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Everything posted by LumenLux

  1. Thank you Ron for the example posted on Beechbrook. It clearly illustrates the technique. Obviously there is much that could be developed that way. (With appropriate creative skill.) I suspect the whole Third Image concept takes practice, not just the physical placement of two images. With that example being good for PhotoShop use, what goes into a carefully planned Third Image when one is limited to two pre-shot images?
  2. That's true Guido, but it will be lacking the clever reconstruction of the .pte file that Granot came up with. I think also Granot's program can be used to combine segments from several PTE shows very easily - if someone has a need to do such.
  3. Thank you for your help. I have now tried three versions of Boxig's RestorePTE. I have now focused on working with the one Guido describes as 714KB zip. (My dl, from long ago, appears as 715Kb. zip. The actual application .exe is 724kb) I came to several conclusions - each of which had to be revised as I experimented further. It seems that there are some path issues that can effect not only finding the captures but also maybe the click box showing on the capture. It seemed that running the Restore program from the desktop could complicate things. Then when I was able to get captures without the clickbox showing, I would end up with the taskbar being in every captured file! With Restore and the subject PTE show running, I could clear the taskbar, but each time I clicked to capture, it would bring the task bar back in view. I did solve this by changing how XP handles taskbar. As I said, what I thought were conclusions turned out to be not conclusive. As it stands now, with all my "understanding" applied - I just ran a PTE show and captured 7 slides. When I look at the captured jpg's, some are fine, others have the clickbox showing! (In this show, all original files were unusually large for PTE, about 1600Kb. But I have not found a meaningful difference in Restore PTE based on file size.) I am wondering if it is actually a timing issue - That the time it takes the clickbox to get out of the way vs. the slide display time and when the click button is clicked, cpu speed, etc.? I did find an alternative use for Granot's work - It resized the 1600kb files to about 160 -250 kb. Any further thoughts?
  4. Igor, I am using Windows XP Home on both machines. Thanks
  5. Thank you Igor. Yes, of course - let me know how I can help.
  6. Is Granot maybe still off being restored himself? Anyway, I can get the "cap1" etc. files, but they all have the click-box showing on top of the picture. Is there a hot-key or something that you use so the Restore program (click-box_ is not on top of the slides? Or does the program not work with full screen PTE shows?
  7. Guido, can you or anyone, tell me how to use Granot's Restore PTE? Every screen capture I do with the program includes the Restore program clickbox as part of the captured photo. I am using XP Home - if that may matter.
  8. duplicate post removed by author
  9. Yes John, you always have company here in the forum. The members of this forum are the greatest. I know of no software company that compares with this forum as a resource. That said, you and I, and probably others are still unable to use Ulead as intended with PTE shows to DVD. I am still trying because, when Ulead Movie Factory 2 has worked for me, the picture quality is superb with PTE's output. Igor is the very dedicated and capable owner/programer of Pictures to Exe. He is very good about solving things relating to PTE. However, his dedication to his overall product keeps him so busy, he may not promptly read all messages here in the forum. I think he will (when?) read and I think he will have some ideas how to solve this. As for Ulead, I have registered, and have looked around on the site and forums there. Expecting little success with "online chat" or phone support, I have not pursued that. Based on your comment above, you may find interesting a message I found in the Ulead forum that was discussing the rather generic error message I was usually getting; One writer wrote:I hear the same thing day after day "80041c21" so may people suffer through this!! and they paid for it! Well you and I may have limited our out-of-pocket so far - but I have certainly paid a high price via all the time I have wrestled with it. At least I can get nearly dependable results using Beta 5, but what happens when Igor makes final, fine-tuned version and it does not work on my machines? So yes, there are at least two of us who would very much like to find the solution. Until we hear from Igor, there are other members like nobeefstu who will possibly notice and certainly share if they have any ideas.
  10. Yes nobeefstu, on one of the pc's, I did, through XP's add/remove, which called up the Ulead uninstall program. On the other machine, I have not removed the Version 3 trial, but the Version 3 trial was already not working prior to Version 2 being installed. I'm sure you are right that there could be still some conflict on the Ulead side of things. But that being what it may be, I think it is also important (certainly to me, anyway) if Igor can determine whats different between Beta 5 and Beta 6 that makes Beta #6 fail with Ulead on both my pc's. Finally, if the most recent Beta conflicts, I would fear having any PTE final version that might not work for me. Do you think the OS itself may be a factor? Michel, which Windows are you running on with Movie Factory and PTE Beta #6? I am using XP Home.
  11. Yes Guido, I did intentionally buy Version 2 on Ebay after first downloading and "trying" the 30-day trial of Version 3. Having read your post, I decided to see if by any chance Version 3 would also work with PTE Beta 5 and not with Beta #6. I tried several short PTE shows made with Beta#5. In every case Version 3 does not make it to the DVD burn stage. Part way through the "converting video"etc., an apology appears saying Video Factory needs to shut down! (Indeed, Version 3 is installed on same machine and prior to Version 2 which is working. I don't want to uninstall Version 2 which is working. I can't uninstall Version 3 Trial if I want to try it any further.) Conclusion: I hope Igor will respond to my encounters here.
  12. Thanks Stu for the thoughts. They triggered new thoughts on my end. My (today's) conclusion is that I was on a time-consuming wild-goose chase yesterday. I now think the problem is in Beta #6 vs Beta #5. I hope Igor can now determine what is different or what is causing the problem. I already posted the following in the pinned Beta #6 topic. (But I thought I better put it here too in case others are reading here and not suspecting it has to do with Beta #6.) Igor, I think we have a problem in Beta #6 - .avi creation for Ulead Movie Factory. I previously had good success with Movie Factory 2, Trial edition. Then when I bought Movie Factory 2 (full edition, registered) I found myself unable to succeed with PTE to DVD. After much frustration, I finally went back to PTE Beta #5 and all is now working. But it works only if I use Beta #5. If I use Beta #6, I can not ever get a DVD. Ulead stops with error: Failed to convert video file Error: 80041c21. As best I can learn from Ulead website & forum, this error can be from many things! I think the error occurs before the actual burn begins. Today I have tested on two pc's. If I make a PTE show in Beta #5, Ulead Movie Factory 2 will produce a "perfect" picture DVD. If I use PTE Beta #6 - the Movie Factory 2 error stops it every time. If you need any thing more from me to help you solve this, please let me know.
  13. Igor, I think we have a problem in Beta #6 - .avi creation for Ulead Movie Factory. I previously had good success with Movie Factory 2, Trial edition. Then when I bought Movie Factory 2 (full edition, registered) I found myself unable to succeed with PTE to DVD. After much frustration, I finally went back to PTE Beta #5 and all is now working. But it works only if I use Beta #5. If I use Beta #6, I can not ever get a DVD. Ulead stops with error: Failed to convert video file Error: 80041c21. As best I can learn from Ulead website & forum, this error can be from many things! I think the error occurs before the actual burn begins. Today I have tested on two pc's. If I make a PTE show in Beta #5, Ulead Movie Factory 2 will produce a "perfect" picture DVD. If I use PTE Beta #6 - the Movie Factory 2 error stops it every time. If you need any thing more from me to help you solve this, please let me know.
  14. I have noticed that during the last 2 or 3 days, the messages in this forum take longer to load and appear. Does anyone know if this is result of web traffice due to virus or could it be the new server Igor switched to, is being troubled? I have not observed such a slow down on other sites.
  15. The DVD nonsense has pushed other simple info out of my head. So someone please tell me - Is it possible with PTE alone to have the slides show on the screen with a pencil-thin white border on them? I seldom use any frames but I thought I had in the past been able (on an experimental basis) to make a screen choice such as window/non window or "with/without border, etc. that would indeed result in that thin border on each slide. Or is the only way via a photo editor?
  16. This seems like the never-ending-saga. I too have been suffering through the agony with my new full version 2. The package I received (via ebay seller) actually shows on the cd jewel case and on the opening screen as being Ulead product but packaged for Tiger Direct. So far, I have had failure after failure and then some weird "success." My package does have serial number evident on the cd jewell case. But when I installed, the installation screen showed a grayed-in serial number different than that on the package. I went ahead and registered with no problem. Then the problems began. If I had not previously had success with the Trial and liked Version 2 for ease of use, I would probablyjump ship about here. But I am still trying to unravel and get consistent results. Don't know. Upon registering, I dl'd and installed a posted "update." The update was large and the screens looked like it was totally new version it was installing. The "dumbed down" working screens however do not allow even looking in normal way to see what version is in operation - before or after the updated! With the updated version I stayed up way too late and failed time after time - always getting the error box: Failed to convert video file - Error: 80041c21" So off to Ulead Support Everywhere I looked & searched I could find no mention of the error number. Then in the forum area, I found several (many) people with same problem. But I could never be sure if the various answers worked for anyone. From the answers I then dl'd another Ulead patch and installed. No success. Same error today. I then uninstalled the whole package. RE-installed and tried without the updates. Lo and behold, the error did not come up and I got a DVD out of the burner. Wow. Then I put it in the playroom DVD player and sure enough it plays. But, get this, it is NOT the current PTE show which was open during the Ulead maneuvers. I then did a new (even shorter) PTE show and left it open. Once again, the Ulead product was somehow picking up some other PTE file, probably from one or more of the earlier failed attempts! Maybe some other PTE users can jump in here and pull us onto shore?
  17. First of all, skip the headache. Secondly, follow Guido (guru) direction. Third, consider that file size might well matter, even though on CD. PTE slides of 1+ megabites each may tax your computer processor and trouble your show. After you get the scans you want, you will likely want to compress to maybe 50 or 60 level .jpg and see where that leaves you quality vs. file size. Many users get very good quality while keeping file size less than 200k per slide. Fourth, don't go back to the headache.
  18. That does look worth a further look. Thank you.
  19. Thank you both, I look forward to viewing them. And if I get a chance I will try to dig up a posted PTE show of about a year or so ago that I felt the transitions were unusually good at presenting a (natural?) "third image."
  20. Thanks everybody for the info. Do you, Ron annd Image Suite have some examples that you like that we could link into view?
  21. Ok, I'll speak of one opinion from a US user of PTE. I think there are many US users who enjoy photography mainly as a hobby - a creative outlet. Not normally commercial. The AV thrust of our UK friends is not so wide here - at least to my knowledge. Thirty years ago I tried a little sync work with reel-to-reel, but it got away from me because of so many other worthy demands on my time. Sure there are camera clubs here, and probably some AV, multi-projector groups. There have been professional shows toured by Kodak, etc. But I think few of us have the AV background that I now appreciate in the contributions here from the UK background. Third Image, as a name, came first to me in this forum. I deduced some idea of the concept. I have enjoyed those shows where I think the concept/method has been very knowingly used. But, I think I, and many others would probably welcome some elaboration here from those who do know and concsciously use the technigue. How about it?
  22. Ralvis, I think Manhatten is your best work so far. Enjoyed the views - and in this case the memories. It was fascinating to realize how much there is in Manhatten area. Many of your shots were very good "street environment." Others were specific subjects were recognizeable to me, but I realized I missed many of them when a year ago I walked for days all around town! It is a fun place to take pictures. I loved it, even (or especially?) in the rain. Would I live there? No. But I do have family there and love to visit them.
  23. Congratulations Patrick on a nice show - pleasant to watch. I think you have made a start of nice use of new transitions - about like Igor envisions perhaps. I think you have some very good photos, and though "oriental" music is not always my favorite - I think your choice of music was perfect. For me, the music really helps your already nice photos.
  24. I don't think you can do it with Classic portion. Classic simply does the equivalent of a save of the avi file. The Roxio DVD Creator should be able to handle it as you import the avi and process it into form for the actual DVD version.
  25. Chan, it sounds like you may be trying to burn the avi without keeping the PTE program open. You must create the avi and leave the avi screen of PTE open while you use whatever editor/burner software. If you read all the posts in this video section of PTE forum, you will find the specific instructions that likely will get you over the hump.
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