remember seeing that AV Peter and I think JRR had entries along with yours? Could you tell us who all from this forum were involved? And of course which shows are available for us to now see outside ofthe Super Circuit sessions?
  20. Thank you Andy, Lin, and Alan. Andy, your confirmation and additional info is helpful. Alan, of course you are right - so far as it goes. Lin, I will pursue the link - sounds like a useful tool to make accurate comparisions of specific alternatives. "Mr President, a follow-up question:" If a user were to put an auxillary lens on the cameras - could one expect a wide-angle, or a tele, to degrade less? Specifically, the P880 has 24mm - 140 mm, and will accept an auxillary lens for additional zoom-in. The P850 is 36 mm - 432 mm, and will accept an add-on wide angle lens. It seems it would be better to add the wide-angle to the 12x zoom lens than to add the tele to the already wide-angle 24 mm ?
  21. Would you expect a more clear photo by using high power zoom lens or computer blowup of high megapixel image of same subject area? It has been a long time since I gave serious thought to a Kodak camera. However, I found myself intrigued by two new cameras by Kodak. The P850 is 5.1 megapixel, 12x optical zoom 36mm - 432mm (35 mm equivalent.) The P880 is 8.0 megapixel, 5.8x optical zoom 24mm - 140mm equivalent. Assuming both lens are similar optical quality, consider the following. If I am maybe 25 meters from a moose, with which camera will I get the clearest, most detailed, 11x14 inch photo of the moose filling the entire frame? I did not have a moose handy, so I made an inside-the-house, short range test. At 5 meters, I took photos with each camera at longest zoom length. I then selected the same portion of each photo and printed to fill a 4x6 inch print. The segment of the 12x, 5 megapixel, was printed at 153% of native size. To make nearly so large a print of the same segment from the 5.8x, 8 megapixel, required me to print it at 315%. The quality of the 12x zoom print is far superior! Another comparison: Using the same segment of each original photo, I printed the 5.8x zoom, 8 megapixel, at 100 % size. The print is 24 mm x 36 mm. I then printed the 12x zoom, 5.1 megapixel, at 100% size. The print is 58 mm x 87 mm. The area of the 12x zoom version thus is 5.8x as large. Can someone more adept at the numbers tell me if this looks right? From what I observe, I am surprised how much better the optical zoom photos seem to look vs. the higher megapixel versions of the same subject segment. And, if the above is all correct - how would the results be effected if the desired final print of the moose is to be 5x7 inches, 11x14, or 20x30 inches?
  22. Thank you Ronnie for asking - and Brian for answering. When ever I convey a PTE show to someone, I must consider my options for making the show most easily accessable to the expected viewers. So far I seem to have to customize the conveyance every time. I have not yet used an "installer" of this kind. I have used a couple of Granot's (boxig) utilities successfully. Your description Brian suggests an option I might should explore.
  23. Igor has a product that works for many people at many different levels. He not only knows how to create the software, but how the business works for him. I'm sure we all appreciate that. Thank you again Igor!
  24. Thanks Harry for keeping us informed. Even in today's world of "instant" world-wide news, it is always useful to hear what is happening from someone actually involved - as opposed to reporters. But - when you do go back - you will have no time for PTE.
  25. I'm not sure Eddie, if I understand. But - if you already have a transition going into each slide, there is no possibility for an additional transition unless you add an additional slide.
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