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Everything posted by johnstonf

  1. Peter, Please keep your comments to helping with the problem, as other are doing (thanks to all!, i really am valuing and learning a lot from your (non Peter) posts. The programmers, and company, I'm sure, are most able to think and speak for themselves. Fred
  2. What problems exactly? Does v7.5 accept H264? What about resolution? (still 1280x720)? And when is v7.5 available? Fred
  3. Thanks Brian I just didn't want this getting tossed to the mac-pte forum, as it is not a Mac Related problem. Thanks for your info and the converter. Fred
  4. WOW, all these terms!... can't ANYTHING be easy anymore? lol I'll have to check all that in the conversion program. (too bad i have to convert everything... then i need to set the dates on the files, so they fall into place chronologically. Would this be made simpler in a future PTE upgrade? (by supporting MPEG4 part10 (MPEG-AVC). That would be REALLY NICE! There sure are a TON of people using SGS2 phones (and now SGS3 also). Thanks! /Fred
  5. Hello... that is correct... it has NOTHING to do with my Mac at all. I determined that above, by testing directly bypassing the Mac, and copying from SGS2 to ExternalHDD. Then working on in PTE. Thanks, Fred
  6. Hi Davy, Thanks... i realized i had paid for "Wondershare" video converter so i did that... your suggestion of avi worked nicely. Now when I include video, it works fine when I build it to a dvd, but when I create a pc/mac version, it shows one of the videos, but instead of being 16:9 it is 4:3 and it is jerky for the first 10seconds, then smoothens out. Not sure why it is different from one output to the other with the exact same project file Any ideas anyone? Fred
  7. Further info... I realized that when i tested today (duh!) i used the front camera instead, and it is much lower resolution... you can see the screenshot below... shows the specs on the two files from my same phone, but different cameras (back/front)... So, next question... what SHOULD I convert my .mp4's that are higher resolution to, to keep the best output, but allow PTE to work correctly... the large .avi it is auto-creating is not working properly... jerks, etc. /Fred
  8. I have a dilemma... I copied all of my movies and photos (Movies are short .mp4 files from my Samsung Galaxy S2 Android phone) to my MacBookAir (then deleted them off my phone as i needed the room). I backed them up onto my external hard drive (WD MyBook). Any of these videos i try to use in PTE want to convert them, and if i allow, it creates a HUGE .avi file that doesn't work right either. If i keep them unconverted, they are choppy, the audio replays small parts 2 and 3 times, in short spurts, just random crap, and crappy video (short bursts all out of time, etc.) Here's the clincher... I created new video on my SGS2 phone, and copy them to my PC and and they pull into PTE perfectly. Its not the legth, as some of the videos i just created on my SGS2 are longer than the problem files. If i play the problem files, on my PC using VLC, they play perfectly. Why might PTE be so bugged about these files, yet they play fine on my PC using VLC? Is there some kind of conversion I can do with some different converter, that really doesn't convert them, but just jerks something around so that PTE can be happy with them? I have added two sample files... (go to the link to download them)... My Test Files to Download First one is video-2012-06-09-12-25-08.mp4 (problem file... compare by viewing in VLC or other media player) Second is video-2012-08-14-13-29-05.mp4 (good file i just created today, pulls nicely into PTE) HELP! Thanks! Fred Johnston, Canada
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