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Everything posted by thedom

  1. Hi Umberto, JPD made a whole slideshow with this concept : "penser avec son pinceau" : http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9638 He planned to make a tool to easily make such an effect but I think he didn't had time to finish before leaving us. For your project, the goal is to gradually reveal the black lines of your sketches. You have to use masks containers to make such an effect. It's not very difficult but it takes a loooot of time.
  2. Igor, Dmitry asked me 10 days ago to send you the project in order for you to reproduce the problem. I realized today I never did it because I have it with beta 5. Anyway, I just send it to Dmitry by PM with the link to the project. Just for your information, inside this project, the problem occurs only for a big PNG file (1.13 MB) and not for all the keypoints of this object. This is very strange because it seems the problem never occurs for keypoint #1 of this object. I hope it helps.
  3. Jose, I would be very interested in a new PTE feature to make a slideshow for both PC and DVD without having to worry with the safe zone for the DVD when I build my slideshow. That's why I moved his topic in the "Ideas and Suggestions" section. => http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11909 I hope people will add their support to this suggestion because it seems a very good one to me. And may be Wnsoft will add this request in a next version...
  4. Hi Amanda, Of course, you can use version 5.6 and I am sure your clients will appreciate that you give them asap a slidehow running without any problem. But as Roger said, version 6.04 is the current version. If you have problems with version 6, I would recommend to start a new topic with detailed informations of the problems encountered. Of course, it is possible that some bugs remain in this version and you could help Wnsoft to fix them. ... or may be it's not a bug and a member could probably give you the right way to proceed.
  5. Hi Dmitry, I think you're right, the problem was probably because of the 500mb per week limit of video uploading on vimeo. The video I wanted to upload was about 220mb. I could upload a 55mb video without any problem and my quota is now 50mb. If I do the maths, it means that my free space was only 105mb. Thanks again.
  6. Hi, I tried to upload a slideshow (about 19 minutes) to Vimeo. The first time, everything went well... except that the video was actually not published. I tried again and I had the following error. Here is the capture following by all the text of the error. I don't know if it's a PTE error or a windows error. Thanks for your help. OS: Workstation, SP2 CPU: GenuineIntel, Intel Pentium III, MMX @ 2500 MHz Module name: C:\Program Files (x86)\WnSoft PicturesToExe\6.0\VideoBuilder\VideoBuilder.exe Application data: VmVyc2lvbjogV2xodGQxTnhhMkJ3Wm5KSVptcHRWU1VwVVh3K0pUbzh VQ0V1QXdWVUlUNGxNWEJuZW45d05DVW5PQ1FoTjFwOWJYaEhOanRWWH R5Yno1VmNIUkJVa1JYZnd3PQ0KSW1hZ2VCYXNlOiAwMDQwMDAwMA0KR WlwOiAzMTdBMjkNCkVheDogM0NFRUNDMw0KRWN4OiAzNThGRTVDDQpF ZHg6IDQwMTMzRA0KRWJ4OiAyNw0KRXNpOiAzNThGRjAwDQpFZGk6IDg 0RjdGMURDDQpFYnA6IDM1OEZFOTgNCkVzcDogMzU4RkU2NA0KRXJyb3 JDb2RlOiANCjg5LDIsRUIsMSxFOCw4Qiw0NSxGOCw4MyxFOCw0LDhCL DU1LEYwLDg5LDEwLDhCLDQ1LEMsRTgsQUYsRTcsRkYsRkYsOEIsNDUs OCw1MCxBMSw3MCxCOSwzMSwwLDhCLDAsRkYsRDAsODksNjUsRkMsRkY sNzUsRjgsRkYsNzUsMTQsRkYsNzUsMTAsOEIsNDUsMC4uLg0KQ29kZS A9IFsxMTRdDQotIDIyMQ0KLSAwDQotIDIxNw0KLSAwDQotIFtdDQo+I EM6XFByb2dyYW0gRmlsZXMgKHg4NilcV25Tb2Z0IFBpY3R1cmVzVG9F eGVcNi4wXFZpZGVvQnVpbGRlclxWaWRlb0J1aWxkZXIuZXhlDQpKYW5 1YXJ5IDE5LCAyMDA5DQo1LjYuMC4wDQpXblNvZnQgVmlkZW8gQnVpbG 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U2hlbGwuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdpbmRvd3Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcUFJPUFNZUy5 kbGwNCj4gQzpcV2luZG93c1xTeXNXT1c2NFxpZWZyYW1lLmRsbA==
  7. Kieron, I am glad to know you like it. Thanks for your compliments. This special letter is not included in the template right now but I can add it if you wish. Please let me know.
  8. With this template, you can simulate the hand writing of the title of your choice. 02/27/2021 : As requested, PTE project available again on my new website http://gumroad.com/thedom Please download the demo for a much better output quality. http://thedom.fr/images/jdownloads/downloadimages/download_blackreflection.gif The template is available here. http://thedom.fr/images/stories/store/thedom-handwriting-thumbnail.jpg http://thedom.fr/images/stories/frenchflag.gif Instructions en français ici.
  9. Hi Umberto, I think a solution could be to keep the transparent pixels of each layer when you are in photoshop. This way, all layers will have exactly the same size and you won't have to adjust them in PTE.
  10. For the project I'm working on right now, it would help if I could hide the selection for masks and container. But it's only my opinion. What do the others users think ? No problem, I will send you the project tonight (in about 6 hours).
  11. Hi Ken, Right now, the solution is to add a PTE frame with zoom = 85% (more or less depending on your TV/DVD player) and to cut and paste all the objects of the slide as children of the PTE frame. You have to do it for each slide. This way, you will not loose the animations and placements. But it might be a long process if you have a lot fo slides. I agree, there should be an option provided by the software to do this. I recommend to start a topic in the Ideas and suggestions for next versions forum. You already have my vote.
  12. I noticed a problem with v6.5 beta 3. When I want to move an object, I select it and when I start to move the mouse, the object "jumps" and its position is suddenly and baldly moved on to the right. It seems the problem only occurs with heavy objects, unless it's with heavy slides. I made the test with v6.04 and the problem doesn't occur.
  13. Thanks John. It takes much more time than I thought. The caps are a nightmare to animate. But I like the result.
  14. Igor, I noticed that even when you check the option "Hide selection on pan/zoom/rotate", the selection is not hidden for masks and mask containers objects. Actually, it was the same for version 6.0. It's really a minor issue but if you can fix it...
  15. Here is the final demo of my hand writing animation :
  16. New version uploaded. I added nice details to the animation and I improved the touch-up between each letter.
  17. Igor, my handwriting animation demo runs now very smoothly with this last version. Thanks.
  18. In a future version, in the O/A window, I would find very useful to be able to watch end of previous slide and beginning of next slide too. It would really help to make micro adjustements (PZR) of objects in the current slide.
  19. I'm glad you could fix it quickly, thanks. Igor, does it mean you will release a new beta version tomorrow ?
  20. Great feature, it works perfectly. Thanks. All in all, it's really a very good version with a lot of things to make our life easier. Keep up the good work.
  21. Hi Brian, I don't know who moved the topic to "off topic" section. Anyway, I moved it back to the "PTE" section and pined it.
  22. Thanks John. Actually, the problem is solved for the text but as the problem with masks is still here, I will wait for next beta to release a new exe (the exe with v6.5b2 is very jerky).
  23. As I said in an other post, I confirm the bug is now fixed. Thanks!
  24. Problem fixed! I am still amazed how quickly you find the solutions. Thanks. I will upload the exe file a little bit later.
  25. Mark, I think the music would be perfectly appropriate if you could find the "right" order for the pictures. As I saw it, it seems the images are in a random order. The other thing you could try is to change the display time of some choosen slides to give more impact (instead of the same time for all the slides). Easier to say than to make. Good luck!
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