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Everything posted by thedom

  1. I rebuild this demo with 5.6.4. In the original exe (made with 5.7 beta 2), I used the internal editor for Masks. In this new demo (made with 5.6.4), I used .png masks made in Photoshop. Next I generated two exe : I created the first exe with 5.6.4. Then I opened the .pte project with 5.7b2 and created an other exe without changing anything in the pte project. The first thing I noticed is the size of the exe : - 7.77Mb for v5.6.4, - 8.61Mb for v5.7b2. I presume the explanation is that the core of pte 5.7b2 is modified and maybe the exe already includes the embryo of Mac output and new features which are not included in current beta release yet... On my computer*, maybe the exe generated with 5.6.4 is a little bit more smooth, but if it is, it's really negligible. Anyway, if you have time, could you download the new archive (same link) which includes now the two exe and tell me : - if the result is smoother than the first I released yesterday (meaning that for complex animations, it would be preferable to use an external photo editor than the internal PTE mask editor) - if there is a difference between the two exe included in the archive (meaning a version of pte is more optimized than the other) Thank you. * Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q9300 2.50 Ghz NVidia GeForce 9600 GS 4 Go Ram Screen resolution 1920x1200 Vista 64bits PS : Jeff, why would you want me to use 5.6.0 ? Anyway, sorry, I don't have this version anymore.
  2. Hi, thank you for your comments and tests. Barry, what is the resolution of you screen, 1920x1200 ? As first explanation about the jitter, each slide includes 40 objects and there are 4 Mask Containers (3 of them are zooming/panning). It is certainly a very big stress for cpu/graphic card. And Lin is right, I used 5.7 beta 2. I will make this demo with 5.6.4 to compare if there is a difference...
  3. Lin, Morasoft, thank you for your comment. Yes, there will be a template in the Shop. I really looked after the details in this demo : reflection on the ground, white reflection on the image itself (left upper corner), light shadow at the bottom of each picture, color background (done in PTE and very easy to change the colors to fit the picture), ... I am really glad I succeeded to make something you like.
  4. Please download the exe file of this new demo. - I started with an animation and declined it in 10 different ways. Please note that everything was done within PTE, except I had to flip the images verticaly for the reflection and I had to make it in Photoshop because PTE doesn't offer this feature (yet ?). I worked a lot on the soundtrack and included sound effects to enhance the animation.
  5. This behaviour for the name of masks in objects list was already reported. And Igor answers was : You can read http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=66032 As Dave already said, we have to modify the name manually.
  6. Hi, unless I missed it, there is no request about this subject in the "Ideas and suggestion" section. That's why I move this topic in this section.
  7. Hi all, I posted this request because I had exactly the same kind of problem ( http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=30684 ). Igor's answer was : .=> http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=30745 But Igor didn't specify the year of the Monday he was talking. If I remember correctly, somebody posted this request in the "Ideas and suggestion" section too. I will try to find it and post a "up". I invite you to do the same.
  8. The demo is now avalaible : http://www.thedom.fr/share/dload.php?actio...amp;file_id=324 I stil have to recontact Panos...
  9. Igor, in you v5.7 demo, I had the feeling that you could apply a % of opacity to a border. I am wrong or missing something because I didn't see this option in the border feature. Thanks.
  10. For those of you who missed it, here is Igor answer ! It is in our plans. => http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=66032
  11. Of course, you can apply blur to your pictures (and text) with a photo editor but it's time consuming and increase the weight of the exe. I would find very useful and more flexible to have the ability to apply a pourcentage of blur directly within PTE. This feature would allow to create more easily nice effects. Is it a feature which could be considered ?
  12. I played with the new version of PTE (v5.7) and while playing I discovered effects I can apply to images directly within PTE with masks. One of this effect is a kind negative effect (top right) and an other one is a kind of saturated colors effect (bottom right). You can compare with the original picture on the left. I used those effects in this demo. No photoshoping at all and a very small exe file (less than 2 Mb).
  13. Sorry Igor, actually it's my mistake. If you select the parent objects using SHIFT+C (image on the left), it won't work. But if you select only the parent objects using CTRL+C (image on the right), it will work. And the problem will occur only if a Mask Container is included in the selection. => Not a bug.
  14. Same problem here. And I notice there is a quick return to desktop before the show starts. I will never use the startup window because it offers less flexibility than a classic menu but those who want to use it, it might be a problem...
  15. Gary, It depends of what you made with this project in v5.7... If you used the new features, I'm afraid you can't. There is an ascendant compatibility but not descendant. If you only saved your project started with v5.6 but didn't make anything special with v5.7, you can try the following procedure : - open your pte project with a text editor (Notepad by example) - replace the first six lines with the following (I guess you use v5.6.4 of PTE) UPDATE : Ken, when I finished my message, I noticed you already posted an answer. You have to know that this procedure doesn't work. You wil get the message :
  16. Moritz, I am sorry but I can't tell you exactly what are exactly the computer requirement for this template. If it doesn't run smooth on the classroom computer, there is for sure a shortage of computer power. You can read Peter's (fh1805) FAQ on the subject : http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=56722 And ask your director for more budget to buy a brand new computer...
  17. It is in our plans. Best news of the month ! I forgot to mention that this apply to father objects with children objects. This is an issue I noticed for v5.6.4 and V5.7.
  18. Hi Moritz, Actually Panos send me his new Big Pictures photoshop action about three weeks ago and asked me if I could make a template for PTE with it. I didn't take time to work on it until I saw your post. I have to contact him to show him what I have done and how he wants me to distribute the PTE template. Yesterday, I made 3 kind of other animations with his "2 photos curled" and "4 photos curled" scripts (included in his Big Pictures action). I will upload the exe tonight. I plan to release a V3 of this demo when 3D transformation in PTE is available. The template will be much more flexible to use and much more impressive...
  19. Hello Igor, I noticed two minor bugs that are absolutely not a major issue : - you can not cut more than one father object at a time - for a mask object, if you choose an other file to use, the name of the mask is not modified. Actually, those bugs already exist in v5.6.4. I hope everything goes fine with the other new features which are not included in this current beta release.
  20. Stephane, Here is what Igor recently wrote about audio. I think it will certainly make you very glad. Complete topic => http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=65761
  21. Hi, My new demo is available : http://www.thedom.fr/share/dload.php?actio...amp;file_id=322 I used masks, shadows and white frames as independant objects and a single picture to minimize the photoshoping. Please tell me what you think before I make the template and most important, if it's smooth on your system... Thanks.
  22. Nice Lin, I like it too !
  23. Hi morits, I made a demo in 2006 with Panos "Big picture" photoshop action. . You can download it here : http://www.thedom.fr/share/dload.php?actio...amp;file_id=114 It's not at all optimized and might be jerky. There is no template right now. But I will try to make a optimized one tonight or tomorrow if you wish.
  24. Jus a minor precision for those of you who will look for it and will not find it (like I did) : Actually, this button is called "Customize Windows.." (instead of "Customize dialogs") Igor, for next version, you might want to correct in Customize Windows : startup caption (instead of statup caption) And I still have the problem of slideshow minimizing in windows bar when I click on "run" in the Startup window. Same remark. The action is "Show Window" instead of "Show dialog". Little precision : once you choosed Show Window, you have to click on the folder icon to specify the name of the show window you want to run. Really nice options for this feature with Width of blur and Corner radius ! But it would be more appropriate for my personal use if it could be a ratio instead of size in pixels. Just my opinion. And there is a little problem : if you type directly the figures, it doesn't work, you have to use the cursors to specify the size. Igor, is it possible for us, (end users) to add other kinds of shape (triangle, heart, etc...) ? or is it embedded code for the circle and rectangular shapes ? Great great feature, perfect as it is. The Canvas size option runs like a mask. Even if we will have more control if we use mask, it's a really nice addition. I don't understand what it means. Could you please explain ?
  25. Congratulations Igor ! I'm downloading this new verson right now. I will play with it a little bit and will let you know probably tomorrow what I think. Thank you.
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