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Everything posted by LumenLux

  1. Yes Dave, your desire makes sense - as many of us have desired the same capability. As I understand it, the current "best" possibilities are (in no particular order.) The latest PTE version 4.10 (4.11) makes your idea of several strung-together shows work fairly well. Not quite like all in truly one show, but really quite good. The slight difference may not be a problem at all if you are using vocal music that maybe can use a break instead of cross fading anyway. The other method, is to try Al Robins "Adjuster Model" utility. I have used Al's nifty program for other features but have not tried this aspect. He is also very helpful if you need additional understanding of how his program might accomplish your goal. As for "untold hours and frustration" - you are always in good company here. In spite of the outstanding PTE which we all so much appreciate.
  2. butting in here Al, but among friends right? Yes indeed, the super-imposing on each slide does work well.
  3. Welcome jimphoto to a forum of fun, help, and access to a great software creator (Igor) Two thoughts: 1. Your registered version of PTE entiltles you to FREE upgrade to the current version. You can find it on the wnsoft.com home page. 2. You say and even copying the file to another computer's hard drive and running it, -- This suggests to me that your copy to the CD from your machine may be bad. Or, have you tried running the copied-from-cd show on more than one computer, preferrably a "faster" one?
  4. Does this mean that you have it done already?! I can't locate it on your normal site. If you do have it ready, you obviously work very well with a headache. Thank you, I look forward to trying it out.
  5. Granot, I think your idea has potential to be useful. I think if you could add a crop feature, that would make more useful. Often a size change is needed because of a desired crop of the photo. I would like to see a stretchable crop frame which could be easily repositioned after the desired crop size is layed on the photo. Would such features fit with what you had in mind?
  6. I just want to remind others that Bill, who graciously hosts so many of our shows, now has posted a new one of his own: England - The West Country Bill, you have some very nice photos assembled. I was surprised how several of the ocean views reminded me of the coast of Oregon. Thank's for posting.
  7. Robert, he has it now on Beechbrook.com
  8. Barry, I will describe my anticipated use of Barry's program. I am not a professional photographer. I enjoy photography and take many photos of family and friends activities. Now with digital, it is even easier to take "too many" pix. Then when I want to share the photos, there are way too many to print them all. When I take the time to select the preferred shots and put them in a PTE show, the results are always appreciated. Frequently the recipients do request prints and I am thinking that nobeef's method may be a good one for this purpose. Obviously your concerns are real. As you know, it is an interesting play between users who need protection and users who need to offer some degree of access to their work. If we all keep at this long enough we probably all have need of both.
  9. Thank you for the update. I was way behind in trying your earlier version. I had just got to it a day ago. I was excited when I saw it's features and then I was having trouble using it. Now I look forward to trying your latest. Hopefully sooner this time. Thanks again.
  10. Can you imagine what this would be like if this had to come through a government office!
  11. Sounds like wisdom to me. Yes, Igor we are grateful.
  12. Superb in my opinion! Your treatment of "Yosemite" is wonderful.
  13. I'm sorry it is not working. I had hoped to help even though I don't know enough to help directly. I think most of us here, finally decided the use of PTE for DVD, at this time, is "not worth it." There are a few members that have achieved very good results, but certainly not "easily." There are several commercial softwares that "easily" make dvd slide shows, but they lack all the wonderful features and visual quality of PTE. If you want to pursue the barcin.net problem, you can email Bart on his barcin.net. He also is still on this forum and might pick up on this for you. Also, you may be able to take a broader view on his site and trace down some info. Or maybe one of the few who in this forum who have really pursued this will come forward with enough specific info for you to decide what is "worth it" for you. Good luck. Barry, I am editing this post to add - there is no doubt in my mind, that if you decide it is "worth it", you can do it. Your work with PTE and your PS info, all the tutorials (which I have not had priviledge of using) are all outstanding. So it is clear that you have the technical inclination to combine with your artistic prowess. All I am saying above is that I have decided, so far, that my always-limited time is better devoted to other photographic/av directions. It would be really nice if you do pursue this and maybe even come up with a more practical solution that we could all embrace. I will mention here, the great experience I enjoyed last night as I watched your "Yosemite" AV. So beautifully done it really makes an impact. I thank you for such great work. There is a lot of enjoyment emerging from that and other AV's you have posted, but I think that is my favorite - for now.
  14. Igor I think it would be a better understood usage. Yes, good idea. I think also, as cc suggests, the "saved as" file becoming the active file, it would be safer and like "most" (?) programs do as convention. Then after you have done a "saved as", your original file is out of danger unless you very intentionally save over it.
  15. Thank you cc. Your system is certainly worth considering. I do not know if my IP address is static. My hookup is actually a cable modem. I "think" it might be set up as "dynamic" IP address? I will look in and see if I can tell. Does the setup you describe only work with static IP address? If I set up an older machine for sole purpose of "server" could I set up static on that one only, or is it strictly a matter of my ISP what it requires? Also, when you use your PII 300, how long does a 20 mb file take to download. Is even the 300 fast enough to more than keep up with DSL or cable etc.? You can tell this is all new territory for me. I appreciate your telling me about it.
  16. Olga's artistic talent and Oleg's skill in displaying the creations is a very nice combination. The show brings to mind a thought I've had before. When new tech tools come on the scene, be it new digital cameras or new software for artistic pursuits, it is "easy" for "anyone" to impress and "gee whiz" a general audience. But after the "newness" wears a little, and more and more of us common folk can do the basics, then the exceptional talent and artists come to the top. Once "talent" finds "tech", the results can be wonderful. Of course all of us hope are "talents" are also magnified and exercised by the tech tools as well.
  17. Good morning Bill. I have learned more but nothing like an answer. I found a Comcast sponsored forum. My problem is widespread and apparently has been for the last couple of months. It sounds like Comcast, supposedly a communications company, can not communicate ever with their own support people. Everything the tech's learn is from frustrated subscribers. Even when the Comcast rep comes in the forum, the "answer" is no answer. I did figure out how to use FTP to find and download my files, but the files then don't work for me. I have dl'd my PTEshow.EXE and a zipped version but both give me error when I try to run or open. You may know what is causing this? The zip file won't unzip and the exe file gives some "index out of bounds" or similar error and won't run. It appears that the 822 kb pteshow.exe file downloads back to me as 823 kb. Do you know what I may be doing wrong to contribute to the mess? From the Comcast Forum, some users cited other competing providers who have similar, but easy to use successful storage. It sounds like it is a largely overlooked feature included by many ISP's of broadband. It also sounds like it may have been working for Comcast and or ATTbi before their merger.
  18. Hi, Bart's barcinet site just worked for me with the link you cited. Maybe it will for you now.
  19. Welcome Roger to the forum. Your success will soon equal your enthusiasm and will far outrun your current frustration. When you have your slides and sound arranged, then it is best to use the "Save As" and then the "Create As" buttons. You can use the preview button before using either of the above. The "save as" saves the project you are working on. When you click on the saved file, it opens the project. When you use the "Create as", that creates the .EXE file. It is this .EXE file that you will run to actually play or view the show itself. Once your work is done, only the .exe file is needed by anyone to enjoy your finished product. Hope that helps.
  20. Is anyone out there using the online file storage provided (suposedly) to all Comcast users with their broadband internet service? Prompted by Bill @ Beechbrook and by Guido, I thought it would be great to store PTE shows on my own space, ie the 25 mb advertised and touted on the Comcast website. I have spent most of the last 12 hours (ouch!) trying to find someone at Comcast to straighten their system out. I at first thought it was me, but finally got far enough that it now seems for sure to be their problem and the tech's know less than I do by now. There willingness to help does not solve the problem. I won't go into the details, but when I push a screen button on one of their pages, it brings up a different linked page, than when they push the same button on thier screen! What I really need to know is whether any PTE forum users are using the online storage that Comcast provides ? Or any other suggestions?
  21. I want to thank you several "super testers" as well as Igor. Real dedication I'd say. The problem from Al, quoted above, occured repeatedly as I used Beta #8 on the fishing show. I don't know how long the problem has been around, but it is definitely a pesky bug in #8. Thank you all again for such work.
  22. Taking a cue from Al's "Dempster Highway" show, and in response to a question or two, here is a little narrative that relates to " It's Not About the Fish". The first slide only is on the McKensie River in Oregon. Gorgeous river, and this time (June 2003), also gorgeous Chinook Salmon. I am a guest in that part of the country. The rest of the slides were all taken on one day, last Monday, in my "home". Although Utah is my home, I guess I am also a grateful "guest " here too - anywhere on earth. The country is so beautiful that the experience at times almost overwhelms me. The show was sort of motivated by a friend who couldn't go with us last Monday. As I told him I could not guarantee that the fishing would be so good next time, he responded "I wouldn't care if I didn't catch any fish." So I took that to heart and also maybe just a bit wanted to show him what he missed. And of course it is fun memory for the two of us that "fished" that day. The location is the Uinta(h) mountains about 90 miles from Salt Lake City. The little stream, in spite of all the scenery, also provided us with a dozen or so Brooktrout and Native Cuthroats in the long morning. After keeping enough for lunch, we decided to hike to the little Lofty Lake where we only had an hour or so for fishing and still made it out only in pitch dark. Hence the red glow on the mountains as we headed down the trail. We had such a great time last Monday, that my son-in-law and I went back to the same stream on Saturday. My son-in-law is a fly fisher "purist" and a very good one at that. He fished from 4:30 pm until 8:00 pm. He caught and released 49 fish! Most the fish there are small, but that is still a lot of action. I found myself wanting to explore the landscape a little more and as you can guess was always attracted to a potential photo op. So besides catching a few fish, I stumbled on to a veritable wildlife paradise. I mean deer, moose with calf, beaver, sandhill cranes, squirrels, rabbits, man the adrenaline was pumping. Camera was swinging from flower to fish to beast. What a great evening. The flowers change from week to week as to what is in bloom. Considering the multi-year drought here, I am amazed at the blossoms this year.
  23. Hi, Bob, That was a short holiday! Hope you caught some fish! Speaking of which, I enjoyed your latest show - it brought back a lot of memories, most of which were not about fish, either. Fishing must a little bit like golf if it's not about fish! I guess you may be right Al - the way I play golf, it would be a real self condemnation to say it IS about golf. Truthfully, on the seldom occasions when I golf, it is indeed the scenery and friends that make the experience worthwhile. As for the "short holday" - It really was only an over-nighter which involved going back to the stream in the slide show. In fact, maybe I will follow your example and share a little narrative over in the Presentations area of the forum. I appreciated the text info you provide with your Dempster Highway show. I did not include such a description with the posted show. One viewer emailed me with a question or two, so maybe I will excerpt from my response to her, and tell some more of the "experience." If I can link this properly, it should be found here: "Not about the fish" in Presentations section of Forum We'll see.
  24. I think we are clear on the "run external application" feature in Beta #8. Now I am only not sure what you mean in the quote above. The show you dl'd from Beechbrook, is the entire show. The FishThought.exe file should be 17,225 kb. Should run about 4 min 33 sec. Is that what you watched? Or would you like me to email the version that used the "run external application"? which actually used two .exe files.
  25. Well done friend! It is nice to see you put some of your extensive travel out where more of us can enjoy it. Nice photgraphy. I especially enjoyed the snow-dusted photos. Those early snows really ring realistic to me. I have a hike planned in the Tetons in the first week in September. Your show spooks me a little in that regard. But photographically, I really like your shots. Now, on some of the non-snow mountains you recorded, the photos seemed not very color saturated. Was that the light at time of shooting or did you digitally fiddle them for effect and mood? I also like your botanical closeups. I think your show evidences your savy of PTE in a way that serves your nice photography. I think your midi turned mp3 tracks also work quite well. I have toyed with doing that but have not yet. Personally I like the two latter tracks better than the first. I am wondering about the trip itself (thanks for the introductory text in the zip). How many driving miles did the journey require? Regarding wildlife - did you see much more than you included in this show? Thanks again for shareing.
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