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Everything posted by LumenLux

  1. I have posted a new show, " It is not about the fish" on Beechbrook.com I hope the show may provide some enjoyment for some viewers. As always, I really do welcome any comments. As mentioned in another post, I did have a little "fun" in solving an issue or two. The show is not that fancy, but I would like to know if it runs as intended. I would even like to know if the show hesitates or hiccups on any slower machines. Actually, I guess the last "hiccup" I observed was on the fastest machine I tried it on, so let me know please.
  2. Well Guido, it is hard for me to tell who is asleep from here. And of course it may be I who is misunderstanding the conversation. But based on my understanding of what might be going on with a tiny portion of this thread, here it is. The ability to run a second or multiple PTE shows without user intervention has long been a desired feature. I understood from Igor's post above, that he would add that feature in the next Beta. I am using Beta #8 now, so it seems Igor was saying the feature would be in the next Beta and therefor is not in Beta #8. However, I have used just such a feature that I found in Beta #8. Maybe someone can explain the difference or my misunderstanding. I yesterday posted a new show, It Is Not About the Fish on Beechbrook. Some forum members may remember I was having trouble using Al's Adjustor Model to complete the show. Al was out of town so I was searching for a different solution. What I was trying to do was add 24 seconds of sound and one or two new slides at the first of my show, without messing up the custom sync of the sound track and the original 74 slides. So I used the new feature as I found it in Beta #8. I simply made a new intro show of two slides, 24 seconds of sound track. The second slide ends the intro show and then runs the original 74-slide show with the custom-sync still in tact. Is this what we are talking about? The two shows run just dandy without any clicking of any button to get from one show to the next. The feature was implemented simply as follows: On last slide of first show main input screen, choose "Customize slide" . The box opens to "Customize Slide #2" which offers at the bottom "Advanced options" where I simply checked the box to "Run external application" and then used the little browse window there to insert the name of the original PTE show. So to run the two shows sequentially, I just had the two shows in the same directory. So when I ran Fishthought.exe it played it's 24 seconds and then automatically started Fishbody.exe as the second show. The only quirk I found was that sometimes the mouse cursor or the loading hourglass would flash ever so briefly on the screen. The hide cursor settings did not seem to control whether or not the cursor might show up. So the final question (for now) is: Is this the feature we have been talking about? Now, if you down load "It's not about the fish " from Beechbrook.com, you will not see what I am talking about. Before I uploaded the show to Bill's site, Al returned and with his encouragement I was able to use his Adjustor Model to complete the show as I had first intended. Either way works in this case.
  3. Clive, I respond here because I think we all benefit so often from so-called Off-topic stuff. J & R Music & Computer World http://www.jandr.com/ is a large, well known, long lived store in New York. When I was in New York last June, I "looked" in many smaller store windows. There are plenty available. But as Ken reminds us - you must be cautious and know what you are doing - whether dealing with these smaller stores or the biggy's lthat you listed. I enjoyed B & H just for the "experience." It is a bustling operation and unique in my experience. As far as finding a "deal" I did not - neither in J & R nor B & H. B & H has a nice selection of used and demo type equipment, but of course not everything there. I concluded I was more likely to get a good price and fair deal via the internet. (As if that is safe!) So I would say, enjoy the "experience" but don't be disappointed before or after your journey.
  4. Igor, I already used this feature in Beta #8! Are we getting enough sleep? I know sometimes I do not, but I hope you are!
  5. Yes, some useful sharing, and not easily done perhaps. Thank you.
  6. Ok boys, "dumb this down" a little for some of us. Maybe I have not followed closely enough on this, but here is my question. What is the "backward compatibility" general concern? Is it only when re-working an earlier show? I mean, once we have the PTE.exe file, we never need any concern with Igor's changes effecting the playability of that particular show, right?
  7. Gee Bill, are you "thinking inside the box" on this one? I mean you are asking for the "expected" functionality. I'm just having a little fun with this one - but I'm not sure I agree that Igor's handling is "incorrect functionality." It seems to me it is perhaps just a philosophical decision or preference. Granted it may not have even been considered. But if it was, I am not convinced it is "wrong." I guess I can imagine some shows where it would be more useful to have the method you suggest. Are you thinking of - say - some technical teaching demo or ? Or is it just more fun like running an old movie backward to see the swimmer diving out of the ocean?
  8. Thanks Jim. Of course you or someone else may know the answer? Of course we will still give Al proper credit And if all goes well, I may be in the great outdoors by the time Al gets back. It's allright.
  9. Al, I am having trouble using your PTE Adjustor Model Ver. 3.02 (27 May 2003) This is my first occasion to use this later version. The Model is really slick. You seem to have automated so much that even I should be able to use it. Maybe it is too late tonight, or maybe I just don't get it. Here is what I am trying to do. (Your first example in the instructions seems to cover this, but I must be doing something wrong.) I have a completed .pte file that runs fine. I decided to add one slide at the front end and lengthen the background sound track by 24 seconds. I want the first slide to be on screen for 24 seconds. The first slide should use all the new sound section and all the other slides should keep their delays and transitions as they were but just slid back by the 24 seconds of the new slide. Using your Adjustor, I enter 24.000 in cell F3. When I push the button to calculate, the spread sheet runs like a slot machine but I do not see any change when it is finished. All numbers in cells, and the total length of show listed to the right, do not change. Hopefully, you can patiently tell me what I am missing. You have really refined your great program since I last used it. Apparently, I am not doing my part.
  10. Igor, you are truly amazing. I hope you are having fun as you do all this. I think you do enjoy it! We all do, thank you.
  11. I enjoyed watching your show and I think you accomplished what you intended. Congratulations Sue. And more importantly - congratulations to you, your family, and others who have loved Delaney to success.
  12. Sorry to but in line here . . . But that, Ray, is possibly the cleverest net short I have ever enjoyed! I really got a laugh. It should be even more fun for Guido.
  13. Greetings Guido! There are, I am sure, thousands and thousands out here who welcome you back. Now I am just one fan who is looking forward to once again seeing some photography of yours - presuming a serious show of your own free will - is one you will be able to share with us.
  14. Al, I hope the answer here does not cause me to "duh" ! How do I view tine's show without saving it. When the option appears on my screen to save or open, - I don't know how to answer the open with what? By the way, Al your many posts of really good information are sure appreciated. I enjoy exploring and learning, but I also appreciate "going to school" on you and others. The sharing of information really makes everyone's time and effort more productive.
  15. Just to clarify - If you want the PTE.exe file available for downloading from your website, you will probably be able to do that, subject to any site limitations on size. If however, you want the PTE.exe file to actually be played as a show on your web site - I don't think it will work.
  16. Rob, someone may recognize it by number. Meanwhile, where is it occurring and are there any symptoms you can identify?
  17. Sam, I think the "new transistion" referred to by Alan, you will find in the "custom sync" window.
  18. Thank you each for the approaches. I just came in late after an unusuallly away-from- the-computer day. I hope tomorrow to pursue the suggestions.
  19. I'm confident that PTE is not the culprit but only a victim. PTE, and - as near as I can tell - all programs are running unbearably slow on this pc the last several days. I notice a dramatic slowdown in all online activity as well as just off-line programs. Often the cursor lags badly and moves only jerkily. I was suspicious of my Netscape browser, but updating from 7.0 to 7.1 did not make any difference. I have 3 hard drives partioned into C through G. C is not partitioned and only F is a little tight on space with 1.6 Gig free. What I am saying is I don't think a defrag is going to solve anything? But I'm sure some of you will know what may solve this drag. I hesitate to trouble everyone here, but this forum is where the best info always seems to emerge. Also, I personally am grateful for all the "off-topic" information I learn from the problems of others that are solved here. So here's hoping some of you great friends can point me toward a solution. I am sure I would hate insanity.
  20. Michel it sounds like fun. I hope to contribute something. I do remember you once said it is better to first "do" and second "talk." So I will not talk much in hopes that I can get to it and "do." In your cute little example "jaune & bleu" - what are the blue blossoms?
  21. Thanks Bill (& Ian in other thread). I am motivated now to try this in my next show. Always nice to have these ideas emerge ahead of my immediate need. Thanks again.
  22. Aha, welcome. Hard to say - without more info. What type of changes did you make? Does your PC play still play mp3 files that are not being used by PTE? Will any mp3 file play if you insert it in your PTE show? Try a new very simple show with just a slide or two and a short mp3. Will such a fresh start work? It also is very easy to re-install PTE and see if it will pick up the configuration it needs including whatever changes you may have inadvertently made. If the above doesn't happen to hit the mark, you will probably get more suggestions and you will likely at some near point say "aha" and realize what was thwarting your efforts. Good luck.
  23. Thanks Casey for being a messenger of such good news. Just yesterday I was web-pricing such annimals. I couldn't believe how they have held the price up so high. I don't suppose the Olympus-Kodak product would be able to use lens stock of Nikon, Canon, Minolta etc.? But even if "no", the Kodak-Oly would certainly light a flame under other manufacturers I guess.
  24. Well John, I certainly hope you get to read all the great answers that have been posted above. They really cover the subject well. I would just endorse them and stress that after the hour or less needed per Ray, you can then produce great basic shows of your photos. Then it is up to you to decide how much futher you need to go. Some users like to always push the creative edge of the software. Others enjoy just being able to easily and reliably view and share their photos or other interests. Others are capable of forgetting as fast as they learn and therefor can relive the excitement over and over again. Speaking of another "other" - Did Guido ask anybody for permission to go on vacation or something?
  25. Yes, Granot - for most families (as you describe), three will be enough!
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