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Everything posted by thedom

  1. Célou, I think you will be interested by this post and by this one (Igor's answer).
  2. Hi Célou, No matter it's in french or in english , could you please send them to me ? (thefreedom@[no_spam]free.fr) (remove [no_spam] of course). Thanks.
  3. Put "Curl Pages" effect in your slideshow ! [click on the picture to download the demo ] With those masks, no need to modify your pictures in a photo editor and to save them as .png files. The exe stays small (2,08 MB for a two minutes show including music) and the effect is really easy to do in PTE. You just have to move the mask on the corner of your picture you want. And if you wish, you can add some animation effects of course (over-done in the demo but it's only a demo). The "Curl Page" masks used in this demo were realized following the instructions of the Panosfx's "Curl Page" tutorial. Thanks to him ! Those masks are included in the "White Frame Masks - V2" pack : [0,41 MB] And now, the pack contains each "white frame" masks in two size : - Large : width 1024 pixels - Small : width 500 pixels I added a "bonus" at the end of this demo using small "White Frame" Masks.
  4. Ron, I noticed the "Tutorials section" is the most visited section on my site. People download those files even if there is no direct link to the tutorials. I'm sure you gonna have an audience for your tutorials, even if they don't know it themselves. I guess people don't answer anymore because three people already answered that they are interested (Ken, Barbara and bharkins ) and they presume you will do it. And if you do it, i'm gonna make a template for this effect. Deal ?
  5. Ron, Trust me, it's very well explained in bjc's tutorial (step03). Once you have watched this tutorial, I think everything will be much clearer about Parent-Child and every aspects of animation.
  6. Hi Cor, Thank you very much for your excellent suggestions. The problem is that I'm not so confortable writing in english and I would need help to write an explanatory text and to find short titles. Anybody ? I still don't know if I will release the templates as individual files or to put all the templates I will make in the future in the same file... What do you think ?
  7. Ron, You can try this script which is a "download counter" script : http://www.phpjunkyard.com/php-click-counter.php
  8. Jill, I already asked two of your requests : #2 : see here and Igor's answer just above (not possible ). BUT see an other request here with Igor's answer here that may be will suit your need (this feature is planned for v5.10 ). #4 : see here and Igor's answer two post above (in his TODO list for next versions ). About your other requests : #3 : my humble opinion is that I'm afraid it would be confusing for the user. Really don't know if it would be usefull at least for me. #1 : I totaly agree with your request.
  9. The "Photo Cube" effect seems to be quite popular. Even if nothing beats learning how to use PSP properly, here is a photoshop actions to very quickly make a photo cube. [Click on the picture to download the action - 1,65 ko only] The set has two actions : - the "cube" set to make the cube - a "shadow" set for a better 3D effect. The script will automatically ask you to choose three pictures : - the first one for the top of the cube - the second one for the left side of the cube - the third one for the right side of the cube At the end, you just have to save the file in .png format to use it in PicturesToExe. The actions works for any size of picture and for pictures in portrait and landscape format. This photoshop action is only a version v0.1. I plan to make several improvements and to make a template to make extended photocube effect. I don't tell you no more to keep the surprise. This is my first attempt to make an action but I think it should do the job. If it doesn't please let me know what bug you found. Thanks.
  10. Hi Igor, I guess you are really busy with next betas (and I don't mention all the mails you receive). May be you just didn't see my post above. Even if without any doubt finishing V5.00 final release is the most important thing, could you please tell us if this request would be feasible in a future version ? And same thing for the "spread keypoints" feature here. Thank you very much.
  11. Thanks Ken, well received ! But I think I will remove those files from my site because there is already Lin's Cube demo and this one is quite similar. Celou, I could download your new version hosted on MegaUpload. As Ken did for your demo (previous version) and Ron did for his last tutorial, registered member of my site can upload their files by themselves too (up to 2Mb)...
  12. Hi Derek, Thank you for your interest. You don't see the portrait picture because it is under the landscape picture and it appears only in the middle of the animation (while the landscape picture dissapears). Anyway, to replace the pictures, it's really easy. In the Object and Animation Window, in the "Properties" tab (see picture attached for each step) : 1 - Select the image you want to replace 2 - Click on the "folder" icon on the top right and choose your image Make step 1 and 2 for each picture to replace. 3 - Press Play to see the result. That's all ! See picture attached to have visual indications. Hope it helps. Ron, I don't understand your answer, did you read the explanations in my post and did you really tried to use the template ???
  13. Ken, Did you send me the zips because I didn't receive them and I still can't donwload them by myself (I always have the message "There are no free download slots available")? Thanks.
  14. Fred, Andreas, Igor, Thank you for your compliments. It's always nice to have a feedback, especially when it's a good one.
  15. Hi Ken, Yes please, if you can send them, I would really appreciate because I still can't download the files. It's very frustrating. (Ken, could you please modify your post to remove my email too, thanks).
  16. As promised, here is my attempt to make a PTE template. This is only a first beta version to be sure that the way I made it is enough user friendly. For each slide, there is a sample picture (defined as "main image") to show directly in the slide list what the effect looks like without having to open the O/A window (easier and faster to find an effect). On this sample picture : - if there is an animation (Pan/Zoom/Rotate/Opacity) : there is a picture showing the "begginning of the animation" on the left and one other picture on the right showing the "end of the animation". - if there is no animation : just a single picture of course I put the sample picture outside the screen and once the slide is copied in the target project, the user can remove it (the description of the sample is : "SAMPLE #n - CAN BE REMOVED"). If the sample is not explicit enough, I think I will add in the future pictograms at the bottom of the sample showing : - number of pictures to be replaced involved - if the time slide can or cannot be changed by the user (as long as the ability to spread keypoints is not avalaible , if there are intermediate keypoints, the time slide can not be changed without impact) - and other pictograms if needed ... (The problem is that I don't want to have too many things on the sample picture because it will be confusing). In the O/A window, the name of the pictures to replace are : - REPLACE PIC01_Portrait - REPLACE PIC02_Landscape - REPLACE PIC03_Landscape - etc... Each picture of a same slide have a different color and a different name. The idea is : - to quickly stabilize the principles and objects (pictures to replace) used to build the templates. - once we agree on this principles, every one can start to make their templates and to share them. People who already have used a template A created by X won't have to think again on how to use a template B created by Y because everybody will use the same principles and the same objects to make their templates. Anyway, here is my first template avalaible on my site in the new section : "PTE templates" ! I included three animations. (284 Ko) Please try it and let me know what you think, suggestions, possible improvements... Thank you.
  17. I guess I'm unlucky because I still have "There are no free download slots available. Please try later or upgrade to sendspace Max™ to enable guaranteed slots and instant, fast downloads."
  18. Célou, I keep trying to download the file. I always have : There are no free download slots available. May be you could upload your demo on my site...
  19. In the same spirit as the WhiteFrames Masks (see topic here on Wnsoft forum), I made some new Masks to use in your PTE presentations : FilmStrips Masks Those masks can be very easily used in your PTE projects and give a nice impact (as usual, do not over-use ! Those masks have been made with the help of Panosfx Photoshop Actions : B&B Filmstrip v.2.2 (avalaible on http://panosfx.com). Thanks to the author ! I made a demo with those masks : (5,03 Mb - The demo is 3 minutes and 57 sec and includes music). The "full PTE Project" of this demo is avalaible : (4,80 Mb) And if you just want the "FimStrip masks" pack only : (375 ko) I would appreciate comments and suggestions.
  20. To limit the size of the files, the "pack of masks", the "demo" and the "full PTE Project" are now in three distinct .zip archives and can be downloaded separetely. - The pack of masks (810 Ko): - The demo using those masks (4,02 Mb): - The full PTE Project of the demo (3,9 Mb): .
  21. Igor, Did you succeed to find a solution ? I'm sure you already know but this feature would be really really usefull...
  22. I'm quite sure there is something you made wrong because Hawk's method is the one I use and never had a problem with it.
  23. Ron, It's done, your tutorial is now avalaible here in the "Documentation and Tutorials about PTE V5.xx" section. Thanks and congratulations once again.
  24. Ron and Cor, Thank you for the encouragements. Ron, you 're absolutely right, the templates has to be really "user friendly". I already have ideas but I need to think about it a little bit more. But I promiss, I will post something in a couple of days... Ken, Hawk gave us the solution here as an answer to JPD :
  25. Bubba, I don't want to be rude, but I'm a little bit sceptical about your request, not about asking to share the PTE projects, there is no problem - for me at least - but about the ability to use an existing PTE project to make an other full slideshow by just replacing pictures. But you gave me an idea : what about a PTE Project - a kind of template - showing several simple PZR effects that could be used by people not confortable with PTE V5 ? Each slide of this template could be individually copied and pasted in your project. By example, if you want to have a four pictures animation effect in your slideshow, you would just copy the slide corresponding to this effect and paste it in your project. And you would just have to replace the pictures. So, what do you think about it ? If you are interested, I can start something. Just tell me...
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