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Everything posted by DaveG
The easiest way to acheive this is to use SYP. See other threads for details of how to get it. DaveG
Why play the DVD on the Laptop when the .exe will give better results? It SHOULD be possible to put both on one DVD - the magazines create mixed media DVDs. Or is that something different? DaveG
I agree with most of the people who say "Fit To Screen" should NOT be the default. If you go down this road then your exe is not necessarily going to show the way you had intended on someone else's computer. DaveG
Maureen, Would you please post venue and time details for the Bath and Swansea talk/show? (or a link to where these details are posted - I went to your site but could find no reference). Best wishes, DaveG
Try reducing the size of each of your slides to around 300 - 400 KB at 1024x768 maximum (or whatever your screen resolution is). DaveG
Hi, 1. Create a slide show in PTE containing just one slide - add hyperlinks to the main shows using the Object Editor. Make sure all slide shows to go on the CD are in the same folder as your "interface" show when you are creating all this and then write the contents of the folder to CD. If you have all your settings right it should work nicely. Write to a CD-RW first to prove that all is well. 2. Create an action in Photoshop to add your border to all images. Merry Xmas, DaveG
Hi all, Here's something to perhaps consider........... While it is nice to have the higher resolutions on the Laptop (or desktop) I use mine to project via an LCD Projector for showing to a wider audience. It is quite common these days to find a good quality XGA (1024x768) projector for around £1000 whereas you would have to pay £3000-£4000 for an SXGA (1366 x 1024) projector. If you arrive at a venue with your 1280x960 or 1920x1200 Laptop expecting to project through their 1024x768 or even 800x600 projector it ain't going to show the way you planned! Lowering the (laptop) resolution doesn't always work and it still will not look the way you intended. By all means go for a laptop with a high resolution but if you want to project via an LCD Projector then you must work at the resolution of the projector you intend to use. Anyone else had these experiences? DaveG
Hi Sherri, It is "mp3" (not "mpg3"). You could create these yourself from your collection of "copyright free" CDs using Audacity - a free bit of software. No need to buy. No one else appears to (?). Best wishes, DaveG
Not free - but Digital Media Converter does the job: http://www.deskshare.com/dmc.aspx If there are any GOOD free ones out there I would also like to know about them. Merry Xmas DaveG
I use the same approach as Ron although my USB Drive is not dedicated solely to Photographs. There is definitely a case for doing this and when I need the next one I might do a little re-organising. I tried the DVD approach and soon decided that was not the way forward. DaveG
Click on How to Burn to DVD/SVCD here: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index....php?act=SF&f=4 DaveG
It SHOULD take no more than about 58 mins (1x) - anyone else? DG.
Look at the file size you are trying to e-mail and report back. DG.
Hi Desert Dave, I have also visited and registered and posted a message there. It might be me but I cannot download or view any of the shows - can you explain how this is done? Best wishes, DaveG
In addition to the above: It is possible to have two (or more) PTE projects open at the same time and therefore add two (or more) AVI files to the Roxio DVD Builder. It helps if the AVI's are saved to the same folder. I would strongly recommend that when you get to the burning stage you tick the option to save as an IMAGE FILE. When you want to commit this to the DVD all you have to do is double click on the Image File and DVD Copy will open up. I have had far greater success with this than any other method. DaveG
Ciao Al, Could you advise on where to find instructions for use? Best wishes, DaveG
On the software side ROXIO EZ CD Creator 7 allows for creating MP3 from either sound card or (as in my case) using an EDIROL Optical to USB lead. If you go down the Mini-Disc route as suggested by Maureen the Optical / USB is a much better option than via the sound card. I also use EZ CD Creator for my DVD burning, always producing an Image file first. DaveG
Assuming you are using XP.... In my computer, right click on the CD or DVD drive. Click on properties and then the Autoplay tab. Set the option you require there. DaveG.
Assuming you are using XP.... In my computer, right click on the CD or DVD drive. Click on properties and then the Autoplay tab. Set the option you require there. DaveG.
Hi Jim, Short answer - No. Best wishes, DaveG.
Duncan, In PS use "Save For The Web" - Set file format "Gif" - Tick "Transparency Box" and OK. You should now have a "Transparent Gif" You can slide these over your background image in PS. PNG24 will give a slightly better quality image while maintaining transparency. I have made a request to Igor to consider compatibility with both formats in the new Beta versions. DaveG
Hi Igor, Along with other's requests for Pan/Zoom would it be possible to have PTE recognise GIF or PNG24 in order to display transparent images? Secondly the ability to have TWO images on screen at the same time (with different effects applied) would allow a transparent image to move with respect to its background. Thanks for a GREAT programme!! DaveG.
More information required. DaveG
Hi all, I did a little search on the weekend and found the following courtesy of Maureen Albright: "Always - PLEASE RESPECT THE COPYRIGHT OF RECORDINGS & ENSURE YOU HAVE THE CORRECT LICENCE, etc Information about Background music for AVs can be read on the PTE Forum at http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...usicentry2041 and also http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...ct=ST&f=2&t=782 " I am a little happier and know how to proceed. Best wishes, DaveG.
Hi Ken, I was, believe it or not, trying to be constructive about the whole issue of music in A/V and not critical of what you have done. My point about Beechbrook is that I would hate to see it shut down because of blatant disregard for copyright issues by MOST people not just yourself. It is not Beechbrook who are "at fault" but the people who post there. Nevertheless the question I pose is: "Are Beechbrook liable as host to questionable material". Can anyone in this forum speak with authority about the issue and give a DEFINITIVE answer? I, for one, would be extremely grateful. Best wishes, DaveG