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Everything posted by Steph65

  1. Thank you so much Peter, if you could see the smile on my face!!! regards Steph
  2. I will go through what I do. I Click on M for mask. Box opens and I click on 'from preset' and choose the shape I want. Ok. I then click on the box on the right which says 'Add Mask' and it takes me back to the Add Mask Box. I select 'From File' and then browse for the image I want for the mask and open it. What I end up with is the same as the example which you have kindly sent to me, but, my new image appears through the checkered area. You can see both my mask image and the checks through it. regards Steph
  3. I have tried this over and over again Peter but the result is still the same, the image that I insert as the mask still ends up with the original checkered pattern through it. Cant understand why this is happening as I have just completed a project in which I have included many masks. Perhaps I have checked a box that I shouldnt have....Steph
  4. Hello. I am having trouble creating a mask. I have just completed an av with many masks inserted with no problem. I am just starting another project and when I try to insert a mask, the result is that the image appears but is covered by a chequered effect. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong please. Steph 65
  5. Hello DG, thank you for replying. I will try this. As I wrote to Xaver, I am getting some help with troubleshooting. I will certainly take your advice and try again. Thanks again and regards Steph
  6. Hello Xaver. I have a Dell Dimension 8300 Intel ®, Pentium ® 4 CPU 2 80GHz. 2.79GHz 150GB of RAM. Thank you for replying, I think that, as I have only had this software for less than 2 weeks, that I should hold fire a bit and take my time in learning the basics before launching into something straight away. I have arranged for a friend who has been using PTE for some time, to come and look at my project and hopefully iron out the problem. thanks and regards Steph
  7. Hello, I have just purchased the latest version and have been using it one week and still learning. I have had a similar problem. The av works ok in the small window on the top right When I preview it in full screen, it doesnt play smoothly. I am still a beginner so bear with me. I would think that it has to do with the relationship between the length of slide and the transision. My latest attempt which is not running smoothly, the slides are 5 secs and the transisions are on average 1.5 secs. In the test piece I made earlier I timed the slide 6 secs and the transision a little more than that. I didnt think that would make sense but it runs smoothly on preview in full screen. I know that this is a pretty basic request. I havent received the DVD to go with the software yet so I have been playing it by ear until I do. regards Steph
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