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Hi Bart, yes your help is appreciated as always. Maybe what we need is simply for you to tell us whether we can download the same size files that are uploaded. If that is possible, please help us all understand how to do that. By the way, I really like the look and arrangement you have set up at MultiMediaMatrix. Thanks again.
My experience concurs with the downloads by Ron. Ron's 640x480 downloads to me as 400x300. But I am confused. The info from Bart looks like he has given plenty of leeway for large uploads. Should it not be a "simple" thing for him to set the allowable download size to allow a full size 640x480? Ron's nice original looks a mess when I expand the 400x300 back to 640x480. If Bart is unable to adjust his downloadable size for a specific gallery, I wonder if he could somehow hang the photos in his gallery but have them reside on someone else's (storage) site. I could offer space for that, if Bart would want to do it that way. What do you think Bart. Of course, I may not understand the issue as it is now.?.
I have no experience with Studio9, and very little with Studio8. RayPar and DanaB might both be using Studio8. I have not seen any reports here lately from either one - may mean they are busy being successful. Maybe one of them will report what they have found. I had initially had problems with Studio8 freezing up on me. I have not been back to troubleshoot the problem. (I've been puting all my trouble shooting into the Ulead Movie Factory. My only problems in Movie Factory have been with a few of my PTE shows. Ulead for direct recording from my miniDV vidcam has usually worked ok, and simply. I think there is a lot to learn yet by both the software makers and us as new DVD users. I had a call today from a user of Premier by Adobe. Even with that expensive program, the videographer couldn't get a configuration that would even capture from the vidcam.
Thank you Igor. Very nice. This is one for everyone.
Thanks cc for your impressions. I always like it when I can start with the experience of a fellow PTE user. (As opposed to just "cold call" offerings.) Based on your review, I did just DL the program to take a look. I also, ended up taking the bait and phoning on their further offer. Having given the phone man my last name, he immediately had my name and address from his database. He was not pushy, very good in fact. But what impressed me is the company, had my name from a very early product I had bought from them - in 1994! Though the company, Serif, is rather unknown here in US, they have indeed been around awhile. Now to see how useful the program might be.
Say Alan, that is quite the fun show. I can understand why you had fun doing it. The beautiful woman with face turning hollow/skellital was a little tough! I think the ghosts are a creative idea that could be also utilized beyond the cemetary. Maybe a deceased loved one sitting by their favorite lake, mountain, beach etc. Personally, I think your ghosts that "fade" into the picture are more effective than the other transitions used by the ghosts in your show.
I just visited the Gallery with your 3 photos. Nice photos. I would throw a suggestion on the table however - Maybe we should use pictures twice that size. I hesitate to suggest too strongly because I don't know if I will make it into the competition anyway. But personally, I think it would be a lot easier working with larger pix. When sizes were discussed, I did not really think about how small those look. I am afraid the result might seem more like a study of 1/3 images instead of 3rd images. Anyone else thinking that way? I really don't think the file sizes would be prohibitive.
Welcome Jerome, to the forum. See if I can clear this up a little for you. Yes, you can use your CD burner to burn a PTE show as SVCD - which looks really good now due to Igors great work. But the mechanics of doing the above can be confusing. To make the SVCD, what you burn to the disk is NOT the .Exe file and it is NOT the .avi file. You can NOT simply burn either of those files as a data file to the CD and play them on DVD. You need an encoding process just prior to the actual burn. (You may need to read a while in the Video/AVI section of the this forum to help get the whole process. But when everything works, it is not bad.) The encoding process can be done by one of several programs, mentioned in the other forums section. The important thing is, the reason you have to leave the PTE open (as you are correctly doing), is the encoding program has to run the avi file in PTE and converts it to the files which are burned to CD. Several of the DVD burning programs can work with PTE to do the encoding (for SVCD) and burn in one step without your further intervention. But if you are using Roxio (or other burning program), you must tell it that it needs to make a movie, not just burn a data file. Once you get the concept, you'll be fine. Sometimes these long explanations tend to confuse even more. Give it try, let us know.
Harry, you should be able to make three separate projects and shows. Then in Mexico City, run external application which is Cancun. Then in Cancun, run external application which is Key West. The "external application" in each case here, is the EXE file of the desired "external" show.
I suspect you are absolutely right, nobeefstu! I did think it might be a path problem, but until you answered here, I didn't even think - as you suggest - I probably "browsed" to the external file instead of typing in the path to the "root." Thank you, now I can complete at least one thing today!
How can something so seemingly simple have so many quirks and touchy behavior? Here is the problem - [autorun] open=PeruFront.exe icon=Dixie32x32.ico,0 That is the autorun file on the cd I created last night. The complete directory on the cd is: autorun.inf Dixie32x32.ico Peru.exe (8 mb) PeruFront.exe (390 kb) PeruFront.exe is a 3-slide show with the final slide customized checked to "Run external application." Peru.exe is the main PTE presentation. On PC #1 the above works as intended. On PC #2 autorun does run the PeruFront.exe but the main show does not get started! After the "Front" show, the pc returns to the desktop. Both PC's are on XP Home. Does someone understand this?
I did last night (re)register on Bart's latest site - MultiMediaMatix. That is really looking good! He is so dedicated to his projects, I am sure the upload Gallery will be a winner.
Thank you Michel. I think it can be helpful to Igor to know that very similar setups get different results. If other people are having similar problems, that might help Igor deduce a characteristic of machines/configurations etc. that the software does have a problem with. As you have read, some pte projects simply refuse to be encoded to avi/DVD when the transitions are added. Other pte projects (of mine) do just fine all the way to successful DVD. The thing that is interesting to Igor is that the problems I describe did not & do not occur in Beta#5. But the conflict is there in Beta 6 & 7. So, wish us luck. And be thankful your setup is outside the range of this particular conflict.
Igor, I think there is still a problem that you will want to solve before release of final. I think what I am finding in Beta 7 is what you have worked so diligently in testing last week, but maybe my latest testing today with Beta7 will help you pin down the problem. I am posting the "bug" here, so others may add possibly helpful clues. Using only Beta#7, I have created a 5 slide show. Jpg files are mostly 150k, with one slide 600k. Mp3 file is small, 46 seconds long. I have made 8 variations of the project with the following results. 1. With all transitions checked, the Ulead Error (Movie Factory2) occurs prior to the actual DVD burn. (Just like we experienced in Beta 6.) 2. With transitions NOT enabled, the avi, DVD all works fine! 3. With only Advanced Hour Hand, gets the Ulead Error. 4. With only Fade, gets the Ulead Error. 5. With transitions "enabled", but none "checked", all works fine.! 6. With only Push, gets the Ulead Error. 7. With Circle to Out, gets the Ulead Error. 8. Ran again with all enabled, none checked, all works fine.! So it seems there is definitely still something in your transition routines that conflicts in certain machine situations. Please let me/us know what we can test or try or do to help.
Does anyone remember the very old codec that used to remain on the machine even when the Cd "ripper" was removed. I wonder if that could be causing Pati's problem? (It was the first problem I ever encountered with PTE. Once I was able to trace it down through Igor, I bought the software. And I know it has plagued other users from time to time.
Ed, that sounds like a really good way to approach the possibilities. This whole topic has given me many good ideas. Now if I could just find the forum that will provide the time for me to try the ideas. As for hosting the envisioned examples and competitions, I would certainly endorse the above idea to go with Multi-Media Matrix . Bart has always been a dedicated part of the whole PTE experience. If he is generously able to accomodate the project, that would seem good to me.
Sam, I can see it as you describe as being correct! I think some of our more technical members will be able to help you solve the problem on your machine.
Sounds like fun for everyone - creators and viewers. I'd suggest keeping the rules rather permitting. Don't want to thwart any creative juice!
Barry, very impressive. Thank you. So many skills and creative ideas in the pudding. I was surprised that your credits/promo page at last is not linked?
Thank you all. I had myself confused I guess. Hans, good to know you are still around. I hope, and assume you are still having great adventures taking great photos. Anytime you want to share another PTE presentation, we are all ready.
Patrick, a clever presenting of the effects. You chose well the subjects on which to apply specific effects.
ralvis, I must admit, you've got that helichopper perfected as a trademark Are a couple of your photos near Port Orford Oregon, or are they all in the North East US/Canada or ?
Ok folks, Bussty has uploaded his UK show to his site. Anyone interested can download and enjoy. Those that have been using Third Image or following this discussion - see what you think. http://www.imagescapes.co.nz/UK.exe
Of course we all want not to "waste" time. However, when I choose to try the Beta version of any software, I am willingly accepting the risk of just what you are saying Image Suite. And hopefully, such time may indeed help the program originator to conquer all the bugs so the released version is indeed more nearly perfect. I really do give a lot more leaway to a Beta version.
Ok friends, I have traced down the PTE show that I had referred to earlier. The show is UK, by forum member ADB (Bussty). When I first viewed the show, I thought he had done something special to create or facillitate third image effect. At the very least he makes very nice fades with carefully placed image features. It would be nice if you take a look and see what you think. Problem is, how to get access to the show for you and others again. I still have the show, but it is about 14 MB. I have emailed Bussty to inform him of this discussion and see if he can post his show again somewhere. He does have a website - if he has space for the show, I don't know yet. (I offered to post it on my site, but I don't know how to do that yet.) I know Ron is aware, others may be interested, Bussty also has the web page where photos are posted of a few of the members of this forum. http://www.imagescapes.co.nz/forum/forum.htm It could be fun to see a few more mugs of forum members. Bussty has always welcomed anyone - just email him an honest photo that we can all enjoy.