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Everything posted by LumenLux

  1. I agree, Jeff has some nice photos of some great spots. Just the place to be in the spring. Now, trying to immitate you Granot, (instant response to any request), I have posted a new presentation that includes one way of providing a little info as you suggest.
  2. http://lumenlux.do-some-good.com/PTE%20sho...s%20Landing.zip Soon to be on Beechbrook, the above link should take you direct to my latest little project. This one even has a special accomodation for Boxig. Really though, it is not an accomodation, but a response to his good idea. I hope everyone can enjoy this one, and please do comment - any direction.
  3. QUOTE]"La tĂȘte dans les nuages"
  4. Hi Richard - This valuable feature is very good already in Adobe Photoshop Album 2. I first make all my desired images into a collection where drag and drop and renaming is as close to automatic as possible. This has much quickened this part of PTE prep for me. Take a look and see if it is what you have in mind.
  5. Project files re-mailed as zip file.
  6. Yup. It seems strange to me, but that is how it appears. I have emailed you two project.txt files as requested. Thank you
  7. Ok Granot, here is the first round. I think this program of yours has good potential. My first try with the cfg.exe yielded a blank. Then I went back and viewed the tutorial that you had posted earlier. This made my second try with the cfg.exe successful. I used your standard buttons with my designated text and links. The links to all PTE shows worked fine and the multi-file pte shows also worked fine from this menu. I don't seem to be able to get my email to come up using your mailto:LumenLux@do-some-good.com Maybe I need further explanation how to do it. My successful menu was saved as project.txt. When I next ran cfg.exe, I opened the existing project (instead of new project.) The existing project when opened, still had the links, but the text I had saved was not visable. Instead, each button simply said "Text." To be of any use, it seems the open existing project has to open and display as saved so that I can add more buttons or links. Or modify existing buttons, links, etc. Although I understand some benefit of having the links keyed by the text instead of the button, it does result in a problem. If the recipient of the menu clicks on the button but misses the text, the link is not triggered and the user concludes the button does nothing. Question ( I have not tried yet.) Could I use a button link to call up another of your utilities which includes option of installing shows etc. onto the users hard drive if they don't seem to run correctly from the cd? Hope these first-experience items may be of help to you. Carry on!
  8. Granot, just getting started on beta testing but have question from your readme file. Quoting from the file, MW Full Screen ================== A folder called "AMW Full Screen" contains "AMWFull.exe" which is same as "AMW.exe" but with full colored screen around the window. You can use this file if you like, but you will have to use the "autorun.inf" file included in this folder. Can I find or get these options?
  9. Now, where did I put my 10-page review of Where did I put this image? Guess my expurgated version will have to do. This little utility works fine and simple. I wonder what you do with it? I'm sorry Granot, don't know what has gotten into me. Truth is - it is well designed and very easy to understand and make the two clicks. The program did work to find my test images. My only reservation is that in many cases I could probably just use Windows "search" feature. However, there are cases where I have many copies of similar, slightly modified, photos, where the ability to find the exact one being used in a PTE project would be useful. But with some tasks, it is hard to remember the existence of a utility that I don't use often. Know what I mean? Conclusion: It works well and I found NO bugs! Thank you as always for making this stuff available. And now, I will move to the more interesting (for me) AutorunMenuWindow. Maybe I can help you make it so millions of us would be willing to pay you for it.
  10. Well Granot, being of sound mind and good intent and not half drunk, I will accept great privilege of seeing if your latest is evidence sufficient to convict you of PUI. I want you to know though, this is a great sacrifice on my part. I've been shooting pix for 4 days in an exciting location and I am really more eager to do something with those photos. But true friend that you are, how can I ignore your blatant but sincere request for some response?
  11. I find I had also "missed" a complete view of Al's Vignette Francaise. Nice of course. The music seemed exceptionally hi-fidelity. What format and specs on this music Al? Any "special" treatment? The sound clarity reminds me of some of the shows that Oleg has posted.
  12. Thank you friends for the leads. There are, as suggested and expected, some quite good information sites and photos and web cams out there. I had thought we might have already had a PTE show about the region. So far I have not traced one down. Maybe, Michel will yet report that he knows someone who has made one. I like the personal touch that one can feel with a PTE show, from someone I know. Dadou, my friend actually is going to France not to study, but to share the gospel. Thank you for your offer though. And now I have learned that Toulouse must have a good aeronautics school.
  13. Are there any PTE presentations covering the Toulouse area? I have not yet searched Michel's site nor Bill's, but thought someone might also remember if there are any that have come and gone from current postings. I have a young friend who is going there to live for a couple of years. Though I know almost nothing myself, I thought it might be impressive if I showed him some personal connnections to the area.
  14. And to think Al - I can remember when you were just a babe in this forum. Congratulations! Onward and funward!
  15. This part you can do as it now is. In pte you can use the file window to access photo files from any and every folder on your hard drive. Then select only the ones you want into the slide window. The slide window will show them from all the original locations. Then, when you want, you can use the PTE Template feature to make copy of all your files, sound and photos, into one folder. There are many other work flows, but it is a very useful way to conlude your show and know all the files you used are now copied into one location/folder.
  16. Actually, Michel, I knew Dadou had that fine french touch I just did not put it all together. There does seem to be many very good photographers among your friends. As we say here, Birds of a feather, flock together. I really should thank you for steering so many talented people to PTE and this forum. So be thanked!
  17. To the author of this show - I don't recognize you from this forum - but if you are here - thank you. Your show is well done and interesting. I have never heard of the event and celebration. I must say the burning is a surprise to me.
  18. George, you diserve a sponsorship from Nikon. Such nice photos. Guess I thought all your photos in the past looked great because they were under water. Sometimes the Kenya experience seems so vast that a photographer is hard pressed to put together a show that conveys the experience in a time frame that the casual viewer can endure. No endurance needed with your show - perfect for this viewer.
  19. Creates a nice thoughtful mood. Very nice photos (again) and - I guess I like everything about it.
  20. I'll second that Hawk, and thank you. Your Grand River is a good example. Though I like to see new places, and I love nature, it is the personal touch of "knowing" the photographer/showmaker that makes a show somehow more special. I'm sure many of our shows wouldn't hold my attention on a TV travel station, but the personal touch reaches deeper. Nice example of sharing the dearness of home. Almost forgot - the little postscript on close, more on Grand River, is a nice idea.
  21. Granot - I think the above refferenced program looks really good. I would gladly test and re-test for you - but - by the time I surmount some previous committments- you will have it perfected already. If by circumstances you take longer than usual, I'll jump on. Having run quickly through the demo, I am not sure I know what quicky applys. Also, is there a connection between AutorunMenuWindow and FlashMe4? The FlashMe4 seems like it should be handy for more people too.
  22. Carol, this one is actually possible with decent results, if you have a graphics card with tv out feature. Probably not an option for your immediate tomorrow. Several of us for several years have used that capability. Quality is not as good as with PTE/DVD combination.
  23. It seems to me Ken, that this would exclude the culprit you are suggesting? Trouble is, I am not much help, as the described problem rings familiar, but I can't remember the cause or solution. But I am sure someone will.
  24. Wow Ralph, that is amazing! All those famous people on one hippy bus! (more comments later.)
  25. Welcome Chuck to the forum. For PTE you do need to rotate the photos as you want before inserting in PTE. You can rotate them individually or in batches with most any photo editor/organizer. If you are already using PhotoShop you can easily learn to do it there. One popular solution is a free program, Irfanview at Irfanview It is free, efficient, and widely used by PTE users.
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