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Everything posted by DaveG

  1. Nettleton, Sorry to keep on about this but have you checked the timeline? You haven't mentioned it once in your replies. DaveG
  2. Nettleton, Have you got a music file in there? If not add one or a "silent" music file and check your TIMELINE. You will probably see overlapping slides or insufficient time between slides/transitions. DaveG
  3. Try using Windowed Mode (without border), type in the width and height figures to match the full resolution of your monitor/projector. That way your tiled image need only be the resolution size of the monitor (not bigger). DaveG
  4. None of the above links work for me. Also my "favourites" link will not work. DaveG
  5. You have to use another programme such as "AUDACITY" (free download) to edit your music track and, preferably, make one single track compiled from any number of other tracks with audio fades and other transitions. Best results are obtained by starting with WAV files and when all your editing is done export as mp3. DaveG
  6. In my experience there has to be around 300ms between slides or your symptoms will occur. I think Igor has promised that in the next version this will no longer be the case and that "back-to-back" slides will be possible. DaveG
  7. Try importing each mp3 into Audacity separately and saving again at the same "bit rate" each time? Then when you try to assemble them at least you can eliminate the likelihood of the different "bit rates" causing the problem. Incidentally, like JPEGs, repeated saving of mp3 files will eventually corrupt the files to such an extent that distortion etc will creep in. You should always start with WAV files when doing this just as you should always start with a lossless format such as TIF or RAW when working on images. DaveG
  8. In PS7 you can put your background on Layer 1 and then add further layers as required with the other images that you want to use over the fixed background. Each layered image can then have its own Layer mask to produce the required transparency (to allow you to see through to the background). You can move the resulting layered image around over the background to produce the best result and/or enlarge reduce. When producing the JPEGs for PTE you then turn off the layers that you don't require leaving just the background and each required image in turn. There is (virtually) no limit to the number of layers you can use for this method. Same thing applies to adding text on layers over a fixed background. I have never used the Object Editor to do this kind of thing but I have heard tales of the "object" appearing in a position other than was intended. PS7 is the best way to do this (my opinion). DaveG
  9. Quality wise, I think that anyone on this forum who has tried both methods (exe on computer vs DVD) would AT PRESENT choose the computer option. The DVD option is possibly more convenient. Which is more important to you? DaveG
  10. A few points: For those of us who project shows at camera clubs etc. the likelihood is that we will be using a 1024x768 projector. These are affordable to most enthusiastic photographers these days whereas the higher resolution projectors are less so. The file size of a 1024x681 image at quality 10 is 271Kb while the same image at 1280x851 at quality 10 is 402Kb. This is clearly a significant jump in file size to maintain the same level of compression and quality. (If however the file size is kept the same then the quality obviously has to suffer in the 1280x851 image). So, if ultimately the photographer is going to project his/her shows via a computer and LCD/DLP projector at 1024x768, what is the point in using 1280x851 images? Igor has already stated (I think) that the end result of using 1280x851 images in a 1024x681 show (in a 1024x768 window) is that the images look no different. PTE is capable of compressing images in high quality but is not capable of enlarging images in high quality. The only advantage that I can see in using 1280x851 images in PTE shows is that dual exe files can be created to suit a variety of end users i.e. an exe file in a 1280x1024 window for one friend/customer etc and another exe file in a 1024x768 window for another friend/customer etc. I don’t see a “one size fits all” scenario here anywhere. So, for those like me, who are trying to formulate a “STANDARD” I think that it has to be a 1024x768 window. Using “Fit to Screen” is an extremely dangerous option because the worst case scenario is that your 1024x681 images could end up being enlarged to 1600 by whatever on a friend/customer’s monitor/LCD Projector and Igor has most definitely ruled this out as being not recommended. For those who like to go down the DVD route my opinion is that the end result is so dreadful compared to the exe file on a computer monitor (at this point in time) that the advantages of 1280x851 over 1024x681 are negated anyway! Does anyone agree/disagree? Long live PTE!! DaveG
  11. It's doing my head in as well Ron! I just checked my monitor and set it to max res - 1280x1024. I assume that this is what is meant by "native resolution"? I normally produce shows in a 1024x768 window and find that Igor's point about 1280x960 versus 1024x768 does not matter in my scenario i.e. an image at 1280x960 in a 1024x768 window will look exactly like the same image at 1024x768 in the 1024x768 window. On the other hand I agree with what he says about using 1024x768 images in a 1280x960 window - they will look blurred. I will stick with the 1024x768 window method for the time being. (I don't know anyone with an 800x600 monitor). DaveG
  12. Hi Brian, As I said (almost) - Rt Click on Desktop - New Compressed (Zipped) Folder - Rename Folder - Drag and Drop File(s) onto folder. However, with pictures the file size remains the same - no "compression" is applied. Your option - "3)Right Click on it and select as follows--->WinZip--->Add to Zip File" does not exist (unless you have Winzip installed). I searched on the Internet for "Winzip" - it is a $29 Programme to download. It is not part of XP Pro. DaveG.
  13. Hi Brian, I think I have followed this thread correctly and although I think your advice is sound I don't think that Mysty has WINZIP installed? ...............in which case Ron's advice based on Lumenlux's post would appear to be the right way to go. I don't have Winzip installed and what I normally do is create a "New Zipped Folder" and drop any file or files into it - simple as that. DaveG.
  14. If you move the folder containing the images and the PTE show to another directory then the links are all maintained. The trick is to keep EVERYTHING related to a show in the one same folder and move the FOLDER and not its contents. DaveG
  15. When "trying out" programmes other than PTE and looking at their Zoom facility I always worked on the assumption that when producing a 1024x768 show then the part of the picture which is on screen when at MAXIMUM zoom should be 1024x768. If I was trying to accomplish a 2 times zoom then my image size would need to be 2048x1536 to maintain the same quality when zooming in to 1024x768. The compression I would normally use to produce a 2048x1536 JPEG would produce (roughly) a 600KB file. DaveG
  16. I think you will find that it is the disc itself which is either NTSC or PAL so that the likelihood of being able to mix standards is remote. DVDs made on home PCs are Region Free but either NTSC or PAL. However, just as we in the UK have been able to play NTSC DVDs on our PAL machines for some time now, a lot of the newer USA machines are just beginning to be made available with dual standard facility. I have been sending Region Free PAL DVDs to the USA for some time and have had very little problems. DaveG
  17. Hi Barry, Isn't that a bit like saying that it is OK for one person in a club (or whatever) to buy a Photoshop Tutorial disc, copy it and pass it on to all the other members of the club? DaveG
  18. Agreed Al, I made no reference (or at least none was intended) to the age of the composition used in the MIDI file so if the composition converted to MIDI was less than 50 years old a copyright issue would exist. My comment "stick with the classical repertoire" refered to CDs and not to MIDI. Because of its age, we are getting close (I think) to the time when using a MIDI file (your own arrangement) of "Stranger On The Shore" would be acceptable but using Acker Bilk's original recording would still be most definitely not. That's my understanding. Your comment about being "difficult to prove ownership" reflect my thoughts about the Naxos or similar budget recordings where less well known performers are involved. DaveG
  19. Hi Clive, I think that you might be wrong in your thinking about MIDI files. Even if the PERFORMANCE is not copyrighted the MUSIC ITSELF is still copyrighted so unless your Midi files use non-copyright music it is still an infringement (I think). If you stick with the classical repertoire and avoid the more famous performers you would be "relatively" safe. Look at the NAXOS range of CDs - there is a wealth of material there. DaveG
  20. Thanks Igor, DaveG
  21. For some strange reason (probably user error!) I cannot get the last slide transition in my show to go to desktop. I have set the "Show transition to desktop after last slide" to on (ticked) and have chosen "Rolling up from Right-Bottom" as the transition. I am using a silent music file and have the sync set to auto. There are no overlapping slides or other conflicts. My show is in a 1024x768 window. In spite of all my best efforts and never having had this problem before the last slide just flashes back to the desktop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ While writing all this I was trying various things (to make sure I had my facts straight) and tried ticking "Without border for windowed mode" and, hey presto, it now works!! Has this been mentioned in the forum before? I cannot remember ever having read anything about it. In spite of the problem "going away" I decided to post anyway - it might be of help to someone. DaveG
  22. I realise that my solution will not be suitable for all, but I have a desktop computer (now getting older than I would wish) for my e-mail and Internet use and a laptop for all other purposes. Both are connected to a common monitor. The laptop has protection against viruses in case of problems with discs etc. I have a memory key and/or a CD burner for transfering files between computers. If I get a problem then it will (should!) not be disastrous. When it is time to upgrade the desktop I will probably switch roles and use the laptop online and keep the desktop clear of the Internet. As I said, not a solution suitable for everyone but it works for me. DaveG
  23. I have a folder full of "silent mp3 files" ranging from 1 second to 30 seconds. When constructing a show I don't necessarily know what music I am going to use so I keep adding 30 second MP3s until the show is finished at which time I know exactly how long a piece of music I require and then either find something suitable or make a file of the exact length required using AUDACITY. I can well understand that if you were, for instance, setting pictures to a narrative then you would certainly want to finish the music/narrative first. DaveG
  24. What seems to be the problem? There are plenty of people here who can and will help. Dave G
  25. Animation effects on entry and exit of text would be good - the ability to have text build, scroll, zoom, pan etc. Also to be able to see what text has been added without having to go into the Object Editor would be good. My number one wish!! Dave G
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