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Everything posted by LumenLux
I don't use Breeze Browser but I think you may have it set to automatically rotate for showing. The other thing is some photo editors, when you say "rotate", you must then "save" or "save as" the rotated image or it will still be wrong. If you want to try another program to rotate, here is a link Irfanview You'll get it solved real simply soon.
Welcome Linda, The rotation of an image needs to be done prior to using it in PTE. Any photo editing software or even software with your digital camera (if any) probably will do it for you. Many forum members like Irfanview (freeware) for simple tasks like this.
Thank you Oleg for the detailed route. Thank you everyone. There are such great people inn this forum.
Thank you all for the quick response. I am sure all this good info will help. Hawk, your description sounds like you observed it onmy machine. I will add, yes, I did just instal Version 8 of McAfee. I never got into Ver 7 in this much detail. But in 8, it seems I can not have it auto-scan at boot-up without having it also scan everytime I call an .exe program! Anyone know if that is really the way it has to be?
I keep a few PTE shows on my desktop. Today I realized that the start-up time for any show was about 10 times normal. In fact, the first couple I tried, I thought had perma froze, so I rebooted. Then I found it was just a matter of only minutes until the show would run normally after the absurd slow start. After this observation, I realized that Windows Explorer, and any function connected to Windows Explorer were also taking minutes instead of expected second or seconds. This condition seems to occur every few weeks! I usually get around the situation by eliminating all the background activity of the start-up routine. I guess this eliminates that conflict, but I can never trace down which program(s) are crossing swords and causing the slow or freezing behavior. To boot up without all the background (resource cannibal) stuff, I first run MSConfig. Then on the start-up tab, I de-select everything. When I then re-boot, my begining resource shows to be 97%, vs. the regular boot up showing 74%-84%. My question here is regarding the items listed per the startup tab. When I eventually have everything I think I need checked, there are maybe 12 items checked and 36 unchecked. How do I get rid of the check boxes of items that apparently have accumulated over time and I have no intention of using again? Also, many of the checkboxes have very non-descript names by them. Is there a way to know to what programs they relate?
Oleg, I appreciate hearing that from a master sound man. Thank you. Would you have any advice for getting the best possible voice recordings with inexpensive microphones to our pc sound cards?
Al, You knew I'd like this one - didn't you! Great treatment of a favorite subject of mine. I don't know how it impacts those unfamiliar with that kind of terrain. I assume it is impressive to them too? To me, I think you did everything right to convey some of the feelings and emotions of slot canyons and the like. Wonderful visual intro with the evolving crack-in-the-rock sequence. This will be a show I definitely show friends and family that have tasted such beauty. Can you still pinpoint the locations, ie, which states and canyon names (if they have names) ? And by-the-way, you make me feel even worse now that this year is almost past without my getting into that kind of land. About two months ago I had a great hike in the Tetons. When finished, I told myself, the next adventure needs to be back down in red-rock country. But alas, we (in this still-drought-stricken land) have been having snow even in the city for the last week. In fact the first ski area opened today! So who knows, your fine show may be as close as I get until spring. Thanks.
Bubba, I choose typically 128, 96, or 64. I will usually use 128 unless there is a compelling reason to keep the final exe file as small as possible. Sometimes when I use lower than 128 I hear the difference - other times I can not. But there may be listeners with better hearing who may always hear the difference. I think also the complexity of the music can make a difference. Finally there is the lazy factor to consider. My latest posting on Beechbrook is That's What Makes Us Sing. It has a sound glich or two that bothered me but I was too lazy to go redo the mp3 file. Give it a listen and see how it seems to you. I suspect I could have eliminated the rough spots even without upping the bitrate. I guess we could expand the game to see if you can guess the bitrate of the subject sound track if you or others care. I think the answer finally is for the show creator to listen and in each case decide what is good enough for the intent of each particular presentation.
I enjoyed watching your presentation Walt. Although I did not recognize your name, I thought you were probably associated with our British AV officianados. The mark of years of multi-projector practice seemed evident. Your developed skills are evident and apparently transferrable. Good work. I smile also at your candor about the time consumption and spousal appreciation. Just remind her you could probably do worse with all that time. I will mention the sound quality was not real good on playback on my machine. The narration was very good but the physical sound was somewhat muddy. There have been a couple of really well done narrations on other shows that I recognize as much better than the microphone sourced sounds that I have personally used. Probably like so much else - a matter of equipment, skill, and patience?
The "perils" of using escape are new to me - But I think on balance, I would agree with Al's conclusion.
Michel, You have another very nice show here. You have taken what I might have thought as a not-so-interesting subject and made it really interesting. Your photographs are every one excellent. Your use of special PS effects is tasteful as well as skillful. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.
Welcome M2, No need to worry about someone here not being gentle. This may be the only forum or discussion group in the world that is filled with people wanting to build you up rather than tear you down. Jim (JRR) gave you good info (he always does.) I may add also: As Jim suggested, if the problem computer at the church is not the same you tried earlier, then the fonts you used in your show probably are not installed on the computer you hooked to the projector. Preparing your text slides in Photo Shop or other program will ensure that the fonts don't change when show plays on a different computer. The problem of the location of text objects that you and Jim refer to, can often be avoided if you make sure the monitors used are all set to the same screen size, ie 800x600 or 1024x768, etc. When mixing screen sizes, the slides are not always obviously different, until you have text that suddenly is partially lost. Hope your presentation at church wasn't totally destroyed by the problem. The other thing that is always, always, wise, is whenever possible, run the show ahead of time on the exact pc, projector, etc, that you will use for the public performance. Laptops seem especially prone to act weird with audio visual capabilities.
By jove, I think you've got it! I always love a program that works. I think use the double-click of current version is best. You can change the instruction. Also, you can eliminate in the read-me file all the work-around about adding files one-at-a-time in proper order. Your sort routine seems now to do it all like would be expected - so no need for the old plan. Now I want to find a few minutes to see what I want on a custom version from you. And I won't forget to send a donation via Pay Pal on your site. Thanks for the tweaks. Oh yes, if you did want to add a simple option to print the show list, that might be useful. Here's why. I cleaned many (MANY) PTE shows off my hard drive onto CD's. In this case, it would be handy to have a little print sheet of the shows to insert in the sleeve of each cd. As is I can just do a PrintScreen type grab, but a built in print-list feature might be better for cases where the list is longer than screen in Explorer. So for any disk containing more than about 35 shows, the print feature would be nice.
Thanks Rick, fun stuff.
Good work Granot. The sort now works (with a few quick tests I did.) So, now I can go to bed. There is one modification I would suggest. Or at least one feature that is awkward for me to use. Has to do with the install-to-hard-drive feature (which I really like.) Here is the problem: When I highlight the show that I want to install, the show runs before I can push the install button. Then I have to Escape out of the show and then push the install button. I doubt the recipient of a CD of PTE shows would know how to do that. I tried using the up-down arrows to highlight the show to be HD installed. When I tried that, several shows began running at the same time. Apparently as the highlighter moved over each show, it started. All of the above are experienced on the hard drive. I did not burn a CD yet with this new version.
My reaction Al, similar to yours, but is how dedicated Igor is to continue to make such improvements to existing capabilities that are already likely the best in the business. Thank you Igor !
Ron, One of Granot (boxig's) progs, All_Exe is a simple solution. He is refining it now so that the displayed programs will be sorted alphabetically. As it is now, it should work just fine for listing your several programs on the cd. A really nice added feature is the program will also allow the user to choose to install any or all shows to the viewer's hard drive if desired. If you prefer, PTE is now able to easily handle multiple shows without the use of external programs or extensive computer knowledge. You just need to master the basics of using the objects feature of PTE. Al Robinson's tutorial, and his recent postings on other topics in last few days are also very helpful. Take a close look at both of the above and one or other should meet your needs.
That's pretty conventional thinking - for a man of your scope! I wait patiently and appreciatively to confirm your good work.
I'm sorry, I have no idea. I will say your web site and photography are certainly worth the visit. And I look forward to someone telling us the answer to your question.
Yes Granot, ReadAboutCD works fine on my Win98 SE machine. (Although, I have in times past been concerned with an XP machine here, all my conversation re ReadAboutCD and All_EXE, have been pertaining to Win98.) So yes, ReadAboutCD works well for designed main purpose. But I think ALL_EXE, by that boxig fellow, is much easier and direct for my current "need." I still think it is a slick program for "100 shows on CD". Even though I still get goofy sorts, I am confident that in one sleepless moment, between next big things, it will occur to you the solution to achieve a consistent plain alpha sort.
Pushu - Just a little side thought. The digital camera that I have used the most has 5 megapixel capability. I have printed "great" results to 20x30 inches. I have cropped and used a 1/4 area of photo to "great" 13x18 inches. All of these photos (files) when they are downloaded from camera memory to computer, show up as 72 dpi.
Thank you Rick for the link. I have not yet listened much to content, but I appreciate their approach on the free music. Yes, there is fine print or details. But for many uses, that are not commercial in nature, I think this site is a viable plan. As I read it, the music would indeed be free and useful - even for many of our very talented and cautious users in the British Isles.
Me, too. This seems very strange. (But, lack of understanding may be reason it seems strange.
The more I try to solve this, the more goofy the sorts become. Anyone else found a solution?
Thank you Granot for the further direction. I did go to your posted examples. Looks like the work-around did ok in your case. Based on your example, I tried the same procedure. It does not work in my case. In fact in the later folder, the sort lists a file as first, that alphabetically should be somewhere in the mid pack. So now this intriques me even more. In some tries, I have wondered if it works differently when the files are moved vs. copied. And what else might be causing the erratic sort list. Maybe Bill and Al or others could also try this and see if the wrong sorting occurs in their cases when following your posted example. And of course, If you can see if the scan/sort routine in your program could be written differently to eliminate the problem, that would be great.