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Everything posted by thedom

  1. If it's legal (is it ?), is it possible for somebody to scan the page(s) and to upload it here ? I would be very interested to read the article.
  2. May be the possibility to move an object in the slide list with the mouse to "bring (it) to front" and "send (it) to back" would be interesting.
  3. I'm using 64 bit too and no problem either with version 5.6.4 and several betas of version 6 installed. Why do you ask barry ?
  4. LOL, so true, happened to me too. +1 for this suggestion.
  5. Eric, unless I didn't understand Daniel's explanation, that's exactly what he describes : when you begin to work on a project, this project has no name except the name by default "project1" given by pte. The normal way to save your project for the first time is to "save as" and to give a specific name and path.
  6. Tom, in addition to Igor's answer, to see the rotation on X axis on slide #2, for rotate parameter, click on "Setting up..." and in the speed options pop-up, click on "separate here" to divide the sections. This is the way it works now for pan and zoom parameter too. But in my opinion, the sections should be separated by default (instead of glued by default). There is a request for this option in the "Ideas and Suggestions for next version" section : http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10431
  7. Great example of what we can do, it really adds an impression of depth. But like everything, we have to use it with moderation. Lot of photoshopping required but after, piece of cake in PTE. Congratulations Umberto. Lin, I think you have to post a "out of bound" example now...
  8. Now with beta 21, the ZPos parameter is amazing !!! I didn't find the Zpos parameter really useful with previous betas. With beta21, PTE manages the depth of each object/plan by itself , no need for the user to do anything (see example attached), except when we rotate the objects more than 180° on the angle X or Y . But do we really need it, except for very particular effects ? I don't think so. Those like Umberto who want to make a 3D animation from a 2D photo by example will make it now very easily. Congratulations Igor for this huge improvement ! PS : I love the new icon for PTE. test-Zpos-V6beta21.zip
  9. What about the possibility to include different text (fonts, color,...) in the same text object ?
  10. Sorry guys, I spend more time to work in my garden this week end than behind my PC. But I promiss I will make the tutorial soon. John, To achieve the pan in a very smooth way, I think the best method is to use only two images corresponding to two screen captures per slide and to use a quick transition between each slide.
  11. Thanks guys. I 've got the feeling with this slideshow that, even the ones who are not fund of animation, will like it.
  12. The template is not free anymore. But it was downloaded more than 150 times. Thanks to all of you, I hope you will find it useful. And of course, a special thank you to those of you who posted their support here.
  13. Peter, I understand your explanations but I don't think the end user should have to worry about what is or is not stored in the project file. As a user, I create a project, I save it then I create an exe. Why should I save my project again ? I only made a compilation but the images, sounds and animation remains the same. From the user point of view, to create an exe doesn't change HIS project. I am used how PTE works but even for me, it's sometimes very confusing and I really hesitate before saving it again.
  14. +1 for this suggestion. And the same for the "Drop shadow" window.
  15. Cool, thanks for the information. Here are some others moving optical illusions : And only for men, here is an other optical illusion : http://www.boredstop.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=61&Itemid=35
  16. Hello Davy, Thank you for sharing those nice pics. In my opinion, the smooth fade in/out transitions are not the most appropriate for this subject and for once, may be you could try to put a lot of different transitions. I am wondering how you made the first slide, the one with the wave of leaves. I like the effect a lot, very modern.
  17. Here is a very "light" slideshow to make you smile I hope. I tried to be creative and to make something different and entertaining. I hope you will watch it to the end without to hit the ESC key. I can hardly imagine a classic slideshow with the same pictures. I'm afraid it would be very boring. You know, it's the casual pictures we all take of our friends and family... but we like to share them anyway. Please let me know what you think. Thanks. This slideshow is still in progress, even if the main ideas are already included. To make the flowers, I used Saru's Flower Ding font you can download here on dafont.com. I like to use fonts. It gives more flexibility than .png images because you can change the color of your symbols directly within PTE. To see what this animation looks like, please download the demo (exe file) for a much better quality compared to the video. [ 22 pictures - 2 minutes and 5 seconds - 14.79Mb ] -
  18. Thank you very much to all of you. Alex, you're right, I corrected the error in the instructions. Thanks.
  19. Rob, Udo, thank you. Somebody wrote to me directly, so you're now three to be interested in the tutorial. I will try to make it next week-end. PS : I don't want to sound demagogue but I am certainly not "the master", I am just a user with enough time and passion to spend a lot of time to work with PTE.
  20. The image you designate as "Main Image" of the slide : the file name of this image will be displayed in the main window. Can be useful if you have a lot of images per slide. If you desactivate the options "Show real slide in mini player" and/or "Show real slide in Slide List", that's the image itself that will be displayed in the mini player/and or in the slide list. To desactivate this option can be useful for old computers. To do so, go to "View" > "Advanced options". It's a normal behaviour. It allows you to make a color slide (solid or even gradient) without having to make it in a photo editor. I confirm ALT+S doesn't set the image selected as Main Image. But it will set the image to "Cover slide" (instead of "Fit to slide"). You have to select a keypoint of this image first. It has the same effect for every types of object, even for text objects. To see the difference, set your screen ratio to 16:9 and press ALT+S for a 4:3 or 3:2 image. I think so.
  21. In addition, the size of your MP3 sound file depends on the compression. 128 Kb/s (=> about 1Mb/minute) is OK for speakers in screen but I recommend 256 Kb/s (=> about 2Mb/minute) for a good sound system.
  22. The template is now ready. Actually it includes 4 templates depending on the ratio of your pictures (4:3 or 3:2) and the screen ratio you want (4:3 or 16:9). IMPORTANT : This template is FREE but after 10th of October, people who want it and did not already download it will have to purchase it. I added the link in my original post above.
  23. Hi Lin, I am not sure to undestand. I watched 6 or 7 of the slideshows and in my opinion, they are good examples of what should not be done for quality slideshows.
  24. With my very powerful video card, I noticed jerks at three times on this one. But I really like this one too. Again, thank you for sharing.
  25. Peter, I posted my previous reply after making a test with v6 beta 18 and I confirm it doesn't work for me with this version. Does it work for you with v6 beta 18 ?
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