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Everything posted by jinjagoliath

  1. Yes, I too think Barry's tutorials are something special!
  2. Yes welcome. P2E has given me sleepless nights - not because it's difficult to use but because I get so enthralled in the creation of something so exciting.. I can't get to bed. Hope you have a few of those too! ;0) J G
  3. Yes would love to know about the rain droplets too! J G
  4. In addition; If the "AUTORUN.inf" file looks all ok and you have checked it over, there is a possibility that the auto-run feature has been disbled on your PC. It can be switched back on (see attached - rather than a techie explanation here - under the heading "Enabling AutoRun on your computer") In the meantime, there are some good guides if you do a Google search for "AUTORUN". One of the best can be found ==> Here Have fun - but get back to us here if you need more help. J G AutoRun_NOTES.doc
  5. Hi Lissie, Could you give more details of your AUTORUN file? It should be a text file .. could you also post the text here so we can see it (and let us know the name of the file you are trying to run) as well as any other pertinent details. [you can do attachments to posts] Ta. I have found that using DVDs is a great way of running presentations in isolation, but does mean investing in authoring software and doing some research, etc. So for now lets stick with your question. J G PS. Feeling inadequate is a sign you're doing something new and stretching out of your comfort zone - always to be commended - as I am sure everyone here will agree!
  6. Thank you. You are right about the logo - in the future something more subtle (if we have to show it all the way through a show) may be better for the continuous P2E version. I always prefer black background as a base for presentations I do from scratch - in this case we just kept the original PowerPoint slides - but I have seen some very interesting textured backgrounds on the Beechbrook site that would be worth 'engineering' and experimenting with for the future. During the conversion to slides (P2E from .ppt) I don't know how I would easily fill in a textured background? Perhaps using masks / overlays? This is always easier when the pictures are in the same position (they aren't in this show). In this case the 'sunny' background reflects the searing African heat and the colourful people, and works for me as it tries also to lift a heavy subject. I tried to blend in the B&W images a little by a subtle tint of yellow to draw the eye to some of the people in the photos and this also says more too if you study closely with the music. Nevertheless I do value your kind comments and encouragement is always welcome. J G
  7. Dear All, This is my first (posted) presentation.. but I know you will be gentle with me because you are all such decent folks! Originally, the presentation was on Microsoft PowerPoint and was authored by Lesley-Ann Newman, the Charity's hard-working Communications Director. The conversion was made to gain the benefits of P2E's music synchronisation and gorgeously smooooth transitions. This conversion may explain some of the 'rough edges' you see. I also decided to post before the last 5% of the presentation housekeeping was done - (rather than faff about for another 3 weeks) - the rest of you who are also completer finishers know what I mean! My lovely Wife always says 80% can be good enough ;0) The process of conversion from a PowerPoint show was hard work, but paid off hugely. I like the timings on this. I would be interested in hearing from anyone else who has attempted the switch from .ppt to .pte! We received permission from the amazing Deronda K Lewis to use a track from here album with her blessings, and so were able to distribute, for the first time, to our supporters and past team members, as a promotional resource. Audio was another challenge; as the track had to be extended to accommodate the image / textual content. We used Audacity (freeware) for this to edit the MP3. Act4Africa is a tiny, tiny charity formed in 2000 in response to the crippling and devastating effects of AIDS and HIV upon the people of Africa. When I went out with them on the formative trip in 2001 it changed my life. I have happy and sad memories of my times with the African people. Hopefully some of this mix comes across in the presentation. Anyway enough waffle. I hope this little effort moves and inspires you. Click here for ==> Beechbrook Cottage (where you will find the presentation) And here for the ==> Act4Africa website. J G ==> Email Me! (or post your questions here) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Audacity, MP3 editor = http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ Act4Africa, a tiny charity = http://www.act4africa.org.uk/ Deronda K Lewis, a phenomena (c/o) = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Message_Tribe Beechbrook Cottage, P2E presentations = www.beechbrook.com/pte/index.asp
  8. Thank you. I will thoroughly digest all of this information and am reminded why this forum is such a bonus to using P2E! I also have decided to place 2 versions of the show on the DVD I am creating: 1. For PCs (loverly 1024x768 version) 2. For TVs (adjusted as you describe) Now everyone has a Happy Christmas (especially me!) Very Grateful! J G
  9. Hi All, This won't be a new problem, but when my presentation is played on TV there is a loss of around 20% of the images around the edge. I neglected to account for this, but understand that TVs tend to 'over-scan' the image around the tube resulting in this loss. The 'action' images don't suffer too badly, but the text and logos, etc. do. I want to re-work the presentation to 'fix' this but without re-working all of the slides (if possible) .. ( would probably do this by downsizing the all slides by 20%, then pasting them onto a background 1024x768, which is my current full-screen setting ) I have since made a template that shows my estimate of 'SAFE' areas (attached). I wonder if there is another way .. by changing the aspect ratio when compiling the darn thing to DVD format (currently the setting is PAL 4:3) with a different result? Oh joy if this is the case. Also, would I have the same problem on the new generation of TVs (without tubes)? Are they like monitors? Any wisdom gratefully received.
  10. Gracias mucho mis amigos. These tutorials will keep me out of mischief for a while longer ;-) J G
  11. Thanks for the quick response guys. Just for the record, however, and if Igor needs to know, I notice that the Timeline preview (in the small window) the presentation runs as it did before, it just goes funny in the full screen PREVIEW. Hopefully this will indeed be sorted. Another quick question; I want to play with the new BETA but not much in the HELP to assist me. I love visiting the forum, but it will be a slow process if this is the only place I can come to find out how the new stuff / features works(despite you beautiful people being so responsive). Where do I go for concise, yet comprehensive instruction when there is nothing much in the help files? Is there a user manual? Many thanks. J G
  12. Jinja is actually the second largest town in Uganda. Also the "source of the Nile" a very beautiful yet deserving place. You could say my life changed there .. that's another story! I tend to use P2E for presentations syncronised to popular music. Obviously for copyright reasons they cannot be readily shown or distributed, but we pull them together as part of a larger dramatic presentation to a live audience. They tend to be quite fast paced and for that reason timings are hugely important. I am not photographer, so I utilise Royalty Free images under licence from other suppliers that suit our particular purpose or theme. They usually reflect the lyric content of the song, as part of the evening's theme which ties in with other LIVE music and drama, video clips etc. For example, our most recent evening covered the new film 'The Da Vinci Code' which was hugely challenging and interesting, particularly with respect to the controversy. Next month, we are working on the theme 'Revolution of Kindness' and I will be experimenting with P2E Beta 5.00 for the first time!
  13. Just a quickie (soz if already covered, but link would be appreciated). I just downloaded 5.00 (Beta #2) and tried an 'old' faithful presentation project, but the timings and some of the transitions have all gone to pot. There are many fast and beautifully timed transitions that I just do not want to re-work. Do I have to go through all of my work and re-do?! One does hope not!! [previous version 4.44] All advice gratefully received. Thanks. J G
  14. LumenLux, Love the presentation - gave me loads of ideas. In particular the very first picture slide (road & trees) was astounding - it almost had a 3D effect. Was this intentional? Very exciting illusion. You are to be congratulated J G
  15. Happy BD J G
  16. This is very exiting news .. waiting with bated breath. J G
  17. This is a very beautiful and haunting set of images. Impeccable timing. I am glad you were not tempted to rush (over egg the pudding). Very nice work and something to aspire to Respect. J G
  18. Guys thanks again for your prompt help. Al - I kind of agree with you about repetition - but not fully. The presentations I have done have been so fast paced in cases, that repeating the chorus gives the viewer time to digest the under lying message in the images. After all many songs repeat a chorus for effect as well, so rather than detracting, carefully selected repeating images add to the impact. In part I agree, however that it can be just lazy to repeat images (depending on their strength) and a little bit of variety with repetition has worked for me too. Not black or white either way I suspect. If I get to post some presentations maybe you will see from my perspective as I certainly do yours. I am still a tad disappointed the timings cannot be duplicated in P2E. In many cases I spend more time in getting this part of the interpretation JUST right, that having to faff and re-adjust is, in part additional work that I would like to avoid when a client has placed short time-pressures to complete a project. C'est la vie. I bid you all a good and peaceful yuletide, in case we do not converse again! J G
  19. Jim, et al I did experiment with this feature .. but couldn't get it to work at all. Neither was I sure what it SHOULD be doing. Can anyone out there tell me how "Insert Points from Another Project" (Timeline / Timed Points) is intended to work? I set up a blank project to see if I could import anything into it from an existing project but couldn't get it to work. I just clicked the option and nothing. On a previous occasion I was able to select an existing project to import from, but then .. nothing happened. This is where a good 'help' feature is useful. But hey, I have you guys! Yours in mystery and anticipation .. J G
  20. Jim, Thanks again .. things are becoming clearer. Yes, the AUTO Add button is now ticked, so thanks. Timings are my real issue though. There is a feature to "import points from another project" under the TIMED POINTS button on the timeline .. Perhaps I could try 1. Duplicating the existing project. Renaming it obviously ("Project2") 2. Importing all of the transitions from chorus ONE into position for chorus TWO? In theory, might this work? Hmmm. (Yes I have loads of space left on the track .. fallen foul of that one before!) Thanks glad you're on line!
  21. Jim, I bow to your on-going wisdom, I think I understand what you are saying, but what doesn't happen when I PASTE my selected slides this way (from main screen) is their appearance in the timeline. I have to go back to the time line and then click in each transition and try to mimic the timings I set up earlier. What I really hoped for was doing it ALL from timeline view. It seems so close! Therefore (in the timeline view), select first slide, hold SHIFT and select last slide (all between these points become highlighted) .. Now up to this point all of the above happens now in the P2E version (4.43) I have, I just cannot see that the CTRL 'C' (copy) and then CTRL 'V' (paste) works in this view (and there are no R-click menu options) - which is a shame because it would cut out a bunch of other steps (particularly if the slide properties and timing were also duplicated. When I have gone to so much trouble getting synchronised timings to be exactly spot-on in one part of the song / presentation (particularly with fast transitions) I don't want to have to start from fresh getting the timings right in another portion which repeats (cos I'm lazy?) There MUST be someone out there thinks this is a good idea! PS Jim, what exactly do you mean by 'lightbox' in relation to P2E? Blessings .. J G
  22. Yes a great resource! J G
  23. A couple of queries (PS I am still learning!) 1. I wanted to group and copy slides already in my presentation. P2E very helpfully allows me now to highlight a group (timeline view) by using SHIFT and clicking the first and then last of the group. Nice. How do I now copy and paste this group to repeat the sequence of images later in my soundtrack? The right click menu doesn't provide the usual options of COPY and PASTE. These would be excellent additions. v5.0 perhaps? I would find this particularly useful in songs where choruses repeat and so the sequence (or one very similar)repeats also. 2. Selecting the INSERT SLIDE (Time line view) Another fabulous feature is the insert slide directly into the timeline. But if I make MULTIPLE selections (using CTRL) it would be great to understand the order in which the will then appear. In my ideal: I could select the slides in a particular order by clicking on them and this is the sequence in which they appear (the order of the clicks). This doesn't appear to happen. I then have to re-arrange the slides into my chosen order, duplicating some work. It's also messy on the timeline with a large group of inserts. Or maybe I CAN do this within P2E - and you're all going to tell me how. I thank you in advance. J G
  24. I do still see the flicker of the mouse even on the presentation. Not ideal. But to bodge it .. I begin the launch file from the very corner of the desktop, so that when it does flicker it is very much out of line of sight. The presentation is looking quite nice .. perhaps I should post .. (muses to self) ..
  25. Ah yes I see. The separate launch file works best I think - I then do not have to change the 'real' presentation. I have tried this and it works consumately - except for a very quick flicker of the mouse cursor at the beginning of the main presentation (a bug perhaps?). Thanks very much for your help guys!! TTFN
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