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Everything posted by LumenLux

  1. Hi Catrick. After creating the avi with PTE, you must keep PTE open while you use your external DVD program to prepare your show for DVD or SVCD. Let us know if this solves it.
  2. I am all for the kind of discussion envisioned. Usually, the best catalyst is comments on a particular show that has been posted. As for a separate area of the forum, I don't think it is necessary. As I think Al suggested, it could fit quite well under "Presentations" in this forum. One of the wonderful things of this whole PTE forum is that no one gets real upset about "off topic" posts. As a result of such freedom to post, we all learn a great deal about more than we might otherwise think to seek. Finally, there is indeed much knowledge in the AV community that is beyond many PTE users. Fortunately, these knowledgeable av'ers are very willing to share when the opportunity arises.
  3. Ok, Dave, now I've seen the show I can comment. Very nice! I think your show is one of the most creative I've seen on a wedding. I think you have done an excellent job of "pacing" the presentation. I even like your use of many small pictures. As a rule, I favor using all the screen available for the actual photos. But I think your artistic placement and variety of sizes & durations, exhibited successful purpose in this one. Congratulations.
  4. Life is so much simpler when I pay attention. Thanks Ron.
  5. But Al, doesn't it seem natural that Guido should use old forum?
  6. Where can I find your show to download? Your original link to the first version does not seem to work now even though it did previously.
  7. Welcome to the forum. You clearly make great photos and slide shows! I viewed the avi file on your website. On my cable connection it plays really quite well. The show was not so smooth as a PTE.exe file. (My computer is just 750 mhz.) Can we download your actual .exe file to fully appreciate your fine show?
  8. Chuck, congratulations! On the show of course, and more importantly - on the baby. I like very much simple little presentations of events as you have done. These are the kind I like to do for the grandkids to play over and over again when they visit. I would mention that your choice of music is perfect, fits both the rainbow omen and the bright new child. Brudda Iz ( I think it is?) is one of my favorite singers but I have yet to apply his music to any of my photos. Thanks for sharing the joyous event.
  9. I have come to most often use the "save for web" algorythum(?) of Adobe products.
  10. Thanks Granot and Bart - This is what we pay you such high salaries for.
  11. Adaptec CD creator normally does fine for what you need. The one thing you might be missing is that you need to tell CD Creator that you are burning a data disk or files. Make sure it is not set to burn music or picture files.
  12. Welcome ianws to the forum. You are asking many good questions. I am only answering to let you know that there are several (many?) professional photographers who use PTE for presenting their work to clients. I think they have come up with several different arrangements to do so. Hopefully, some of these forum members will come on soon to share some useful info with you.
  13. Good point silverton. I think many of us don't often use the start window, but when I did use it on my most recent project, I wondered about the same thing.
  14. Yes Bart, you have nnow shared them with me. They do help to remember. Thank you. It would be fun to see the rig in person.
  15. How about trying the shows on other computers within your reach? You could also email a sample show to some one here. I, or others would be glad to give it a try.
  16. Hi Barry - I would try the same show on additional pc's. If it turns out that the show plays only on the machine that created it - here is a possible cause - I once had a show that was designed to open and run another program as you can do in PTE. The show ran fine on my pc so I burned it to cd. The show also ran perfect from the CD - or so I thought. As it turned out, I had not correctly included all the necessary files onto the cd. As I thought it was running from the cd, PTE was actually finding some of the missing files by looking on my pc. So as soon as I tried the cd on a different pc, it would not work. If your show is simply a single .exe, with no need for other .exe files, etc. Then I suppose that would not be your problem. I can also tell you that nobeefstu is the forum member who can probably nail this one for you. I seem to have missed him in the forum lately, so maybe he can appear and solve this for you.
  17. I have Comcast as my ISP, but I don't utilize the storage space presently. I don't know anything about "how", but I certainly think they should be willing to tell you if you "can." Whether it is user-friendly easy or whether you will need outside knowledge, I don't know. I do remember some kind of Comcast FAQ or forum with some discussion about it.
  18. Thank you friends for your comments. It is satisfying that we can enjoy each others efforts. Each of you have told me something worthwhile. Ken, your observation is very accurate. It is always a challenge, and even more-so with the telephoto bias of most consumer level digital cameras. It always seems like a wider angle lens would make life simpler. Whether simpler would be better I don't know. I do know, that many times, I and others have snapped away many rolls of film only to find that the snapshots were just that - snapshots. The huge mountain scenes that were spectacular in person end up being just another mountain view when the photos are viewed. Last September, we backpacked a few days in the Tetons. I have not yet selected and organized the photos into the promised PTE for the hikers. Perhaps I am subconsciously afraid I will be disappointed in the recording of the grandeur. More likely I just keep delaying the process in favor of going out and seeing some more live views. Back to the challenge you mentioned, "almost impossible" to put the huge Zion formations on to film. At least the formations are well defined. The "Great White Throne" may indeed be too large to capture in it's entirety, but at least you "know" where the subject's edges are. (You may notice in Angels Landing PTE there are no full view shots of the "Great White Throne.") In the past, I have often tried to take "tourist" shots of the whole mountain, and they did little more than prove I was there. Some years ago, I found a similar but even tougher challenge - when the very large subject mountains don't have such distinct boundaries. I was trying to take some decent photos in nearby Capitol Reef National Park. At some point I finally realized a cause of some frustration was, the gorgeous extensive landscape, lacked the natural borders that my photo eye usually seems to notice. I have not yet figured how to capture that type of scene in a real convincing manner. Maybe you or someone else can jump in and productively further this discussion of photo technigue? As some of you expressed desired to return or visit Zion - just do it. And if you want a friend to face the challenge with - I'd love to hear from you. That "offer" however is not limited to Zion - but to anywhere out here that might be within reason.
  19. Yes, I think it makes sense, but not yet the complete picture. Years ago, some of us on this site used Yahoo's Y-drive system to store PTE shows up to 5 mb size for others to download. I would think Yahoo will allow you to have other users download somefiles from your site. Can you set up a part of your website so visitors could download say just your favorite photos? If Yahoo, says yes, then pursue it further with them to see if you repackage your .exe file as a zip, or rename it as Al suggests,etc, if that would work for downloading. Is Yahoo your ISP as well as your website server? Some ISP's such as Comcast, allow some storage space as part of your subscription. I think such space could be set up to store and download from. Worst case is you just have to wait until Beechbrook is again available in June. And that is not a very bad "worse" case.
  20. What will really be novel Al, is if the site is still working and providing the free service. So many similar systems have either been burdensome to use or short lived. I think it is a very useful offering and hope it continues.
  21. andrea, I am not sure what your arrangement is with Yahoo, but can you store a zip file on your site such that we could download your shows from there? If so, you can surely just post a link in this forum that will lead us to your show for downloading and viewing.
  22. andrea, Welcome again to the forum. If it is the very very good Kenya show you are looking for - You can find it on Bill (Cottage)' site Beechbrook.com He graciously hosts about a 100 shows or links for pte shows. http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/index.asp should get you to the page. Enjoy.
  23. Right here of course. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...t=ST&f=3&t=1948 Heart attack!? You might want to start taking more photos and stressing less the programming.
  24. I guess I must have been sleepy before hearing the relaxing music!
  25. Hi nata, I would think just try the email again. Igor did mention there would be some work going on with his server. It may have disrupted his email, but not for long I would think. Also, he or his assistant may have already read your post here and even responded before I am writing.
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