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Everything posted by pushu
well here it is another day and still no key....c'mon admin I need that key
Yachtsman1 - I did try to do that but could not find an email for him. any idea where I find that?
maybe someone other than admin can answer this for me.... How long should it take to get my new key? I paid my money for the renewal of my licence yesterday morning and I still haven't heard anything. should it take this long?
Hi Nobeefstu: I didn't understand that I had to purchase that again? I thought once you purchased the program that you were entitled to free upgrades forever? Is that not the case with video builder? Is it just a 2 year license? By the way..... that's a handy program you made for the key recovery! after going back and reading the purchase agreement page I found the info I was just inquiring about All upgrades and new versions of PicturesToExe at no cost. Free upgrades for VideoBuilder (included to Deluxe edition) during two years’ period since the date of your purchasing. After the end of this period you can continue to use any previously released version of VideoBuilder for unlimited time or pay $34 for the upgrade of the newer version. If you have bought Standard edition you can upgrade to Deluxe edition for $34. Click here Now I am just not sure do I pay the $34 for the upgrade or do I pay the $34 to upgrade to the deluxe edition
the software was able to find the key for me and it did work to load the program on my laptop. I am now trying to make 6.0 work on my desktop. I have created a new show and a new music trac and all seems well. I am able to play the show however, when I go to create to burn a dvd I get the message to load a key (see attachment 1 ) when I direct it to the newly found key, I get the message "load was successful ( see attachemnt 2 ) I close the program and restart it and I keep getting the same message what's up with that? I don't need to purchase the program again do I? Do I need a newer key? any help is most appreciated
Thanks for that link Peter. that worked to locate my key so admin... if you are viewing this, I guess I don't need you to send me a new key
music was added via project option as I do in 100% of the cases. I don't think I have ever added the music through customized slide thanks again
Admin: I am starting a new thread in my plea for help regarding my last thread http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12114 I really need to get the program up and running so for now I feel a work around will be for me to install the program on my laptop. I downloaded the link you posted in post #8 in the above linked thread, which you say is version 5.6.4 I tried installing it on my desktop and my laptop and both times it installs version 6.0 That is not the issue, but regardless, I am not able to make the program work on my desktop and feel it has something to do with adding a sound trac. I tried creating a new show, with different files, and added no sound trac at all. when I try to play the show, it still gives me the error "sound files not found" can you please give me some direction as what to do to solve this? the main reason I am making this post is to get a key so I can run pic2exe on my laptop. I have what I thought was my original licence key, and when I installed the new version on my desktop, I got the message "licence key installed successfully" when I tried the same key on my laptop, I got the message "this key is for another wnsoft product" Here is what I have of the info from my purchase of june 21, 2007 of picturestoexe deluxe Order ID: 1182426391 - 12394 - 637297 I also have a user ID # and Validation key number but not sure if I should post those in this thread? Please let me know how to proceed - thanks
Peter: the only usb attachment I was using was my card reader. I have now set up my laptop on the desk next to my desktop (the one with the problem) and have changed the card reader to that. I now download my cards and do my editing on the laptop and then transfer the chosen files to the desktop. Lightroom is running so much better on the laptop, but I cannot do my critical work on the laptop - I need to use the desktop. I'm really at a loss as what to do here or where to turn for help? I have a wedding every week and will quickly get behind if I can't produce my slide shows.
Peter: I have been working with my exact system for a couple years just as it is. About the same time I had a problem that adobe lightroom hung up and I had to close it shutting down the computer. I have had trouble with lightroom since and my computer seems to be operating a bit logy ever since. this problem happened about the same time. I guess they could be connected but I sure don't know how or what to do I have not updated my sound card drivers since they were installed. wouldn't know about my anti virus interfering or how to tell about that either
Yachtsman1 I add the sound files by going to project options>music>add music is that adding just a link? that is the way I have always done it In this case, I have the sound file, created in audicity, stored in the same base folder as all the images
Igor: thank you for the offer but I don't care about the show - I can redo that My issue is that I have no working version of pic2exe. I have downloaded and installed and deleted three different versions, including the one you posted the link for, and I cannot use any of them I need to get a version up and working. My next thought is to wipe pic2exe off my drive and do a fresh install? should I try that? why would the version you posted in post #8 (which is 5.6.4) install as version 6.0 when I install it? my sound files are .mp3 and all editing is done in audicity I have been doing this for several years without problems - I have not changed anything (ie: new software or hardware) but the program does not work. I'm thinking it all has to do with the sound files part of the show as the error I get says sound files not found - but do not know how to correct this
Yachtsman1: I have not be able to do anything at all with pic2exe. not reconstruct older shows or make new ones. In the past I have not had the music trac in the same folder and all has been fine. just within the last few weeks, I have started doing that I tried to create a new show or two and adding a music trac from another event, just to check to see if it was working, and it will not work. I will try now to make a new show and put the audio track in the same folder - I am pretty sure it will still not work but will give it a try thanks for your response note: I just tried your recommendation and got the same error message "sound files not found"
I still am unable to use the program. my original version (5.6.0) is completly inoperable. I can open it but that's about it. I still get the same error message as my first post I did install the newer version (see above post) I can open the program, add images to a show, it will allow me to add music but when I try to play the show from the beginning or any other point I get the same error message (see attachment) Please help... I'm really dead in the water right now and in the middle of my wedding season
thank you for posting that but when I try to install it, it installs version 6.0.4 I did download a couple versions of the latest but before I tried to run what you posted, I uninstalled all the new versions, emptied the recycle bin and rebooted the computer 6.0.4 seems to run ok, but the show that I had the original problem with will still not work as I get a sound error even when I clear the sound trac and add a new trac not a huge deal as later today I will try to redo the show completly, I just wanted to be sure about the version I was installing
the version I have been using is 5.60, however, I have been using this version for a long time and have had no problems It was just today the problem popped up and I do think it was related to the music trac should I uninstall this version and install a new version of 5.6?
I did download the 6.5 beat 12 version and created a show. When I went to burn a dvd I got the message to load a key I still have my key from the first version I purchaed a few years ago so I loaded that. It said it was successful, but every time I go to burn a disc I get the same "load key" message saying "your picturestoexe deluxe key has expired" now what do I do?
upon further review, it seems I have more problems than just the one show. I decided to just redo the show - I get the error message every time I open the program I can add files to make a new show but they don't show up in the preview window on top or when I go to the lightbox the boxes are there but there is no images Now it seems I am unable to use the program at all I just downloaded ver 6.5 beta 12 and that seems to work fine with the files I was trying to use with 5.6
I am using ver 5.6 and just tried to open a show I created a few days ago I got the error message Execption EAbort in module pic to exe at 0019C3d5 i can open the program but cannot open the show. I am pretty sure it has to do with the music trac. before opening pic2exe I opened the music trac in audicity and when it opened I got the message that the project opened but with errors. upon checking, the music trac was missing the last couple of songs. the music trac is easy to repair but I spent quite a bit of time on the show. Is there a way I can open the show? thanks for your help
Conflow: Looking at your attachment.... is this a screen that is already within my system or is that from other software? Although unrelated to this problem, I do think I have a memory issue with my computer I looked at the website (iobit.com) but was unclear which product that was?
Thank you Yachtsman1 - your suggestion solved that problem and made me aware of another. I have a few issues with Adobe Lightroom and it seems it has basically taken over my C drive. Once I deleted a few folders and moved a few others around to make some room, I was able to burn the dvd. I never would have thought that was the problem Good to hear from you my old friend Conflow. Your advice is alwasy right on the money... many thanks
I am using PTE 5.6 and have burned countless shows (DVD video disc) for weddings with no problems. Just today when I tried to burn a show, when I hit the start button I get the error message "there is not enough free space to continue the operation" telling me I need 5.12 gig. the show I was trying to burn, I have already burned a few copies of so I know that is not the case. I tried loading a few other shows and got the same error message (with slightly different numbers) At the start screen - the box at the bottom gives me this info: 1.57GB/0031:12 I know the files are not too large so something else is going on and I have no clue what it is? Anyone have any thoughts on why this is happening? Your help is most appreciated
I thought about going back and deleting my email address from my post, but it has been "quoted" in other post already and I don't believe I can delete those? live and learn I guess thanks, Jim
thank you all for your help - everything is up and running fine. I am wondering if importing settings from a previous version is what caused my issues - then why does that window even pop up? yachtsman1 - I guess you are right about the email post - a bad idea on my part. I hope I don't have a problem with that. thank you for bringing that to my attention
Igor: your suggestion seemed to have solved the issue. when I got to the import from pervious version I hit cancel. I did see the welcome to pic2exe show in the small window. I was able to add slides and run the show without error messages. Is this an issue accros the board or would this be specific to my application? Many thanks for your help Brian: I would very much like to hear your suggestions regarding my computers performance. My email is Naklick@imcnet.net - please contact me In my earlier post with the screenshots I made a bit of an error as I don't have two upstairs machines and I accidnetally entered the same screen shot twice. sory about that Jim