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Everything posted by LumenLux

  1. Thanks Ken for ruining my day! I was just getting to where I dared listen to my music playing simultaneously through two speakers.
  2. And I had missed this "solution", so thanks for mentioning it. I too think more cooperative objects would be important and appreciated.
  3. Nice to see someone actually does this. Another specific good use of PTE. I guess for the last how many years, every anniversary, wife's birthday, and mothers day - I think about a personal PTE message to the special one. On my 750 mhz pc, many of your transitions are not real smooth. What size are most of your photo files in the show?
  4. I think perhaps most useful would be the resizing of objects while in the object window.
  5. Going back years, I have "wanted" in PTE, a nice way to sort thumbnails photos to order the slides. However, I no longer need it for my own use in PTE. I have found the nearly ideal system in Adobe Photo Album 2. For my use, this is the best system I have ever tried. I can go into a catalogue of thousands of photos, select the hundred I need. I can then view only the hundred and sort individually or in groups. I know there are many programs that do similar, but for me, the mechanics in Photo Album 2 seem the best. So, Igor, if you do make a light table sort feature in PTE, I would suggest you look carefully at the features and possible work flow that Photo Album 2 provides. Meanwhile, other forum users may want to give Adobe's program a try if selecting and ordering slides is still the huge time consumer that I have known until recently.
  6. djohnson - You have made a very appealing and meaningful presentation. I found myself being more captivated as it progressed. Can you summarize the sources of your photos? Thank you for sharing your show. And thank you Norbert Quickflicks for your personal response to the subject. I must say I was very surprised with your being 11 years old at the time! Now you qualify to receive senior citizen discounts in the forum. And you are in good company - Guido, myself, - and others who are catching up. Which suggests it may be time to plug the website where members of this forum are invited to post their personal portraits. http://www.imagescapes.co.nz/forum/forum.htm is the place. If it is not clear how to upload, you can reach host Andrew through his site http://www.imagescapes.co.nz. And I think Ken, in this forum, in his list of websites, gives directions to upload members photos.
  7. RoyMac - I can say that I just this minute clicked on the Beechbrook links that Michel includes in the previous message. From here, they both work fine. On occasion, long ago, I have had trouble with Beechbrook if I was using Netscape. But my access just now was indeed with Netscape. If your trouble includes even viewing his home page, I don't know. What happens when you click on the links in Michel's message? Also, if you have somewhere else to hang or store your presentation, you could just email the link to Bill for posting on his site. Several of the presentations do not actually reside on his site, but are simply accessed from his site. Persevere! We would like to see what you have done.
  8. Alan, my applause for the outstanding photography. Photos about as clear and sharp as they can be, I think. Nicely presented too. I would usually prefer a softer landing at the end of a show - but I was not bothered at all with your chosen ending on this one. I think the visual matched the sound and you probably made your point.
  9. On my Eagle-Condor show that many users viewed, "Hawk", of this forum, observed some similar problems. His PC specs, as I remember, were very similar to yours. As he was helpful and willing, I had him test a couple of variations of the show to isolate the cause. I sent him one version where I had entirely removed the 18mb mp3. Hawk reported that silent version played without the previous problems and all transitions were now very smooth.
  10. If I put PTE on DVD in USA for play in Germany - I presume I need to encode/burn to PAL not NTSC? Do some DVD players in Europe have switchable capability between the two? If so, is an NTSC format still not useable if the TV is typically PAL? And regarding the regional codes on commercial cd's - is there anything similar to worry about when puting our PTE shows on DVD for different parts of the world?
  11. Good work Ron. I'm glad you have gone ahead and put a show together. I won't trouble you or anyone else with my excuses for not having made one. ( I was doing good just to contribute a set of images.) But if this "challenge" strings out long enough, I may put something together. I think you have done a good job of sequencing the slides. And I like your slow pulse near the end. About "third image" - I defer to others and hope to learn. Maybe we should mention, to quicflicks and everyone, this "challenge" is open to everyone - not just the few who submitted photos. (Hope I'm right on that.) I think anyone who reads this entire thread will understand the game and the goal.
  12. Thank you nickles. Nice info you bring to this forum.
  13. I would also find Ed's suggestion very useful. It would be a frequently appreciated convenience.
  14. Norbert, can you elaborate on the above? I have often mused that some of my vertical format photos seem more dramatic while on their side, but I have usually rotated first before doing any editing. Granted, I do not know much about PhotoShop and usually resort to PS Elements 2.
  15. This is not much help Norbert, but no, that should not be a trial version problem. Without knowing what else to do, I would re-install, possibly download a new copy, and try again.
  16. If a person really did not like your show, he would probably worry about being part of the old story of the Emporer's New Clothes. But, I, like everyone else who has spoken, do like your show. I like your choice of music on this show. This type or genre of music reminds me of hanging out, listening to jazz in the '60s in America. Now, when this type of music is heard as part of a PTE show, it seems to always come from Europe or Russia. Would you consider this music currently popular in your area, or is it more an artisitic resource that you draw on for your PTE soundtracks? Of course your photography is, as always, excellent. I really appreciate the choice of slide order and the custom transitions for each pair of slides. I really liked the sequence with the circular patterns of the water plants. Perhaps my favorite photo was the snow scene with the red-legged bird in the forground. Did the bird find his way there or did you place him with your editor? Either way, it is an appealing scene. Almost forgot - the new circle in-to-out transition, with wide smoothing, is nice effect and used very well by you but it is not totally smooth on my 750mhz pc. Finally, in the final photo, I like the way there is a path of snow or light on the water - I like the ambiguity of it - an intriguing feature.
  17. Terrific Ralvis. I certainly hope noone would find anything here to be offended by. I may have been thinking too much as I read, but I found a couple of the slides changed before I was finished. Maybe you need a version for slow readers. I had to come back (edit) and mention - I have never had a presentation open the way this one did. I double clicked the file in XP's explorer. I heard the microsmith jet, waited, heard some nice evolving sounds but still had my full screen of Explorer. It seemed the screen would never have yielded to your pictures had I not minimized explorer. Was that by design or has anyone else had it work that way?
  18. Well done Andrew. My comments are opinions of what I like. I have generally favored full screen for viewing nice photography. But there always seems to be an artistic addition when a frame is well chosen and then hung with the photo on an exhibit wall - as I think you have done. As for backgrounds, I really like the textured sand you used. I like your framed title slide on the background. As far as presenting small photos on top of each other and moving them around the screen - I think the "device" works better in some cases than in others. We have seen some excellent use on several presentations from the Russian team and others. Sometimes the flow and continuity is interesting. Sometimes I ask why would I want to look at a pile of snapshots instead of a nice presentation size print? On the other hand, the technique can add variety to a pte presentation. I guess it is like other ideas and skills - Where at first, just being able to do it is "enough", but then after "everybody" can "do it", the skillful application becomes what matters. Just like PTE as a whole. Or digital camera. Or film photography. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Gosh John, I wish I could give you the answer. I will just remind you that I think the error always occurs before the actual DVD writer. Granted it shows up at the last minute, just befoe the burn, but the same thing happens when encoding to and image file which does not even require the burner. But that is my observation resting in incomplete knowledge.
  20. Thank you Bart. Although I hope not to need most of them , that is very nice to have a source pack like that.
  21. I think this is your problem, as you suggest. When you tell PTE the path to your external programs, - If you use the browser window of PTE, that path will no longer be correct when you copy your shows to cd. Solve this by typing in the absolute path, instead of the relative path that you browsed to in the window. See if that works. Then if appropriate, you can post your show for us all to see your good work.
  22. Good advice. What I have come to do most often with DVD, is to first burn to DVD RW and then, if successful, copy from DVD RW to DVD. Actually, concerning the Ulead error, you can simply choose to render the image file. The error, if it occurs, does so the same with rendering for the image file as it does if it were headed to the actual DVD. Also, if you are intending to burn to the actual DVD, it seems the error occurs just before the actual burn so the DVD is not ruined anyway.
  23. Nice to hear again of success at first try. Congratulations. #1 I leave to someone else to answer. #2 My earliest testing gave me the impression that some of the rendering/burning programs do better than others in terms of a sharp, clear picture from the PTE shows. This is one reason some of us have persisted in trying to have consistent success with a couple of the possible programs.
  24. It worked to some degree, maybe not consistently. And when I tried other alterations, I would lose certain options on the nav bar. When I realized the left arrow would be too confusing, I stopped trying. This is another idea you had when I was not very concerned. Even now, I don't use the nav bar that often. But since Igor has accomplished "control of show" on a synched show, I find more uses for the nav bar. Maybe Igor will think it more important now and an "easy" thing for him to do between more difficult improvements. Yes, . . . . But (with a capital B)
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