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Everything posted by LumenLux
Ahh, but now I have watched this show and see it is not by Patrick alone! But with loving assistance from Catherine? I enjoyed your nicely done presentation. The order of the photos is nicely chosen so the transitions are very pleasant. The use of the guitar chord (?) to accompany some new photos works especially, as Al pointed out, because it is so perfectly timed. Your use of some archictectual frames as a template for several photos or views is tastefully done. I am afraid some of my similar effort might be more "gimmicky" as I have seen also from others. In your read_me.txt you state: No hidden story, not either a touristic guide, just a daydream on a music which I like very much. I think this is nice. You share what you want and we can each enjoy it on our own level. Thank you.
Jeff, your fine show caught me at a very receptive/vulnerable time. I returned last night from only a couple of days of "other-world" enjoyment in our southeast Utah canyonlands. I had just given my own photos a first viewing and then spotted your new show. I have always enjoyed your photos but was surprised and even more interested when I realized where you had experienced your "one week alone." You have shown some very nice photos of a very beautiful and interesting area. Of course I don't know all the spots but recognize some of the "icons" of the area. You have some really nice views shared in the presentation, and not just of the "required" shots. But even the "known" locations are pleasingly interpretted. I am intrigued by your spending the week apparently by yourself. I wonder if you would like to comment on how you feel that may have effected your appreciation and photography of the area? In my most recent quick trip, I was not alone more than 45 minutes. But the subject had come up among my group (family) about how different various locations might seem if one were alone there. There are so many ways it might make a difference, it might be interesting to hear your thoughts. I would also mention for the sake of those who don't know the area: There is much beauty available from the "car window" but much more for anyone willing to walk. And there are areas of great beauty that can be accessed by 4-wheel-drive vehicles only. But only the most foolhardy would attempt some of those trails alone. One of the published guides to the area points out that the minimum towing service from some points would be $1500 - if available at all. But my question is more directed to your philosophical/spiritual thoughts and your technical quest for great photos. Do you feel you can get better photos if you don't have to "worry" about holding up other fellow travelers, etc. As you sit with your boots in a photo watching the sunset and snapping each changing moment is it always exciting or do you get "antsy". You know, all the personal stuff. On a side note, where were the deer you photo'd? We had also had a short discussion as to where deer "are" and "are not" a possible factor in that environment. And finally, did you know in advance that you would not be allowed to go some places if you had your trusty dog even in your truck? Or did he keep quiet under the covers?
Sure Lin, post it and it will be watched. I'm certainly interested.
And I think I agree with Al's agreement.
I would agree with value of Barry's request. Thank you Igor.
Thank you all. Each of you have given me good paths to follow and I have learned with each one. I have now been able to view the individual files in the .iso to see what they are. And I think Marianne that Daemon Toos may be the missing link. I actually have Daemon still installed from way back and that may be how I have these "oversized" iso files to begin with. I could not remember for what use I had installed Daemon. elIvars - welcome back, I have not seen you here for a long time. Perhaps you have some new presentations we should be viewing?
I have looked plently of places without success, so now the question comes to the folks who usually know. In various projects of PTE and DVD, I end up making a .ISO image file. Then I burn the DVD from the ISO file. (learned that from Igor). What has me stumped is how to deal with an ISO file that is too large for my DVD. My DVD max capacity is approximately 4.6 Gig. I have a couple of ISO files on my hard drive that are like 4.8 GB. Some (all?) software I use to create the ISO files, labels the files simply dvd.iso, so unless I remember to re-name promptly, I end up with .ISO files of unknown content. Now, an ISO that is too large for a DVD - I don't know how to look in to see what it is. Does anyone know how I can view and edit the ISO file so I can decide what to do with it?
Brian, what do you use '.NET Framework' for?
I was wondering Ken, why you didn't post it. It is interesting. Better than I might have expected. Your losing interest earlier was sort of the way I felt last time was at all into the panaoramas. It was fun to try but what was there to do when one was accomplished. But like everything in digital world - change is the word. Thanks for showing us.
I guess we have all been looking for clues, but have not dared ask - what is it?
Wonderful. I just burned PTE DVD's with Ulead Movie Factory SE V2 and with Roxio 6. No problem at all. Quality on TV very good. Thank you Igor.
Igor, I am happy to report the 441Beta made DVD's just fine with Ulead Movie Factory V2 and with Roxio 6. Thank you. I will likely use DVD feature of PTE more often now.
Thank you Igor! It sounds like you have solved it for Ulead and for Roxio. I will test both very soon to confirm here. It is so nice that if you can find a bug you can always fix it! Again, thank you for always being so attentive to our input.
Thank you Igor! It sounds like you have solved it for Ulead and for Roxio. I will test both very soon to confirm.
Igor, I have just now emailed the test results and attachments you requested. Please let me know if you need more.
Igor, I am trying to find the .pte files to use with your Test version re DVD (sometimes) problem. While looking for the correct .pte files, I ran into another questionable condition. This may not be so important, but is different than what seems intuitive to me. And if the current method works as I think, it can make life very difficult when looking for prior PTE work based on date of file. If I am in Explorer, double click on a .pte project file, PTE opens, and Explorer immediately (or after refreshing) shows the "Date Modified" to be the current date. Then in the future, I might look for a .pte I made years ago, but it now shows a "Date Modfied" of today or yesterday. Would it be better to only change the "date modified" when the opened .pte file is "saved" instead of when it is "opened?" WRONG! I am editing this post in case someone else were to make a wrong conclusion. I had been using the file listings in "Search Results" not in normal "Explorer." What I saw as a new "date modifed" date was actually on a Shortcut to the .pte file, not the file itself. I guess, when in "Search Results" screen, a shortcut is written each time a .pte file is opened. And the shortut apparently disappears as soon as "Search Results" is closed. So Igor, back to finding the DVD problem, I will find and send right fles soon.
Yes, Igor, let me how I can help.
Thanks Ken. I don't have any trouble actually running PTE shows from the memory cards. Never-the-less, I would like to further understand what makes a difference in performance and what does not. I will look at your suggested links. As you know though, we can sometimes read a lot of information vs. the joy of specific answers.
Certainly these questions don't stump everybody. Or are they so simple that people think they aren't real? Anyway, if someone can make time to answer, it will be appreciated.
Thank you Brian. Good info for many of us. Which "Norton" are you refering to? I run a commercial set of Norton on this machine, but don't know whether it includes what you are citing as the complimentary routine.
Thats my understanding. The message came about from us clamoring in the forum for an indication to viewers that something was indeed happening. The thought was to help prevent a new viewer from repeatedly clicking and the possible mutliple instances running. I think Igor came up with that after Nobeefstu and possibly boxig had also given us similar indicators to use. Now, I have concluded as you do, they are seldom needed.
A recent topic touched on a utility from Granot (boxig) for autoruning a PTE.exe show from the now so popular flash memory devices (flash drives, key drives, thumb drives, etc. ) Following the thought led me to consider my USB setup. Specifically, I think I put a PTE.exe on a 256mb flash drive and plugged it in a USB port. A message appeared that I had plugged in a USB 2.0 device in a USB 1. port. From that I have sought some answers. It doesn't take long to establish that the typical computer superstore salesmen have conflicting "answers" to many (most?) questions. So here I am in our favorite forum with the people I can trust. Hopefully there will come answers that will enlighten more than just me. My computer is old enought that the original USB set up is 1.0. I also added a combo card that gives me both Firewire and USB 2.0. 1. Cosidering my combo card with two port USB 2.0. If I have a 2.0 device in a USB 2.0 port. I get 2.0 speed. If however, I also plug in a 1.0 device in the other 2.0 port, will that slow down the 2.0 device? I am told that it will because the USB 2.0 controller will have to slow to the slowest device. If this is true, does it only slow down the 2.0 device while the 1.0 device is actually "running" information or would it be all the time it is plugged in the port? 2. Speaking again of the two ports for USB 2.0: If I add a hub to provide 4 more USB 2.0 ports, if I want to maintain 2.0 speed, does the new hub have to be specifically 2.0 specifications. Or is a hub a hub, just wires, no real "electronics"? 3. Re required power for multiple USB ports: Where possible, I like to avoid having to plug in a transformer to power my USB connections. I do have some on transformers, but others seem to be ok without. Presumeably these devices don't draw much power. If a port/device does not have enough power, is it a "go" or NO go" situation or will some devices function, but slower, or will they function in an erratic, possibly damaging data manner? 4. Is there any difference in cables for USB 1.0 vs. 2.0?
Thank you Igor and team! Thanks also to forum members who help! The whole operation is a model in a software world that has often gone astray. ' Thank you for my favorite program!
A bold and beautiful presentation Peter! This time I offer no constructive criticism, only Thank You. And I wonder if a signed copy costs more. Really nice. ("Easter" on Beechbrook.com)
Jean-Claude, I think you may have documented the situation correctly. I had experienced some frustration recently in trying to understand what was happening in the new timeline relative to what I thought was happening when I played the show. I could not "pin-point" my problems and finally just changed the music and auto-sync'd. Al or ADB or others closely involved with Igor on the sound/timeline/slide insertions and moves - Is the above situation the way it should be? Admittedly, I am not "current", but it does not seem right to me.