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About thedom

  • Birthday February 16

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  1. Thanks Mark !
  2. Bonjour, il faut rentrer un prix en bas d’écran (0€ pour l’avoir gratuitement) et cliquer sur le bouton « ajouter au chariot ».
  3. Very impressive ! Great work ! May be there is too much reflections for my taste but it can be easily modified by the user of the style. Thanks for sharing this wonderful style.
  4. Bravo! Thanks Bernard
  5. You are perfectly right Wideangle, I forgot to mention the other font required : WC Rhesus BTA Font you can download HERE I modified the description on my website and uploaded a new version including this font. Thanks! Please send me your PTE project to thedomj at gmail.com. I will have a look.
  6. My pleasure Paul. I would be honored if yo adapt this template for your community.
  7. Hi Rosemary, the letters are within the project. There is one letter per slide. if you follow the explanations I provided step by step, it should oK
  8. I modified only very little things, no need to update.
  9. Nelson, Tom, AleAle, thank you. The project is finally available here, sorry for the delay. If you want it for free, you can type 0 in the "name a fair price" field.
  10. Hi, I found it! I have to publish it and write the explanations on how to use it to write your own titles. It will be available next week...
  11. At that time, style feature was not available yet, it was standard pte projects. it would take a lot of time to change those projects into styles.
  12. Hi, I will try to find this project (and remember how to use it) when I have access to my pc next week-end.
  13. Great & original idea, perfectly build ! Thanks.
  14. Hi Bart, Welcome back! I do not have access to a pc right now (and for 6 more days) but here is the link to the online help about how to (export)/import styles : https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/10.0/slide-styles/import?s[]=import&s[]=style I hope it helps !
  15. Great work, perfectly done. I like the environment you created (desk, blackborad, plant...) It's funny because I have been reworking for a few days on my old "magic book" project which is in the same spirit as your 3D popup book.
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